# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- class Platform < ActiveRecord::Base VISIBILITIES = ['open']#, 'hidden'] # Disable support hidden platforms. belongs_to :parent, :class_name => 'Platform', :foreign_key => 'parent_platform_id' belongs_to :owner, :polymorphic => true has_many :repositories, :dependent => :destroy has_many :products, :dependent => :destroy has_many :relations, :as => :target, :dependent => :destroy has_many :actors, :as => :target, :class_name => 'Relation', :dependent => :destroy has_many :members, :through => :actors, :source => :actor, :source_type => 'User' has_and_belongs_to_many :advisories has_many :packages, :class_name => "BuildList::Package", :dependent => :destroy has_many :mass_builds, :foreign_key => :save_to_platform_id validates :description, :presence => true validates :visibility, :presence => true, :inclusion => {:in => VISIBILITIES} validates :name, :uniqueness => {:case_sensitive => false}, :presence => true, :format => { :with => /\A[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+\z/ } validates :distrib_type, :presence => true, :inclusion => {:in => APP_CONFIG['distr_types']} validate lambda { if released_was && !released errors.add(:released, I18n.t('flash.platform.released_status_can_not_be_changed')) end } before_create :create_directory before_destroy :detele_directory after_update :freeze_platform_and_update_repos after_update :update_owner_relation after_create lambda { symlink_directory unless hidden? } after_destroy lambda { remove_symlink_directory unless hidden? } scope :search_order, order("CHAR_LENGTH(#{table_name}.name) ASC") scope :search, lambda {|q| where("#{table_name}.name ILIKE ?", "%#{q.to_s.strip}%")} scope :by_visibilities, lambda {|v| where(:visibility => v)} scope :opened, where(:visibility => 'open') scope :hidden, where(:visibility => 'hidden') scope :by_type, lambda {|type| where(:platform_type => type) if type.present?} scope :main, by_type('main') scope :personal, by_type('personal') attr_accessible :name, :distrib_type, :parent_platform_id, :platform_type, :owner, :visibility, :description, :released attr_readonly :name, :distrib_type, :parent_platform_id, :platform_type include Modules::Models::Owner def clear system("rm -Rf #{ APP_CONFIG['root_path'] }/platforms/#{ self.name }/repository/*") end def urpmi_list(host = nil, pair = nil, add_commands = true, repository_name = 'main') host ||= default_host urpmi_commands = ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.new # TODO: rename method or create separate methods for mdv and rhel # Platform.main.opened.where(:distrib_type => APP_CONFIG['distr_types'].first).each do |pl| Platform.main.opened.each do |pl| urpmi_commands[pl.name] = {} # FIXME should support restricting access to the hidden platform Arch.all.each do |arch| tail = "/#{arch.name}/#{repository_name}/release" command = add_commands ? "urpmi.addmedia #{name} " : '' command << "#{APP_CONFIG['downloads_url']}/#{name}/repository/#{pl.name}#{tail}" urpmi_commands[pl.name][arch.name] = command end end return urpmi_commands end def path build_path(name) end def add_member(member, role = 'admin') Relation.add_member(member, self, role) end def remove_member(member) Relation.remove_member(member, self) end def symlink_path Rails.root.join("public", "downloads", name) end # Returns URL to repository, for example: # - http://abf-downloads.rosalinux.ru/rosa-server2012/repository/x86_64/base/ # - http://abf-downloads.rosalinux.ru/uname_personal/repository/rosa-server2012/x86_64/base/ def public_downloads_url(subplatform_name = nil, arch = nil, repo = nil) "#{APP_CONFIG['downloads_url']}/#{name}/repository/".tap do |url| url << "#{subplatform_name}/" if subplatform_name.present? url << "#{arch}/" if arch.present? url << "#{repo}/" if repo.present? end end def hidden? visibility == 'hidden' end def personal? platform_type == 'personal' end def main? platform_type == 'main' end def base_clone(attrs = {}) # :description, :name, :owner dup.tap do |c| attrs.each {|k,v| c.send("#{k}=", v)} # c.attributes = attrs c.updated_at = nil; c.created_at = nil c.parent = self; c.released = false end end def clone_relations(from = parent) self.repositories = from.repositories.map{|r| r.full_clone(:platform_id => id)} self.products = from.products.map(&:full_clone) end def full_clone(attrs = {}) base_clone(attrs).tap do |c| with_skip {c.save} and c.clone_relations(self) and c.fs_clone # later with resque end end def change_visibility if !hidden? update_attributes(:visibility => 'hidden') remove_symlink_directory else update_attributes(:visibility => 'open') symlink_directory end end def symlink_directory # umount_directory_for_rsync # TODO ignore errors system("ln -s #{path} #{symlink_path}") Arch.all.each do |arch| str = "country=Russian Federation,city=Moscow,latitude=52.18,longitude=48.88,bw=1GB,version=2011,arch=#{arch.name},type=distrib,url=#{public_downloads_url}\n" File.open(File.join(symlink_path, "#{name}.#{arch.name}.list"), 'w') {|f| f.write(str) } end end def remove_symlink_directory system("rm -Rf #{symlink_path}") end def update_owner_relation if owner_id_was != owner_id r = relations.where(:actor_id => owner_id_was, :actor_type => owner_type_was).first r.update_attributes(:actor_id => owner_id, :actor_type => owner_type) end end def destroy with_skip {super} # avoid cascade XML RPC requests end later :destroy, :queue => :clone_build def default_host EventLog.current_controller.request.host_with_port rescue ::Rosa::Application.config.action_mailer.default_url_options[:host] end protected def create_directory system("mkdir -p -m 0777 #{build_path([name, 'repository'])}") end def build_path(dir) File.join(APP_CONFIG['root_path'], 'platforms', dir) end def detele_directory FileUtils.rm_rf path end def fs_clone(old_name = parent.name, new_name = name) FileUtils.cp_r "#{parent.path}/repository", path end later :fs_clone, :queue => :clone_build def freeze_platform_and_update_repos if released_changed? && released == true repositories.update_all(:publish_without_qa => false) end end end