# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- # If rules goes one by one CanCan joins them by 'OR' sql operator # If rule has multiple conditions CanCan joins them by 'AND' sql operator # WARNING: # - put cannot rules _after_ can rules and not before! # - beware inner joins. Use sub queries against them! class Ability include CanCan::Ability def initialize(user) user ||= User.new # guest user (not logged in) @user = user # Shared rights between guests and registered users can :show, Project, :visibility => 'open' can :archive, Project, :visibility => 'open' can :read, Issue, :project => {:visibility => 'open'} can :search, BuildList can :read, BuildList, :project => {:visibility => 'open'} can :read, ProductBuildList, :product => {:platform => {:visibility => 'open'}} can :read, Advisory can(:advisories, Platform) {APP_CONFIG['anonymous_access']} # Core callbacks can [:publish_build, :status_build, :pre_build, :post_build, :circle_build, :new_bbdt], BuildList if user.guest? # Guest rights # can [:new, :create], RegisterRequest else # Registered user rights if user.admin? can :manage, :all # Protection cannot :approve, RegisterRequest, :approved => true cannot :reject, RegisterRequest, :rejected => true cannot [:destroy, :create], Subscribe # Act admin as simple user cannot :read, Product, :platform => {:platform_type => 'personal'} cannot [:owned, :related], [BuildList, Platform] cannot :membered, Project # list products which user members end if user.user? can [:show, :autocomplete_user_uname], User can [:read, :create, :autocomplete_group_uname], Group can [:update, :manage_members], Group do |group| group.actors.exists?(:actor_type => 'User', :actor_id => user.id, :role => 'admin') # or group.owner_id = user.id end can :destroy, Group, :owner_id => user.id can :remove_user, Group can :create, Project can :read, Project, :visibility => 'open' can [:read, :archive], Project, :owner_type => 'User', :owner_id => user.id can [:read, :archive], Project, :owner_type => 'Group', :owner_id => user.group_ids can([:read, :membered], Project, read_relations_for('projects')) {|project| local_reader? project} can(:write, Project) {|project| local_writer? project} # for grack can([:update, :sections, :manage_collaborators], Project) {|project| local_admin? project} can(:fork, Project) {|project| can? :read, project} can(:fork, Project) {|project| project.owner_type == 'Group' and can? :update, project.owner} can(:destroy, Project) {|project| owner? project} can(:destroy, Project) {|project| project.owner_type == 'Group' and project.owner.actors.exists?(:actor_type => 'User', :actor_id => user.id, :role => 'admin')} can :remove_user, Project can [:read, :owned], BuildList, :user_id => user.id can [:read, :related], BuildList, :project => {:owner_type => 'User', :owner_id => user.id} can [:read, :related], BuildList, :project => {:owner_type => 'Group', :owner_id => user.group_ids} can(:read, BuildList, read_relations_for('build_lists', 'projects')) {|build_list| can? :read, build_list.project} can([:create, :update], BuildList) {|build_list| build_list.project.is_package && can?(:write, build_list.project)} can(:publish, BuildList) do |build_list| build_list.can_publish? and build_list.save_to_platform.released ? local_admin?(build_list.save_to_platform) : can?(:write, build_list.project) end can(:reject_publish, BuildList) do |build_list| build_list.can_reject_publish? and build_list.save_to_platform.released and local_admin?(build_list.save_to_platform) end can(:cancel, BuildList) {|build_list| build_list.can_cancel? && can?(:write, build_list.project)} can [:read], Advisory can [:read, :members], Platform, :visibility => 'open' can [:read, :owned, :related, :members], Platform, :owner_type => 'User', :owner_id => user.id can [:read, :related, :members], Platform, :owner_type => 'Group', :owner_id => user.group_ids can([:read, :related, :members], Platform, read_relations_for('platforms')) {|platform| local_reader? platform} can([:update, :members], Platform) {|platform| local_admin? platform} can([:destroy, :members, :add_member, :remove_member, :remove_members, :build_all, :mass_builds] , Platform) {|platform| owner? platform} can [:autocomplete_user_uname, :read_advisories, :advisories], Platform can [:read, :projects_list], Repository, :platform => {:visibility => 'open'} can [:read, :projects_list], Repository, :platform => {:owner_type => 'User', :owner_id => user.id} can [:read, :projects_list], Repository, :platform => {:owner_type => 'Group', :owner_id => user.group_ids} can([:read, :projects_list], Repository, read_relations_for('repositories', 'platforms')) {|repository| local_reader? repository.platform} can([:create, :update, :projects_list, :add_project, :remove_project], Repository) {|repository| local_admin? repository.platform} can([:change_visibility, :settings, :destroy], Repository) {|repository| owner? repository.platform} can :read, Product, :platform => {:visibility => 'open'} can :read, Product, :platform => {:owner_type => 'User', :owner_id => user.id, :platform_type => 'main'} can :read, Product, :platform => {:owner_type => 'Group', :owner_id => user.group_ids, :platform_type => 'main'} can(:read, Product, read_relations_for('products', 'platforms')) {|product| product.platform.platform_type == 'main'} can([:create, :update, :destroy, :clone], Product) {|product| local_admin? product.platform and product.platform.platform_type == 'main'} can(:create, ProductBuildList) {|pbl| can?(:update, pbl.product)} can(:destroy, ProductBuildList) {|pbl| can?(:destroy, pbl.product)} can [:read, :create], PrivateUser, :platform => {:owner_type => 'User', :owner_id => user.id} can [:read, :create], PrivateUser, :platform => {:owner_type => 'Group', :owner_id => user.group_ids} can :read, Issue, :project => {:owner_type => 'User', :owner_id => user.id} can :read, Issue, :project => {:owner_type => 'Group', :owner_id => user.group_ids} can(:read, Issue, read_relations_for('issues', 'projects')) {|issue| can? :read, issue.project rescue nil} can(:create, Issue) {|issue| can? :write, issue.project} can([:update, :destroy], Issue) {|issue| issue.user_id == user.id or local_admin?(issue.project)} cannot :manage, Issue, :project => {:has_issues => false} # switch off issues can(:create, Comment) {|comment| can? :read, comment.project} can(:update, Comment) {|comment| comment.user_id == user.id or local_admin?(comment.project || comment.commentable.project)} cannot :manage, Comment, :commentable_type => 'Issue', :commentable => {:project => {:has_issues => false}} # switch off issues end # Shared cannot rights for all users (registered, admin) cannot :destroy, Platform, :platform_type => 'personal' cannot [:create, :destroy, :add_project, :remove_project], Repository, :platform => {:platform_type => 'personal'} cannot :destroy, Issue cannot [:members, :add_member, :remove_member, :remove_members], Platform, :platform_type => 'personal' cannot [:create, :update, :destroy, :clone], Product, :platform => {:platform_type => 'personal'} cannot [:clone, :build_all, :mass_builds], Platform, :platform_type => 'personal' can :create, Subscribe do |subscribe| !subscribe.subscribeable.subscribes.exists?(:user_id => user.id) end can :destroy, Subscribe do |subscribe| subscribe.subscribeable.subscribes.exists?(:user_id => user.id) && user.id == subscribe.user_id end end end # TODO group_ids ?? def read_relations_for(table, parent = nil) key = parent ? "#{parent.singularize}_id" : 'id' parent ||= table ["#{table}.#{key} IN ( SELECT target_id FROM relations WHERE relations.target_type = ? AND (relations.actor_type = 'User' AND relations.actor_id = ? OR relations.actor_type = 'Group' AND relations.actor_id IN (?)))", parent.classify, @user, @user.group_ids] end def relation_exists_for(target, roles) target.relations.exists?(:actor_id => @user.id, :actor_type => 'User', :role => roles) or target.relations.exists?(:actor_id => @user.group_ids, :actor_type => 'Group', :role => roles) end def local_reader?(target) relation_exists_for(target, %w{reader writer admin}) or owner?(target) end def local_writer?(target) relation_exists_for(target, %w{writer admin}) or owner?(target) end def local_admin?(target) relation_exists_for(target, 'admin') or owner?(target) end def owner?(target) target.owner == @user or @user.own_groups.include?(target.owner) end end