# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- class BuildList < ActiveRecord::Base include Modules::Models::CommitAndVersion include Modules::Models::FileStoreClean include AbfWorker::ModelHelper belongs_to :project belongs_to :arch belongs_to :save_to_platform, :class_name => 'Platform' belongs_to :save_to_repository, :class_name => 'Repository' belongs_to :build_for_platform, :class_name => 'Platform' belongs_to :user belongs_to :advisory belongs_to :mass_build, :counter_cache => true has_many :items, :class_name => "BuildList::Item", :dependent => :destroy has_many :packages, :class_name => "BuildList::Package", :dependent => :destroy UPDATE_TYPES = %w[security bugfix enhancement recommended newpackage] RELEASE_UPDATE_TYPES = %w[security bugfix] validates :project_id, :project_version, :arch, :include_repos, :build_for_platform_id, :save_to_platform_id, :save_to_repository_id, :presence => true validates_numericality_of :priority, :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0 validates :update_type, :inclusion => UPDATE_TYPES, :unless => Proc.new { |b| b.advisory.present? } validates :update_type, :inclusion => {:in => RELEASE_UPDATE_TYPES, :message => I18n.t('flash.build_list.frozen_platform')}, :if => Proc.new { |b| b.advisory.present? } validate lambda { errors.add(:build_for_platform, I18n.t('flash.build_list.wrong_platform')) if save_to_platform.main? && save_to_platform_id != build_for_platform_id } validate lambda { errors.add(:build_for_platform, I18n.t('flash.build_list.wrong_build_for_platform')) unless build_for_platform.main? } validate lambda { errors.add(:save_to_repository, I18n.t('flash.build_list.wrong_repository')) unless save_to_repository_id.in? save_to_platform.repositories.map(&:id) } validate lambda { include_repos.each {|ir| errors.add(:save_to_repository, I18n.t('flash.build_list.wrong_include_repos')) unless build_for_platform.repository_ids.include? ir.to_i } } validate lambda { errors.add(:save_to_repository, I18n.t('flash.build_list.wrong_project')) unless save_to_repository.projects.exists?(project_id) } before_create :use_save_to_repository_for_main_platforms attr_accessible :include_repos, :auto_publish, :build_for_platform_id, :commit_hash, :arch_id, :project_id, :save_to_repository_id, :update_type, :save_to_platform_id, :project_version, :use_save_to_repository LIVE_TIME = 4.week # for unpublished MAX_LIVE_TIME = 3.month # for published SUCCESS = 0 ERROR = 1 PROJECT_VERSION_NOT_FOUND = 4 PROJECT_SOURCE_ERROR = 6 DEPENDENCIES_ERROR = 555 BUILD_ERROR = 666 BUILD_STARTED = 3000 BUILD_CANCELED = 5000 WAITING_FOR_RESPONSE = 4000 BUILD_PENDING = 2000 BUILD_PUBLISHED = 6000 BUILD_PUBLISH = 7000 FAILED_PUBLISH = 8000 REJECTED_PUBLISH = 9000 BUILD_CANCELING = 10000 TESTS_FAILED = 11000 STATUSES = [ WAITING_FOR_RESPONSE, BUILD_CANCELED, BUILD_PENDING, BUILD_PUBLISHED, BUILD_CANCELING, BUILD_PUBLISH, FAILED_PUBLISH, REJECTED_PUBLISH, SUCCESS, BUILD_STARTED, BUILD_ERROR, PROJECT_VERSION_NOT_FOUND, TESTS_FAILED ] HUMAN_STATUSES = { WAITING_FOR_RESPONSE => :waiting_for_response, BUILD_CANCELED => :build_canceled, BUILD_CANCELING => :build_canceling, BUILD_PENDING => :build_pending, BUILD_PUBLISHED => :build_published, BUILD_PUBLISH => :build_publish, FAILED_PUBLISH => :failed_publish, REJECTED_PUBLISH => :rejected_publish, BUILD_ERROR => :build_error, BUILD_STARTED => :build_started, SUCCESS => :success, PROJECT_VERSION_NOT_FOUND => :project_version_not_found, TESTS_FAILED => :tests_failed } scope :recent, order("#{table_name}.updated_at DESC") scope :for_status, lambda {|status| where(:status => status) } scope :for_user, lambda { |user| where(:user_id => user.id) } scope :for_platform, lambda { |platform| where(:build_for_platform_id => platform) } scope :by_mass_build, lambda { |mass_build| where(:mass_build_id => mass_build) } scope :scoped_to_arch, lambda {|arch| where(:arch_id => arch) } scope :scoped_to_save_platform, lambda {|pl_id| where(:save_to_platform_id => pl_id) } scope :scoped_to_project_version, lambda {|project_version| where(:project_version => project_version) } scope :scoped_to_is_circle, lambda {|is_circle| where(:is_circle => is_circle) } scope :for_creation_date_period, lambda{|start_date, end_date| s = scoped s = s.where(["build_lists.created_at >= ?", start_date]) if start_date s = s.where(["build_lists.created_at <= ?", end_date]) if end_date s } scope :for_notified_date_period, lambda{|start_date, end_date| s = scoped s = s.where(["build_lists.updated_at >= ?", start_date]) if start_date s = s.where(["build_lists.updated_at <= ?", end_date]) if end_date s } scope :scoped_to_project_name, lambda {|project_name| joins(:project).where('projects.name LIKE ?', "%#{project_name}%")} scope :scoped_to_new_core, lambda {|new_core| where(:new_core => new_core)} scope :outdated, where('created_at < ? AND status <> ? OR created_at < ?', Time.now - LIVE_TIME, BUILD_PUBLISHED, Time.now - MAX_LIVE_TIME) serialize :additional_repos serialize :include_repos serialize :results, Array after_commit :place_build after_destroy :remove_container state_machine :status, :initial => :waiting_for_response do # WTF? around_transition -> infinite loop before_transition do |build_list, transition| status = HUMAN_STATUSES[build_list.status] if build_list.mass_build && MassBuild::COUNT_STATUSES.include?(status) MassBuild.decrement_counter "#{status.to_s}_count", build_list.mass_build_id end end after_transition do |build_list, transition| status = HUMAN_STATUSES[build_list.status] if build_list.mass_build && MassBuild::COUNT_STATUSES.include?(status) MassBuild.increment_counter "#{status.to_s}_count", build_list.mass_build_id end end after_transition :on => :published, :do => [:set_version_and_tag, :actualize_packages, :destroy_container] after_transition :on => :reject_publish, :do => :destroy_container after_transition :on => :cancel, :do => :cancel_job after_transition :on => [:published, :fail_publish, :build_error], :do => :notify_users after_transition :on => :build_success, :do => :notify_users, :unless => lambda { |build_list| build_list.auto_publish? } event :place_build do transition :waiting_for_response => :build_pending, :if => lambda { |build_list| build_list.add_to_queue == BuildList::SUCCESS } %w[BUILD_PENDING PROJECT_VERSION_NOT_FOUND].each do |code| transition :waiting_for_response => code.downcase.to_sym, :if => lambda { |build_list| build_list.add_to_queue == BuildList.const_get(code) } end end event :start_build do transition [ :build_pending, :project_version_not_found ] => :build_started end event :cancel do transition [:build_pending, :build_started] => :build_canceling end # :build_canceling => :build_canceled - canceling from UI # :build_started => :build_canceled - canceling from worker by time-out (time_living has been expired) event :build_canceled do transition [:build_canceling, :build_started] => :build_canceled end event :published do transition [:build_publish, :rejected_publish] => :build_published end event :fail_publish do transition [:build_publish, :rejected_publish] => :failed_publish end event :publish do transition [:success, :failed_publish, :build_published, :tests_failed] => :build_publish transition [:success, :failed_publish] => :failed_publish end event :reject_publish do transition :success => :rejected_publish, :if => :can_reject_publish? end event :build_success do transition [:build_started, :build_canceled] => :success end event :build_error do transition [:build_started, :build_canceled, :build_canceling] => :build_error end event :tests_failed do transition [:build_started, :build_canceled, :build_canceling] => :tests_failed end HUMAN_STATUSES.each do |code,name| state name, :value => code end end later :publish, :queue => :clone_build HUMAN_CONTAINER_STATUSES = { WAITING_FOR_RESPONSE => :waiting_for_publish, BUILD_PUBLISHED => :container_published, BUILD_PUBLISH => :container_publish, FAILED_PUBLISH => :container_failed_publish } state_machine :container_status, :initial => :waiting_for_publish do after_transition :on => :publish_container, :do => :create_container after_transition :on => [:fail_publish_container, :destroy_container], :do => :remove_container event :publish_container do transition [:waiting_for_publish, :container_failed_publish] => :container_publish, :if => :success? end event :published_container do transition :container_publish => :container_published end event :fail_publish_container do transition :container_publish => :container_failed_publish end event :destroy_container do transition [:container_failed_publish, :container_published, :waiting_for_publish] => :waiting_for_publish end HUMAN_CONTAINER_STATUSES.each do |code,name| state name, :value => code end end def set_version_and_tag pkg = self.packages.where(:package_type => 'source', :project_id => self.project_id).first # TODO: remove 'return' after deployment ABF kernel 2.0 return if pkg.nil? # For old client that does not sends data about packages self.package_version = "#{pkg.platform.name}-#{pkg.version}-#{pkg.release}" system("cd #{self.project.repo.path} && git tag #{self.package_version} #{self.commit_hash}") # TODO REDO through grit save end def actualize_packages ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do # packages from previous build_list self.last_published.limit(2).last.packages.update_all :actual => false self.packages.update_all :actual => true end end def can_create_container? (success? || tests_failed?) && [WAITING_FOR_RESPONSE, FAILED_PUBLISH].include?(container_status) end #TODO: Share this checking on product owner. def can_cancel? build_started? || build_pending? end def can_publish? [SUCCESS, FAILED_PUBLISH, BUILD_PUBLISHED, TESTS_FAILED].include? status end def can_reject_publish? can_publish? && !save_to_repository.publish_without_qa && !build_published? end def add_to_queue # TODO: Investigate: why 2 tasks will be created without checking @state unless @status add_job_to_abf_worker_queue update_column(:bs_id, id) end @status ||= BUILD_PENDING end def self.human_status(status) I18n.t("layout.build_lists.statuses.#{HUMAN_STATUSES[status]}") end def human_status self.class.human_status(status) end def self.status_by_human(human) HUMAN_STATUSES.key human end def set_items(items_hash) self.items = [] items_hash.each do |level, items| items.each do |item| self.items << self.items.build(:name => item['name'], :version => item['version'], :level => level.to_i) end end end def set_packages(pkg_hash, project_name) prj = Project.joins(:repositories => :platform).where('platforms.id = ?', save_to_platform.id).find_by_name!(project_name) build_package(pkg_hash['srpm'], 'source', prj) {|p| p.save!} pkg_hash['rpm'].each do |rpm_hash| build_package(rpm_hash, 'binary', prj) {|p| p.save!} end end def event_log_message {:project => project.name, :version => project_version, :arch => arch.name}.inspect end def current_duration (Time.now.utc - started_at.utc).to_i end def human_current_duration I18n.t("layout.build_lists.human_current_duration", {:hours => (current_duration/3600).to_i, :minutes => (current_duration%3600/60).to_i}) end def human_duration I18n.t("layout.build_lists.human_duration", {:hours => (duration/3600).to_i, :minutes => (duration%3600/60).to_i}) end def in_work? status == BUILD_STARTED #[WAITING_FOR_RESPONSE, BUILD_PENDING, BUILD_STARTED].include?(status) end def associate_and_create_advisory(params) build_advisory(params){ |a| a.update_type = update_type } advisory.attach_build_list(self) end def can_attach_to_advisory? !save_to_repository.publish_without_qa && save_to_platform.main? && save_to_platform.released && build_published? end def log(load_lines) new_core? ? abf_worker_log : I18n.t('layout.build_lists.log.not_available') end def last_published BuildList.where(:project_id => self.project_id, :save_to_repository_id => self.save_to_repository_id) .for_platform(self.build_for_platform_id) .scoped_to_arch(self.arch_id) .for_status(BUILD_PUBLISHED) .recent end protected def create_container AbfWorker::BuildListsPublishTaskManager.create_container_for self end def remove_container system "rm -rf #{save_to_platform.path}/container/#{id}" if save_to_platform end def abf_worker_priority mass_build_id ? '' : 'default' end def abf_worker_base_queue 'rpm_worker' end def abf_worker_args include_repos_hash = {}.tap do |h| include_repos.each do |r| repo = Repository.find r path = repo.platform.public_downloads_url(nil, arch.name, repo.name) path.gsub!(/^http:\/\/0\.0\.0\.0\:[\d]+/, 'https://abf.rosalinux.ru') unless Rails.env.production? # Path looks like: # http://abf.rosalinux.ru/downloads/rosa-server2012/repository/x86_64/base/ # so, we should append: # /release # /updates h["#{repo.name}_release"] = path + 'release' h["#{repo.name}_updates"] = path + 'updates' end end if save_to_platform.personal? && use_save_to_repository include_repos_hash["#{save_to_platform.name}_release"] = save_to_platform. urpmi_list(nil, nil, false, save_to_repository.name)["#{build_for_platform.name}"]["#{arch.name}"] end # mdv example: # https://abf.rosalinux.ru/import/plasma-applet-stackfolder.git # bfe6d68cc607238011a6108014bdcfe86c69456a # rhel example: # https://abf.rosalinux.ru/server/gnome-settings-daemon.git # fbb2549e44d97226fea6748a4f95d1d82ffb8726 { :id => id, :arch => arch.name, :time_living => 43200, # 12 hours :distrib_type => build_for_platform.distrib_type, # :git_project_address => 'https://abf.rosalinux.ru/server/gnome-settings-daemon.git', :git_project_address => project.git_project_address(user), # :commit_hash => 'fbb2549e44d97226fea6748a4f95d1d82ffb8726', :commit_hash => commit_hash, :include_repos => include_repos_hash, :bplname => build_for_platform.name, :user => {:uname => user.uname, :email => user.email} } end def notify_users unless mass_build_id users = [] if project # find associated users users = project.all_members. select{ |user| user.notifier.can_notify? && user.notifier.new_associated_build? } end if user.notifier.can_notify? && user.notifier.new_build? users = users | [user] end users.each do |user| UserMailer.build_list_notification(self, user).deliver end end end # notify_users def build_package(pkg_hash, package_type, prj) packages.create(pkg_hash) do |p| p.project = prj p.platform = save_to_platform p.package_type = package_type yield p end end def use_save_to_repository_for_main_platforms self.use_save_to_repository = true if save_to_platform.main? end end