class ProductBuildList < ActiveRecord::Base include CommitAndVersion include TimeLiving include FileStoreClean include UrlHelper include AbfWorker::ModelHelper include EventLoggable delegate :url_helpers, to: 'Rails.application.routes' LIVE_TIME = 2.week # for autostart MAX_LIVE_TIME = 3.month # for manual start; BUILD_COMPLETED = 0 BUILD_FAILED = 1 BUILD_PENDING = 2 BUILD_STARTED = 3 BUILD_CANCELED = 4 BUILD_CANCELING = 5 STATUSES = [ BUILD_STARTED, BUILD_COMPLETED, BUILD_FAILED, BUILD_PENDING, BUILD_CANCELED, BUILD_CANCELING ].freeze HUMAN_STATUSES = { BUILD_STARTED => :build_started, BUILD_COMPLETED => :build_completed, BUILD_FAILED => :build_failed, BUILD_PENDING => :build_pending, BUILD_CANCELED => :build_canceled, BUILD_CANCELING => :build_canceling }.freeze CACHED_CHROOT_TOKEN_DESCRIPTION = 'cached-chroot' belongs_to :product belongs_to :project belongs_to :arch belongs_to :user # see: Issue #6 before_validation -> { self.arch_id = Arch.find_by(name: 'x86_64').id }, on: :create # field "not_delete" can be changed only if build has been completed before_validation -> { self.not_delete = false unless build_completed?; true } validates :product_id, :status, :project_id, :main_script, :arch_id, presence: true validates :status, inclusion: { in: STATUSES } validates :main_script, :params, length: { maximum: 255 } attr_accessor :base_url attr_accessible :status, :base_url, :branch, :project_id, :main_script, :params, :project_version, :commit_hash, :product_id, :not_delete attr_readonly :product_id serialize :results, Array scope :default_order, -> { order(updated_at: :desc) } scope :for_status, ->(status) { where(status: status) } scope :for_user, ->(user) { where(user_id: } scope :scoped_to_product_name, ->(product_name) { joins(:product).where(' LIKE ?', "%#{product_name}%") } scope :recent, -> { order(updated_at: :desc) } scope :outdated, -> { where(not_delete: false). where("(#{table_name}.created_at < ? AND #{table_name}.autostarted is TRUE) OR #{table_name}.created_at < ?", - LIVE_TIME, - MAX_LIVE_TIME) } after_create :add_job_to_abf_worker_queue before_destroy :can_destroy? state_machine :status, initial: :build_pending do event :start_build do transition build_pending: :build_started end event :cancel do transition [:build_pending, :build_started] => :build_canceling end after_transition on: :cancel, do: :cancel_job # build_canceling: :build_canceled - canceling from UI # build_started: :build_canceled - canceling from worker by time-out (time_living has been expired) event :build_canceled do transition [:build_canceling, :build_started] => :build_canceled end # build_canceling: :build_completed - Worker hasn't time to cancel building because build had been already completed event :build_success do transition [:build_started, :build_canceling] => :build_completed end # build_canceling: :build_failed - Worker hasn't time to cancel building because build had been already failed event :build_error do transition [:build_started, :build_canceling] => :build_failed end HUMAN_STATUSES.each do |code,name| state name, value: code end end def build_started? status == BUILD_STARTED end def build_canceling? status == BUILD_CANCELING end def can_destroy? ![BUILD_STARTED, BUILD_PENDING, BUILD_CANCELING].include?(status) end def can_cancel? [BUILD_STARTED, BUILD_PENDING].include?(status) end def event_log_message {product:}.inspect end def self.human_status(status) I18n.t("layout.product_build_lists.statuses.#{HUMAN_STATUSES[status]}") end def human_status self.class.human_status(status) end def can_destroy? [BUILD_COMPLETED, BUILD_FAILED, BUILD_CANCELED].include? status end def sha1_of_file_store_files (results || []).map{ |r| r['sha1'] }.compact end protected def abf_worker_priority '' end def abf_worker_base_queue 'iso_worker' end def abf_worker_args file_name = "#{}-#{commit_hash}" opts = default_url_options opts.merge!({user: user.authentication_token, password: ''}) if user.present? srcpath = url_helpers.archive_url( project.name_with_owner, file_name, 'tar.gz', opts ) cmd_params = "BUILD_ID=#{id} " if product.platform.hidden? token = product.platform.tokens.by_active.where(description: CACHED_CHROOT_TOKEN_DESCRIPTION).first cmd_params << "TOKEN=#{token.authentication_token} " if token end cmd_params << params.to_s { id: id, # TODO: remove comment # srcpath: '', srcpath: srcpath, params: cmd_params, time_living: time_living, main_script: main_script, platform: { type: product.platform.distrib_type, name:, arch: }, user: {uname: user.try(:uname), email: user.try(:email)} } end end