#require 'lib/build_server.rb' class Platform < ActiveRecord::Base VISIBILITIES = ['open', 'hidden'] relationable :as => :target belongs_to :parent, :class_name => 'Platform', :foreign_key => 'parent_platform_id' belongs_to :owner, :polymorphic => true has_many :repositories, :dependent => :destroy has_many :products, :dependent => :destroy has_many :objects, :as => :target, :class_name => 'Relation' has_many :members, :through => :objects, :source => :object, :source_type => 'User' has_many :groups, :through => :objects, :source => :object, :source_type => 'Group' validates :name, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true validates :unixname, :uniqueness => true, :presence => true, :format => { :with => /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/ }, :allow_nil => false, :allow_blank => false validates :distrib_type, :presence => true, :allow_nil => :false, :allow_blank => false, :inclusion => {:in => APP_CONFIG['distr_types']} after_create :make_owner_rel # before_save :create_directory before_save :make_owner_rel # after_destroy :remove_directory before_create :xml_rpc_create before_destroy :xml_rpc_destroy # before_update :check_freezing scope :by_visibilities, lambda {|v| {:conditions => ['visibility in (?)', v.join(',')]}} scope :main, where(:platform_type => 'main') scope :personal, where(:platform_type => 'personal') #attr_accessible :visibility def path build_path(unixname) end def clone(new_name, new_unixname) p = Platform.new p.name = new_name p.unixname = new_unixname p.parent = self p.repositories = repositories.map(&:clone) result = p.save return (result && xml_rpc_clone(new_unixname) && p) end def name released? ? "#{self[:name]} #{I18n.t("layout.platforms.released_suffix")}" : self[:name] end def roles_of(user) objects.where(:object_id => user.id, :object_type => user.class).map {|rel| rel.role}.reject {|r| r.nil?} end def add_role(user, role) roles = objects.where(:object_id => user.id, :object_type => user.class).map {|rel| rel.role}.reject {|r| r.nil?} unless roles.include? role rel = Relation.create(:object_type => user.class.to_s, :object_id => user.id, :target_type => self.class.to_s, :target_id => id) rel.role = role rel.save end end protected def build_path(dir) File.join(APP_CONFIG['root_path'], 'platforms', dir) end def git_path(dir) File.join(build_path(dir), 'git') end def create_directory exists = File.exists?(path) && File.directory?(path) raise "Directory #{path} already exists" if exists if new_record? FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) elsif unixname_changed? FileUtils.mv(build_path(unixname_was), build_path(unixname)) end end def remove_directory exists = File.exists?(path) && File.directory?(path) raise "Directory #{path} didn't exists" unless exists FileUtils.rm_rf(path) end def make_owner_rel unless members.include? owner or groups.include? owner members << owner if owner.instance_of? User groups << owner if owner.instance_of? Group end end def xml_rpc_create # return true result = BuildServer.add_platform unixname, APP_CONFIG['root_path'] + '/platforms' , distrib_type if result == BuildServer::SUCCESS return true else raise "Failed to create platform #{name} with code #{result}. Path: #{build_path(unixname)}" end end def xml_rpc_destroy # return true result = BuildServer.delete_platform unixname if result == BuildServer::SUCCESS return true else raise "Failed to delete platform #{unixname} with code #{result}." end end def xml_rpc_clone(new_unixname) # return true result = BuildServer.clone_platform new_unixname, self.unixname, APP_CONFIG['root_path'] + '/platforms' if result == BuildServer::SUCCESS return true else raise "Failed to clone platform #{name} with code #{result}. Path: #{build_path(unixname)} to platform #{new_unixname}" end end def check_freezing if released_changed? BuildServer.freeze_platform self.unixname end end end