--- title: description: published: true date: 2021-09-26T19:04:55.393Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2020-03-16T11:07:21.448Z --- > The wiki is being reorganized. There may be broken pages. Meanwhile we suggest to find pages through the search engine. {.is-warning} # OpenMandriva Lx > Latest Release: **OMLx 4.2** {.is-success} Release date: [12 February 2021](https://www.openmandriva.org/en/news/article/openmandriva-lx-4-2-is-out-now) ![omlx.4.2-latte-dock](/images/omlx.4.2-latte-dock.jpg =400x) - [About *Who are we and what is OpenMandriva Lx*](/distribution/about/) - [Download Now *Get OpenMandriva Lx*](/distribution/download/) - [Learn more *about this release, including what's new and the release notes.*](/distribution/omlx42) {.links-list} ## Getting Started - [Requirements *Hardware prerequisites.*](/distribution/install/requirements/) - [Installation Guide *Detailed installation instructions.*](/distribution/install/) - [Post-installation *What to do after your installed OpenMandriva Lx.*](/distribution/install/post-install/) {.links-list} ## User Guide - [The Basics *Learn how to use it.*](/distribution/guide/intro) - [Usage *Dive deeper in the environment*](/distribution/guide/structure) - [Software management *How to add and remove software.*](/distribution/guide/softwares) - [How-tos *Convenient list of guides and how-to.*](/distribution/guide/how-tos) {.links-list} ## Administration - [:globe_with_meridians: Locales *Manage the languages and units of your environement.*](/distribution/administration/locales) - [:busts_in_silhouette: User Groups *Permissions and access rights.*](/distribution/administration/groups) - [:wrench: Troubleshooting *Solutions to common issues.*](/distribution/administration/troubleshooting) {.links-list} # Join the team ## Developers - [:book: Getting Started *How to join the development team.*](/team/dev) - [:closed_book: Modules *Learn how to create a package.*](/team/dev/packages/) {.links-list} ## Translators - [:globe_with_meridians: Localization *Improve language and regional settings*](/team/l10n/) {.links-list} ## Contact us - [:question: Question, comments or just chat *We're not far away.*](/team/contact/) - [:fire: Report an issue *Help us improve the distribution and websites.*](/team/contact/issues) - [:bulb: Suggest a New Feature *We need your ideas!*](/team/contact/requests) - [:moneybag: Donate *Make a small donation or become a sponsor of this wonderful project!*](/team/contact/donate/) {.links-list} # What is OpenMandriva Lx? OpenMandriva Lx is a unique and independent distribution, direct descendant of Mandriva Linux A free Desktop Operating System which aims to stimulate and interest first time and advanced users alike. It has the breadth and depth of an advanced system but is designed to be simple and straightforward in use. # The Association The OpenMandriva Association's goal is to develop a pragmatic distribution that provides the best user experience for everyone, from newbies to developers. We will achieve our objectives for the best balance between the most modern features and stability. Our roots are in Mandrake and its traditions, we are a worldwide community of people who are passionate about free software working together and take our technical and strategic decisions in a collaborative manner. We do not just build a Linux distro, we exchange knowledge and make new friends. Welcome to OpenMandriva Community! Click [here](https://www.openmandriva.org/en/documentation/association/About) to know who are us and what we are doing. The OpenMandriva Association sponsors and facilitates the maintenance and distribution of the OpenMandriva distribution. As a French NGO (1901 French Law), [Association de loi 1901](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_loi_de_1901), it is in charge of representing the OpenMandriva community and channeling and attracting resources and contributors. ![openmandriva-wiki.svg](/logo/openmandriva-wiki.svg){.align-abstopright}