namespace :buildlist do namespace :clear do desc 'Remove outdated BuildLists and MassBuilds' task outdated: :environment do say "[#{}] Removing outdated BuildLists" say "[#{}] There are #{BuildList.outdated.count} outdated BuildLists" counter = 0 BuildList.outdated.order(:id).find_in_batches(batch_size: 100) do |build_lists| build_lists.each do |bl| bl.destroy && (counter += 1) if != bl.last_published.first.try(:id) end end say "[#{}] #{counter} outdated BuildLists have been removed" say "[#{}] Removing outdated MassBuilds" say "[#{}] There are #{MassBuild.outdated.count} outdated MassBuilds" counter = 0 MassBuild.outdated.each do |mb| mb.destroy && (counter += 1) if mb.build_lists.count == 0 end say "[#{}] #{counter} outdated MassBuilds have been removed" say "[#{}] Outdated BuildLists and MassBuilds was successfully removed" end desc 'Remove outdated BuildLists with status BUILD_CANCELING' task outdated_canceling: :environment do say "[#{}] Removing outdated BuildLists" scope = BuildList.for_status(BuildList::BUILD_CANCELING). for_notified_date_period(nil, - 3.hours) say "[#{}] There are #{scope.count} outdated BuildLists" counter = 0 scope.find_each do |bl| bl.destroy && (counter += 1) end say "[#{}] #{counter} outdated BuildLists have been removed" say "[#{}] Outdated BuildLists were successfully removed" end end namespace :packages do # TODO Maybe do it in migration, because it's just a single query? desc 'Actualize packages for all platforms' task actualize: :environment do say "Updating packages" packages = BuildList::Package.joins( %q{ JOIN ( SELECT name AS j_pn, package_type AS j_pt, platform_id AS j_plid, MAX(created_at) AS j_ca FROM build_list_packages GROUP BY j_pn, j_pt, j_plid ) AS lastmaints ON j_pn = name AND j_pt = package_type AND j_plid = platform_id AND j_ca = created_at } ).update_all(actual: true) say "'Actual' setted to #{packages} packages" end end end