class Ability include CanCan::Ability def initialize(user) user ||= # guest user (not logged in) if user.admin? can :manage, :all else #WARNING: # - put cannot rules _after_ can rules and not before! # - beware inner joins. Use sub queries against them! # Shared rights between guests and registered users can :forbidden, Platform #cannot :read, Platform, :visibility => 'hidden' can :read, [Repository, Platform], :visibility => 'open' can :auto_build, Project # TODO: This needs to be checked! can [:status_build, :pre_build, :post_build, :circle_build, :new_bbdt], BuildList # Guest rights if user.guest? can :create, User # Registered user rights else can :index, AutoBuildList # If rules goes one by one CanCan joins them by 'OR' sql operator can :read, Project, :visibility => 'open' can :read, User can :manage_collaborators, Project do |project| project.relations.exists? :object_id =>, :object_type => 'User', :role => 'admin' end # Put here model names which objects can user create can :create, Project can :publish, BuildList do |build_list| build_list.can_published? && build_list.project.relations.exists?(:object_type => 'User', :object_id => end can [:read, :create], PrivateUser, :platform => {:owner_type => 'User', :owner_id =>} # If rule has multiple conditions CanCan joins them by 'AND' sql operator can [:read, :update, :process_build, :build, :destroy], Project, :owner_type => 'User', :owner_id => #can :read, Project, :relations => {:role => 'read'} can :read, Project, projects_in_relations_with(:role => 'read', :object_type => 'User', :object_id => do |project| #The can? and cannot? call cannot be used with a raw sql 'can' definition. project.relations.exists?(:role => 'read', :object_type => 'User', :object_id => end #can [:update, :process_build, :build], Project, :relations => {:role => 'write'} can [:read, :update, :process_build, :build], Project, projects_in_relations_with(:role => ['write', 'admin'], :object_type => 'User', :object_id => do |project| project.relations.exists?(:role => ['write', 'admin'], :object_type => 'User', :object_id => end can :manage, Platform, :owner_type => 'User', :owner_id => #can :read, Platform, :members => {:id =>} can :read, Platform, platforms_in_relations_with(:role => 'read', :object_type => 'User', :object_id => do |platform| platform.relations.exists?(:role => 'read', :object_type => 'User', :object_id => end can [:manage, :add_project, :remove_project, :change_visibility, :settings], Repository, :owner_type => 'User', :owner_id => #can :read, Platform, :members => {:id =>} can :read, Repository, repositories_in_relations_with(:role => 'read', :object_type => 'User', :object_id => do |repository| repository.relations.exists?(:role => 'read', :object_type => 'User', :object_id => end #can :read, Repository # TODO: Add personal repos rules # Same rights for groups: can [:read, :create], PrivateUser, :platform => {:owner_type => 'Group', :owner_id => user.group_ids} can :publish, BuildList do |build_list| build_list.can_published? && build_list.project.relations.exists?(:object_type => 'Group', :object_id => user.group_ids) end can [:read, :update, :process_build, :build, :destroy], Project, :owner_type => 'Group', :owner_id => user.group_ids #can :read, Project, :relations => {:role => 'read', :object_type => 'Group', :object_id => user.group_ids} can :read, Project, projects_in_relations_with(:role => 'read', :object_type => 'Group', :object_id => user.group_ids) do |project| project.relations.exists?(:role => 'read', :object_type => 'Group', :object_id => user.group_ids) end #can [:update, :process_build, :build], Project, :relations => {:role => 'write', :object_type => 'Group', :object_id => user.group_ids} can [:read, :update, :process_build, :build], Project, projects_in_relations_with(:role => ['write', 'admin'], :object_type => 'Group', :object_id => user.group_ids) do |project| project.relations.exists?(:role => ['write', 'admin'], :object_type => 'Group', :object_id => user.group_ids) end can :manage, Platform, :owner_type => 'Group', :owner_id => user.group_ids #can :read, Platform, :groups => {:id => user.group_ids} can :read, Platform, platforms_in_relations_with(:role => 'read', :object_type => 'Group', :object_id => user.group_ids) do |platform| platform.relations.exists?(:role => 'read', :object_type => 'Group', :object_id => user.group_ids) end can [:manage, :add_project, :remove_project], Repository, :owner_type => 'Group', :owner_id => user.group_ids #can :read, Platform, :groups => {:id => user.group_ids} can :read, Repository, repositories_in_relations_with(:role => 'read', :object_type => 'Group', :object_id => user.group_ids) do |repository| repository.relations.exists?(:role => 'read', :object_type => 'Group', :object_id => user.group_ids) end # Things that can not do simple user cannot :create, [Platform, User, Repository] end end # Shared cannot rights for all users (guests, registered, admin) cannot :destroy, Platform, :platform_type => 'personal' cannot :destroy, Repository, :platform => {:platform_type => 'personal'} end # Sub query for platforms, projects relations # TODO: Replace table names list by method_missing way %w[platforms projects repositories].each do |table_name| define_method table_name + "_in_relations_with" do |opts| query = "#{ table_name }.id IN (SELECT target_id FROM relations WHERE relations.target_type = '#{ table_name.singularize.camelize }'" opts.each do |key, value| query = query + " AND relations.#{ key } #{ value.class == Array ? 'IN (?)' : '= ?' } " end query = query + ")" return opts.values.unshift query end end ## Sub query for project relations #def projects_in_relations_with(opts={}) # [" IN (SELECT target_id FROM relations WHERE relations.object_id #{ opts[:object_id].class == Array ? 'IN (?)' : '= ?' } AND relations.object_type = '#{ opts[:object_type] }' AND relations.target_type = 'Platform') AND relations.role", opts[:object_id]] #end end