# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- require 'spec_helper' describe Repository do context 'when create with same owner that platform' do before (:each) do stub_symlink_methods @platform = FactoryGirl.create(:platform) @params = {:name => 'tst_platform', :description => 'test platform'} end it 'it should increase Repository.count by 1' do rep = Repository.create(@params) {|r| r.platform = @platform} @platform.repositories.count.should eql(1) end end before(:all) do stub_symlink_methods Platform.delete_all User.delete_all Repository.delete_all FileUtils.rm_rf(APP_CONFIG['root_path']) # Need for validate_uniqueness_of check FactoryGirl.create(:repository) end it { should belong_to(:platform) } it { should have_many(:project_to_repositories)} it { should have_many(:projects).through(:project_to_repositories)} it { should validate_presence_of(:name)} it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:name).case_insensitive.scoped_to(:platform_id) } it { should validate_format_of(:name).with('basic_repository-name-1234') } it { should validate_format_of(:name).not_with('.!') } it { should validate_format_of(:name).not_with('Main') } it { should validate_presence_of(:description) } it { should have_readonly_attribute(:name) } it { should have_readonly_attribute(:platform_id) } it { should_not allow_mass_assignment_of(:platform) } it { should_not allow_mass_assignment_of(:platform_id) } after(:all) do Platform.delete_all User.delete_all Repository.delete_all FileUtils.rm_rf(APP_CONFIG['root_path']) end end