
214 lines
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Executable File

* Markdown Language Definition
* A language definition for string manipulation operations, in this case
* for the Markdown, uh, markup language. Uses regexes for various functions
* by default. If regexes won't do and you need to do some serious
* manipulation, you can declare a function in the object instead.
* Code example:
* 'functionbar-id' : {
* exec: function(text, selectedText) {
* functionStuffHere();
* },
* search: /somesearchregex/gi,
* replace: 'replace text for RegExp.replace',
* append: "just add this where the cursor is"
* }
(function() {
var MarkDown = {
'function-bold' : {
search: /([^\n]+)([\n\s]*)/g,
replace: "**$1**$2"
'function-italic' : {
search: /([^\n]+)([\n\s]*)/g,
replace: "_$1_$2"
'function-code' : {
search: /(^[\n]+)([\n\s]*)/g,
replace: "`$1`$2"
'function-hr' : {
append: "\n***\n"
'function-ul' : {
search: /(.+)([\n]?)/g,
replace: "* $1$2"
/* This looks silly but is completely valid Markdown */
'function-ol' : {
search: /(.+)([\n]?)/g,
replace: "1. $1$2"
'function-blockquote' : {
search: /(.+)([\n]?)/g,
replace: "> $1$2"
'function-h1' : {
search: /(.+)([\n]?)/g,
replace: "# $1$2"
'function-h2' : {
search: /(.+)([\n]?)/g,
replace: "## $1$2"
'function-h3' : {
search: /(.+)([\n]?)/g,
replace: "### $1$2"
'function-link' : {
exec: function( txt, selText, $field ) {
var results = null;
title: 'Insert Link',
fields: [
id: 'text',
name: 'Link Text',
type: 'text'
id: 'href',
name: 'URL',
type: 'text'
OK: function( res ) {
var rep = '';
if ( res['text'] && res['href'] ) {
rep = '[[' + res['text'] + '|'
+ res['href'] + ']]';
} else if ( res['href'] ) {
rep = '[[' + res['href'] + ']]';
$.GollumEditor.replaceSelection( rep );
'function-image' : {
exec: function( txt, selText, $field ) {
var results = null;
title: 'Insert Image',
fields: [
id: 'url',
name: 'Image URL',
type: 'text'
id: 'alt',
name: 'Alt Text',
type: 'text'
OK: function( res ) {
var rep = '';
if ( res['url'] && res['alt'] ) {
rep = '![' + res['alt'] + ']' +
'(' + res['url'] + ')';
$.GollumEditor.replaceSelection( rep );
var MarkDownHelp = [
menuName: 'Block Elements',
content: [
menuName: 'Paragraphs & Breaks',
data: '<p>To create a paragraph, simply create a block of text that is not separated by one or more blank lines. Blocks of text separated by one or more blank lines will be parsed as paragraphs.</p><p>If you want to create a line break, end a line with two or more spaces, then hit Return/Enter.</p>'
menuName: 'Headers',
data: '<p>Markdown supports two header formats. The wiki editor uses the &ldquo;atx&rsquo;-style headers. Simply prefix your header text with the number of <code>#</code> characters to specify heading depth. For example: <code># Header 1</code>, <code>## Header 2</code> and <code>### Header 3</code> will be progressively smaller headers. You may end your headers with any number of hashes.</p>'
menuName: 'Blockquotes',
data: '<p>Markdown creates blockquotes email-style by prefixing each line with the <code>&gt;</code>. This looks best if you decide to hard-wrap text and prefix each line with a <code>&gt;</code> character, but Markdown supports just putting <code>&gt;</code> before your paragraph.</p>'
menuName: 'Lists',
data: '<p>Markdown supports both ordered and unordered lists. To create an ordered list, simply prefix each line with a number (any number will do &mdash; this is why the editor only uses one number.) To create an unordered list, you can prefix each line with <code>*</code>, <code>+</code> or <code>-</code>.</p> List items can contain multiple paragraphs, however each paragraph must be indented by at least 4 spaces or a tab.'
menuName: 'Code Blocks',
data: '<p>Markdown wraps code blocks in pre-formatted tags to preserve indentation in your code blocks. To create a code block, indent the entire block by at least 4 spaces or one tab. Markdown will strip the extra indentation you&rsquo;ve added to the code block.</p>'
menuName: 'Horizontal Rules',
data: 'Horizontal rules are created by placing three or more hyphens, asterisks or underscores on a line by themselves. Spaces are allowed between the hyphens, asterisks or underscores.'
menuName: 'Span Elements',
content: [
menuName: 'Links',
data: '<p>Markdown has two types of links: <strong>inline</strong> and <strong>reference</strong>. For both types of links, the text you want to display to the user is placed in square brackets. For example, if you want your link to display the text &ldquo;GitHub&rdquo;, you write <code>[GitHub]</code>.</p><p>To create an inline link, create a set of parentheses immediately after the brackets and write your URL within the parentheses. (e.g., <code>[GitHub](</code>). Relative paths are allowed in inline links.</p><p>To create a reference link, use two sets of square brackets. <code>[my internal link][internal-ref]</code> will link to the internal reference <code>internal-ref</code>.</p>'
menuName: 'Emphasis',
data: '<p>Asterisks (<code>*</code>) and underscores (<code>_</code>) are treated as emphasis and are wrapped with an <code>&lt;em&gt;</code> tag, which usually displays as italics in most browsers. Double asterisks (<code>**</code>) or double underscores (<code>__</code>) are treated as bold using the <code>&lt;strong&gt;</code> tag. To create italic or bold text, simply wrap your words in single/double asterisks/underscores. For example, <code>**My double emphasis text**</code> becomes <strong>My double emphasis text</strong>, and <code>*My single emphasis text*</code> becomes <em>My single emphasis text</em>.</p>'
menuName: 'Code',
data: '<p>To create inline spans of code, simply wrap the code in backticks (<code>`</code>). Markdown will turn <code>`myFunction`</code> into <code>myFunction</code>.</p>'
menuName: 'Images',
data: '<p>Markdown image syntax looks a lot like the syntax for links; it is essentially the same syntax preceded by an exclamation point (<code>!</code>). For example, if you want to link to an image at <code></code> with the alternate text <code>My Unicorn</code>, you would write <code>![My Unicorn](</code>.</p>'
menuName: 'Miscellaneous',
content: [
menuName: 'Automatic Links',
data: '<p>If you want to create a link that displays the actual URL, markdown allows you to quickly wrap the URL in <code>&lt;</code> and <code>&gt;</code> to do so. For example, the link <a href="javascript:void(0);"></a> is easily produced by writing <code>&lt;;</code>.</p>'
menuName: 'Escaping',
data: '<p>If you want to use a special Markdown character in your document (such as displaying literal asterisks), you can escape the character with the backslash (<code>\\</code>). Markdown will ignore the character directly after a backslash.'
jQuery.GollumEditor.defineLanguage('markdown', MarkDown);
jQuery.GollumEditor.defineHelp('markdown', MarkDownHelp);