- act = controller.action_name.to_sym - if [:new, :create].include? act .leftlist = f.label :name, t("activerecord.attributes.project.name"), :class => :label .rightlist = f.text_field :name, :class => 'text_field', :disabled => f.object.try(:persisted?) .both .leftlist = f.label :description, t("activerecord.attributes.project.description"), :class => :label .rightlist = f.text_area :description, :class => 'text_field', :cols => 80 .both - if ['new', 'create'].include? controller.action_name .leftlist = f.label :owner_id, t("activerecord.attributes.project.owner"), :class => :label .rightlist = label_tag t("activerecord.attributes.project.who_owns.me") = radio_button_tag :who_owns, 'me' = label_tag t("activerecord.attributes.project.who_owns.group") = radio_button_tag :who_owns, 'group' -# TODO: Make our own select_box helper with new design, blackjack and bitches! = select_tag :owner_id, options_for_select( Group.can_own_project(current_user) ) .both -#- if [:new, :create].include? act -# .leftlist -# = f.label :category_id, t("activerecord.attributes.project.category_id"), :class => :label -# .rightlist -# = f.grouped_collection_select :category_id, Category.roots, :children, :name, :id, :name, :include_blank => true -# .both .leftlist = f.label :visibility, t("activerecord.attributes.project.visibility"), :class => :label .rightlist =# f.select :visibility, Project::VISIBILITIES - Project::VISIBILITIES.each do |visibility| = f.radio_button :visibility, visibility, :class => 'niceRadio' - if visibility == 'open' = image_tag("unlock.png") - else = image_tag("lock.png") = t("activerecord.attributes.project.visibilities.#{visibility}") .both - if [:edit, :update].include? act .leftlist Ветка по умолчанию: .rightlist = f.select :default_branch, options_from_collection_for_select(@project.branches, :name, :name, @project.default_branch), :class => 'sel80', :id => 'branch_selector' .both - if [:edit, :update].include? act .leftlist \  .rightlist .check -#%span#niceCheckbox1.niceCheck-main{:onclick => "changeCheck(this)"} -# %input{:name => "ch1", :type => "checkbox"}/ %span#niceCheckbox1.niceCheck-main = f.check_box :is_rpm#, :class => 'niceCheckbox1' .forcheck Проект является пакетом .both .both - if [:new, :create].include? act .leftlist = f.label :srpm, t("activerecord.attributes.project.srpm"), :class => :label .rightlist = f.file_field :srpm, :class => 'file_field' .both -#.leftlist -# \  -#.rightlist -# -#%a.button{:href => "#"} Сохранить -# = submit_tag t("layout.save"), :class => 'button' -#.both .group.navform.wat-cf %button.button{:type => "submit"} = image_tag("choose.png", :alt => t("layout.save")) = t("layout.save") %span.text_button_padding= t("layout.or") = link_to t("layout.cancel"), @projects_path, :class => "text_button_padding link_button" -#.group -# = f.label :category_id, t("activerecord.attributes.project.category_id"), :class => :label -# = f.grouped_collection_select :category_id, Category.roots, :children, :name, :id, :name, :include_blank => true -#.group -# = f.label :name, t("activerecord.attributes.project.name"), :class => :label -# = f.text_field :name, :class => 'text_field', :disabled => f.object.try(:persisted?) -#.group -# = f.label :visibility, t("activerecord.attributes.project.visibility"), :class => :label -# = f.select :visibility, Project::VISIBILITIES -#.group -# = f.label :description, t("activerecord.attributes.project.description"), :class => :label -# = f.text_area :description, :class => 'text_field', :cols => 80 -#.group -# = f.label :has_issues, t("activerecord.attributes.project.has_issues"), :class => :label -# = f.check_box :has_issues -#.group -# = f.label :has_wiki, t("activerecord.attributes.project.has_wiki"), :class => :label -# = f.check_box :has_wiki -#.group -# = f.label :srpm, t("activerecord.attributes.project.srpm"), :class => :label -# = f.file_field :srpm, :class => 'file_field' -# -#.group.navform.wat-cf -# %button.button{:type => "submit"} -# = image_tag("web-app-theme/icons/tick.png", :alt => t("layout.save")) -# = t("layout.save") -# %span.text_button_padding= t("layout.or") -# = link_to t("layout.cancel"), @projects_path, :class => "text_button_padding link_button"