--- title: Chat with OpenMandriva description: Guide and FAQ related to chat published: true date: 2021-01-27T18:14:40.144Z tags: editor: undefined dateCreated: 2020-03-12T11:50:57.466Z --- # Chat with OpenMandriva team: guide and FAQ > If you are a newcomer just want a quick and easy way to join OpenMandriva chat rooms, please follow this [tutorial](/doc/join-chatroom-matrix). {.is-info} ## Where to join the team? There are two places where you can meet OpenMandriva team. You can access them using one of the protocols below - Generic discussions 1. Matrix room: [#openmandriva:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#openmandriva:matrix.org) 1. IRC channel: #openmandriva @freenode 1. Telegram group: https://t.me/openmandriva - Develoment (Cooker) discussions 1. Matrix room: [#openmandriva-cooker:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#oma:matrix.org) 1. IRC channel: #openmandriva-cooker @freenode ## Meetings There are weekly meetings in Cooker room, historically called Technical Comittee, or TC. If you want to be warned when the meeting start, please subscribe by sending the command `!subscribe TC` (you can unsubscribe later with `!unsubscribe tc`). You'll receive a confirmation from the bot called ermintrude. You can also set your timezone so people can easily know what time it is in your timezone. For instance '.settz America/Chicago' People in discussion can know your current time by typing `.tz nickname`