Check the developers documentation, subscribe to the mailing-lists, join IRC channels, and have a look at the bug-tracking system to get in touch with the developers community and get things done
### Writing
Help us improve the documentation, wiki materials and communication
### Translation
Translators, help us translate web materials, OpenMandriva Lx and other projects
### Keep the Community alive
Participate in the forum, write your experience with OMLx, share your knowledge, publish your desktop screenshots, help the users, ...or even just chat
### Issue reporting and Bug triaging
Report bugs to the developers or help with the triage
### Quality Assurance
Join the QA Team, test new software and report back to the developers so to improve our distribution and make it perfect
### Design
Designers are required for this website, web services, Association, and products just like OpenMandriva Lx
### Infrastructure
System administrators are required for web services sysadmin
OpenMandriva Association is a no-profit organization, under French law. OMA has its own bank account and is responsible for running and maintaining its servers