101 lines
2.8 KiB
101 lines
2.8 KiB
# require 'spec_helper'
# require "cancan/matchers"
# describe Group do
# before(:each) do
# stub_symlink_methods
# @group = FactoryGirl.create(:group)
# @ability = Ability.new(User.new)
# end
# context 'for guest' do
# [:read, :update, :destroy, :manage_members].each do |action|
# it "should not be able to #{action} group" do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(action, @group)
# end
# end
# end
# context 'for global admin' do
# before(:each) do
# @admin = FactoryGirl.create(:admin)
# @ability = Ability.new(@admin)
# end
# [:read, :update, :destroy, :manage_members].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{action} group" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @group)
# end
# end
# end
# context 'for group admin' do
# before(:each) do
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# @another_user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# create_actor_relation(@group, @user, 'admin')
# @ability = Ability.new(@user)
# end
# [:read, :update, :manage_members].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{action} group" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @group)
# end
# end
# it "should not be able to destroy group" do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(:destroy, @group)
# end
# context 'with mass assignment' do
# it 'should not be able to update uname' do
# @group.should_not allow_mass_assignment_of uname: 'new_uname'
# end
# it 'should not be able to update owner' do
# @group.should_not allow_mass_assignment_of owner_type: 'User', owner_id: @another_user.id
# end
# end
# end
# context 'for group owner' do
# before(:each) do
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# @group.owner = @user
# @group.save
# create_actor_relation(@group, @user, 'admin')
# @ability = Ability.new(@user)
# end
# [:read, :update, :destroy, :manage_members].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{action} group" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @group)
# end
# end
# end
# context 'for group reader and writer user' do
# before(:each) do
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# create_actor_relation(@group, @user, 'reader')
# @ability = Ability.new(@user)
# end
# [:read].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{action} group" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @group)
# end
# end
# [:update, :destroy, :manage_members].each do |action|
# it "should not be able to #{action} group" do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(action, @group)
# end
# end
# end
# it {should_not allow_value("How do you do...\nmy_group").for(:uname)}
# end