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title: OMA Wiki
published: true
date: 2021-09-27T11:48:20.868Z
editor: markdown
dateCreated: 2020-03-16T11:07:21.448Z
> The wiki is being reorganized. There may be broken pages. Meanwhile we suggest to find pages through the search engine.
# OpenMandriva Lx
> Latest Release: **OMLx 4.2**
Release date: [12 February 2021](
![omlx.4.2-latte-dock](/images/omlx.4.2-latte-dock.jpg =400x)
- [About *Who are we and what is OpenMandriva Lx*](/distribution/about/)
- [Download Now *Get OpenMandriva Lx*](/distribution/download/)
- [Learn more *about this release, including what's new and the release notes.*](/distribution/releases/omlx42)
## Getting Started
- [Requirements *Hardware prerequisites.*](/distribution/install/requirements/)
- [Installation Guide *Detailed installation instructions.*](/distribution/install/)
- [Post-installation *What to do after your installed OpenMandriva Lx.*](/distribution/install/post-install/)
## User Guide
- [The Basics *Learn how to use it.*](/distribution/guide/intro)
- [Usage *Dive deeper in the environment*](/distribution/guide/structure)
- [Software management *How to add and remove software.*](/distribution/guide/software-management)
- [How-tos *Convenient list of guides and how-to.*](/distribution/guide/how-tos)
## Administration
- [:globe_with_meridians: Locales *Manage the languages and units of your environement.*](/distribution/administration/locales)
- [:busts_in_silhouette: User Groups *Permissions and access rights.*](/distribution/administration/groups)
- [:wrench: Troubleshooting *Solutions to common issues.*](/distribution/administration/troubleshooting)
# Join the team
## Developers
- [:book: Getting Started *How to join the development team.*](/team/dev)
- [:closed_book: Modules *Learn how to create a package.*](/team/dev/packages/)
## Translators
- [:globe_with_meridians: Localization *Improve language and regional settings*](/team/l10n/)
## Contact us
- [:question: Question, comments or just chat *We're not far away.*](/team/contact/)
- [:fire: Report an issue *Help us improve the distribution and websites.*](/team/contact/issues)
- [:bulb: Suggest a New Feature *We need your ideas!*](/team/contact/requests)
- [:moneybag: Donate *Make a small donation or become a sponsor of this wonderful project!*](/team/donate/)