class CommentPresenter < ApplicationPresenter include PullRequestHelper attr_accessor :comment, :options attr_reader :header, :image, :date, :caption, :content, :buttons, :is_reference_to_issue, :reference_project def initialize(comment, opts = {}) @is_reference_to_issue = !!(comment.automatic && comment.created_from_issue_id) # is it reference issue from another issue @comment, @user, @options = comment, comment.user, opts unless @is_reference_to_issue @content = @comment.body else issue = Issue.where(id: comment.created_from_issue_id).first if issue && ([:comment_id].nil? || Comment.exists?([:comment_id])) @referenced_issue = issue.pull_request || issue @reference_project = issue.project title = if issue == opts[:commentable] "#{issue.serial_id}" elsif issue.project.owner == opts[:commentable].project.owner "#{}##{issue.serial_id}" else "#{issue.project.name_with_owner}##{issue.serial_id}" end title = "#{title}:" issue_link = project_issue_path(issue.project, issue) @content = "#{title} #{issue.title}".html_safe else @content = t 'layout.comments.removed' end end end def expandable? false end def buttons? !@is_reference_to_issue # dont show for automatic comment end def content? true end def caption? false end def issue_referenced_state? @referenced_issue # show state of the existing referenced issue end def buttons project, commentable = options[:project], options[:commentable] link_to_comment = "#{helpers.project_commentable_path(project, commentable)}##{comment_anchor}" klass = "#{@options[:in_discussion].present? ? 'in_discussion_' : ''}link_to_comment" res = [ link_to(content_tag(:i, nil, class: 'fa fa-link'), link_to_comment, class: klass).html_safe ] if controller.policy(@comment).update? res << link_to(content_tag(:i, nil, class: 'fa fa-edit'), "#update-comment#{}", 'ng-click' => "commentsCtrl.toggleEditForm(#{comment_id})" ).html_safe end if controller.policy(@comment).destroy? res << link_to(content_tag(:i, nil, class: 'fa fa-close'), '', 'ng-click' => "commentsCtrl.remove(#{comment_id})").html_safe end res end def header user_link = link_to @user.fullname, user_path(@user.uname) res = unless @is_reference_to_issue "#{user_link} #{t 'layout.comments.has_commented'}" else t 'layout.comments.reference', user: user_link end res.html_safe end def image @image ||= helpers.avatar_url(@user, :medium) end def date @date ||= @comment.created_at end def comment_id? true end def comment_id end def comment_anchor # check for pull diff inline comment before = if @options[:add_anchor].present? && !@options[:in_discussion] 'diff-' else '' end "#{before}comment#{}" end def issue_referenced_state if @referenced_issue.is_a? Issue statuses = {'open' => 'success', 'closed' => 'important'} content_tag :span, t("layout.issues.status.#{@referenced_issue.status}"), class: "pull-right label label-#{statuses[@referenced_issue.status]}" else pull_status_label @referenced_issue.status, class: 'pull-right' end.html_safe end end