en: will_paginate: previous_label: ‹ Previous next_label: Next › page_gap: ... datatables: previous_label: ‹ Prev. next_label: Next › first_label: « First last_label: Last » empty_label: No data accessible info_label: Records displayed from _START_ to _END_ total _TOTAL_ info_empty_label: Records displayed from 0 to 0 total 0 filtered_label: (filtered from _MAX_) layout: search: Search logged_in_as: You logged as logout: Logout user_list: User list edit: Edit show: View cancel: Cancel create: Create update: Update delete: Erase save: Save search: Search clone: Clone search_by_name: Filter by name are_you_sure: "Sure?" login: Login or: or yes_: Yes no_: No true_: True false_: False publish: Publish add: Add upload: Upload not_access: Access denied! owner: Owner confirm: Sure? back: Back settings: label: Settings notifier: Notifier setting notifiers: edit_header: Notifier setting processing: working ... invalid_content_type: incorrect type devise: shared_links: sign_in: Sign in sign_up: Sign up forgot_password: Forgot your password? confirm_again: Do not receive the confirmation link? unlock: Do not receive unlock instructions? sign_in_through: Sign in by %{provider} downloads: title: Downloads statistic message: Automatically updated every 24 hours refresh_btn: Refresh auto_build_lists: header: Automated build projects message: All projects build under user repository and architecture i586 project: Project action: Action automate_btn: Automate cancel_btn: Cancel not_automated: Not automated already_automated: Automated weekdays: Monday: Monday Tuesday: Tuesday Wednesday: Wednesday Thursday: Thursday Friday: Friday Saturday: Saturday Sunday: Sunday time: ago: ago sessions: sign_in_header: Sign in private_users: list: List new: New pair list_header: Pair login/password confirm_delete: Are you sure to delete this pair login/password? confirm_regenerate: Are you sure to regenerate this pair login/password? regenerate_btn: Regenerate warning_message: Warning - Old data set as invalid when new data obtaining categories: list: List new: Create edit: Edit platforms: By platform list_header: Catalogue new_header: New category edit_header: Edit category confirm_delete: Are you sure to delete this category? comments: confirm_delete: Are you sure to delete the comment? new_header: New comment edit_header: Editing a comment platforms: admin_id: Owner build_all: Build all list: List new: Create edit: Edit new_header: New platform edit_header: Edit list_header: Platforms list_header_main: General list_header_personal: Personal list_header_all: All clone_header: Platform clone show: Platform projects: Projects products: Products location: Location repositories: Repositories back_to_the_list: ⇐To platform list freeze: Freeze unfreeze: Unfeeze confirm_freeze: Are you sure to freeze this platform? confirm_freeze: Are you sure to clone this platform? confirm_unfreeze: Are you sure to defrost this platform? released_suffix: (released) confirm_delete: Are you sure to delete this platform? current_platform_header: Current platform owner: Owner visibility: Visibility platform_type: Platform type distrib_type: Distribution kit type private_users: Access data confirm_clone: To clone? clone: To clone event_logs: list: List list_header: Event log repositories: list: List list_header: Repositories new: New repository new_header: New repository show: Repository location: Location projects: Projects new_header: New repository back_to_the_list: ⇐ List of repositories confirm_delete: Are you sure to delete this repository? current_repository_header: Current repository personal_repositories: settings_header: Settings change_visibility_from_hidden: Replace the status to "Opened" change_visibility_from_open: Replace the status to "Private" settings: Settings show: My repository private_users: Private repository users products: list: List new: New product list_header: Products clone: Clone build: Build new_header: New product edit_header: Product editing confirm_delete: Are you sure to delete this product? cron_tab_generator: show: Show cron tab the generator hide: Hide cron tab the generator choose: Choose every_minute: Every minute every_hour: Every hour every_day: Every day every_month: Every month every_weekday: Every weekdays minutes: Minutes hours: Hours days: Days months: Months weekdays: weekdays projects: add: Add edit: Edit list: List list_header: Projects edit_header: Edit the project show: Project build: Build new_build: New build %{project_name} confirm_delete: Are you sure to delete this project? new: New project new_header: New project new_header: New project location: Location git_repo_location: Path to git repo current_project_header: Current project current_build_lists: Current builds build_button: Start build add_collaborators: Add collaborators members: Members collaborators: Collaborators groups: Groups edit_collaborators: Edit collaborators issues: Issues wiki: Wiki delete_warning: Attention! Deleted project can not be restored! sections: Sections has_issue_description: Issues adds lightweight issue tracking tightly integrated with your repository. Add issues to milestones, label issues, and close & reference issues from commit messages. has_wiki_description: Wikis are the simplest way to let others contribute content. Any user can create and edit pages to use for documentation, examples, support or anything you wish. collaborators: back_to_proj: Back to project edit: Edit list add: Add/Remove list: List edit_roles: Edit roles roles_header: Roles to add_role: Add/Remove a role input_username: Enter an username input_groupname: Enter a groupname members: Members roles: Roles role_names: reader: Reader writer: Writer admin: Admin members: back_to_group: Back to group edit: Edit list roles: Roles add_member: Add member input_username: Username groups: list: List new: Create edit: Edit members: Members new_header: New group edit_header: Edit list_header: Groups show: Group back_to_the_list: ⇐ List of groups confirm_delete: Are you sure to remove this group? edit_members: Edit members users: list: List new: Create edit: Edit new_header: New user edit_header: Edit list_header: Users groups: Groups show: User back_to_the_list: ⇐ List of users confirm_delete: Are you sure to remove this user? own_projects: My projects part_projects: Participate projects filter_header: Filter git: repositories: empty: "Repository is empty. You need to wait some time if you have forked project or imported package" source: Source commits: Commits commit_diff_too_big: Sorry, commit too big! tags: Tags branches: Branches project_versions: Versions product_build_lists: delete: Delete action: Action statuses: '0': 'build' '1': 'build error' '2': 'build in progress' flash: settings: saved: Settings saved success save_error: Setting update error subscribe: saved: Subscription on notifications for this task is created destroyed: Subscription on notifications for this task is cleaned exception_message: Access violation to this page! downloads: statistics_refreshed: Statistics refreshed collaborators: successfully_changed: Collaborators list successfully changed error_in_changing: Collaborators list changing error member_already_added: Member %s already added group_already_added: Group already added successfully_added: Member %s successfully added error_in_adding: Member %s adding error members: successfully_changed: Members list successfully changed error_in_changing: Members list changing error successfully_added: Member successfully added error_in_adding: Member adding error already_added: User already added auto_build_list: success: Automated build success! failed: Automated build failed! cancel: Automated build canceled! cancel_failed: Automated build canceling failed! category: saved: Category saved save_error: Category saves error destroyed: Category deleted comment: saved: Comment saved save_error: Comment saves error destroyed: Comment deleted project: saved: Project saved save_error: Project saves error save_warning_ssh_key: Owner of the project must specify in profile a SSH key destroyed: Project deleted forked: Project forked fork_error: Project fork error user: saved: User saved save_error: User data saves error destroyed: User account deleted group: saved: Group saved save_error: Group saves error destroyed: Group deleted user_uname_exists: User already exists repository: saved: Repository added save_error: Repository adding error destroyed: Repository deleted project_added: Project added on repository project_not_added: Project adding error. In this repository already is a project with such name. First remove the old project project_removed: Project deleted project_not_removed: Project deleting failed product: saved: Product saved save_error: Product saves error build_started: Product build started destroyed: Product deleted build_list_delete: Product build list deleted platform: saved: Platform saved save_error: Platform saves error freezed: Platform freezed freeze_error: Platform freezing error, try again unfreezed: Platform unfreezed unfreeze_error: Platform unfreezing error, try again destroyed: Platform deleted build_all_success: All project build in progress clone_success: Cloned successfully wiki: ref_not_exist: No such version successfully_updated: Page '%{name}' successfully updated duplicate_page: Page '%{name}' already exists page_successfully_removed: Page successfully removed page_not_found: Page '%{name}' not found revert_success: Changes successfully reverted patch_does_not_apply: Patch does not apply blob: successfully_updated: File '%{name}' successfully updated updating_error: Error updating file '%{name}' attributes: password: Password password_confirmation: Confirmation remember_me: Remember name: Name parent_platform_id: Parent platform activerecord: errors: models: project: attributes: base: can_have_less_or_equal: You cannot have more than %{count} projects. models: category: Category repository: Repository arch: Arch container: Container platform: Platform group: Group event_log: Event log project: Project rpm: RPM user: User private_user: Private user product: Product product_build_list: Product build list download: Statistics auto_build_list: Auto rebuild list settings: saved: Settings saved success save_error: Setting update error private_users: "Login: %{login} Password: %{password}" subscribe: saved: Subscription on notifications for this task is created saved_error: Subscription create error destroyed: Subscription on notifications for this task is cleaned commit: saved: Subscription on notifications for this commit is created destroyed: Subscription on notifications for this commit is cleaned exception_message: Access violation to this page! attributes: settings: notifier: can_notify: Notifications by e-mail new_comment: New task comment notifications new_comment_reply: New reply of comment notifications new_issue: New task notifications issue_assign: New task assignment notifications auto_build_list: project_id: Project project: Project bpl_id: Repository for saving bpl: Repository for saving pl_id: Platform pl: Platform arch_id: Architecture arch: Architecture comment: body: Content user: Author private_user: login: Login password: Password category: parent_id: Parent name: Name repository: name: Name description: Description platform_id: Platform platform: Platform created_at: Created updated_at: Updated owner: Owner product: name: Name platform_id: Platform build_status: Build status build_path: ISO path created_at: Created updated_at: Updated ks: Content .ks.template counter: Content .counter build_script: Content build menu: Content .menu.xml tar: Tar.bz2 file is_template: Template system_wide: System cron_tab: Cront tab use_cron: Cron usage arch: name: Name created_at: Created updated_at: Updated container: name: Name project_id: Project project: Project owner_id: Owner owner: Owner created_at: Created updated_at: Updated platform: name: Name description: Description parent_platform_id: Parent platform parent: Parent platform released: Released created_at: Created updated_at: Updated distrib_type: Source type visibility: Status visibility_types: open: Open hidden: Hidden event_log: kind: Event type created_at: Event date and time user: User ip: User IP protocol: Access protocol description: Description project: category_id: Category name: Name description: Descripton owner: Owner visibility: Visibility visibility_types: open: Open hidden: Hidden repository_id: Repository repository: Repository created_at: Created updated_at: Updated has_issues: Tracker on has_wiki: Wiki on srpm: Import code from src.rpm who_owns: me: I group: Group rpm: name: Name arch_id: Arch arch: Arch project_id: Project project: Project created_at: Created updated_at: Updated role: name: Name on: Slave to: Master use_default: By default use_default_for_owner: Default by owner group: name: Name uname: Nickname owner: Owner created_at: Created updated_at: Updated user: name: User login: Nickname or Email email: Email uname: Nickname ssh_key: SSH key current_password: Current password role: Role created_at: Created updated_at: Updated role: System role language: Language product_build_list: id: Id product: Product container_path: Container status: Status notified_at: Notified at download: name: Name version: Version distro: Source platform: Platform counter: Downloads notifications: subjects: new_comment_notification: New comment to your task new_issue_notification: New task added to project new_user_notification: Registered on project «%{ project_name }» issue_assign_notification: New task assigned new_commit_comment_notification: New comment to commit invite_approve_notification: Invitation to ABF