63 lines
2.4 KiB
63 lines
2.4 KiB
= render :partial => 'projects/submenu'
= render :partial => 'projects/repo_block', :locals => {:project => @project}
%h3= t("layout.projects.about_subheader")
= @project.description
= link_to t('layout.read_more'), '#'
%h3= t("layout.projects.last_commit")
- GitPresenters::CommitAsMessagePresenter.present(@commit, :branch => @branch) do |presenter|
= render :partial => 'shared/feed_message', :locals => {:presenter => presenter, :item_no => 1}
%h3= t("layout.projects.files_in_project")
= render :partial => 'git/shared/whereami'
%a.button{:href => "#"} Fork and edit
%table#myTable.tablesorter.project{:cellpadding => "0", :cellspacing => "0"}
%th.th1.header= t("layout.project.filename")
%th.th2.header= t("layout.project.age")
%th.th3= t("layout.project.message")
%th.th4.header= t("layout.project.author")
- if @path.present?
%img{:src => "/assets/folder.png"}/
= link_to "..", tree_path(@project, @treeish, File.join([@path.dup.encode_to_default, ".."].compact).encode_to_default)
- @project.tree_info(@tree, @treeish, @path).each_pair do |entry, commit|
- entry_path = File.join([@path.present? ? @path : nil, entry.name].compact).encode_to_default
- if entry.is_a? Grit::Blob
%img{:src => "/assets/code.png"}/
= link_to(entry.name, blob_path(@project, @treeish, entry_path), :class => 'files-see').encode_to_default
- else
%img{:src => "/assets/folder.png"}/
= link_to(entry.name, tree_path(@project, @treeish, entry_path), :class => 'files-see').encode_to_default
%span{:style => "display: none;"}= commit.committed_date || commit.authored_date#> Dec 31, 2011
= l(commit.committed_date || commit.authored_date, :format => :short) #31 декабря 2011
= commit.short_message.encode_to_default #Redo autostart script to start from user
= (commit.committer || commit.author).name.encode_to_default #chipiga