.block .secondary-navigation %ul.wat-cf %li.first.active= link_to t("layout.roles.list"), roles_path %li= link_to t("layout.roles.new"), new_role_path .content %h2.title = t("layout.roles.list_header") .inner .group = button_to t("layout.roles.get_dump"), {:controller => :roles, :action => :get_dump}, {:style => 'float: left; margin-right: 30px'} = form_tag url_for(:controller => :roles, :action => :load_from_dump), :multipart => true do = label_tag :file, t("layout.roles.from_file") + ':' = file_field_tag :file = submit_tag t("layout.upload") %br -unless @roles.empty? %table.table %tr %th.first ID %th= t("activerecord.attributes.role.name") %th= t("activerecord.attributes.role.to") %th= t("activerecord.attributes.role.on") %th= t("activerecord.attributes.role.use_default") %th= t("activerecord.attributes.role.use_default_for_owner") %th.last   - @roles.each do |role| %tr{:class => cycle("odd", "even")} %td = role.id %td = link_to role.name, role_path(role) %td = (role.to and role.to != '') ? role.to : 'All' %td = (role.on and role.on != '') ? role.on : 'System' %td = (role.use_default) ? t("layout.yes_") : t("layout.no_") %td = (role.use_default_for_owner) ? t("layout.yes_") : t("layout.no_") %td.last #{link_to t("layout.show"), role_path(role)} | #{link_to t("layout.edit"), edit_role_path(role)} | #{link_to t("layout.delete"), role_path(role), :method => :delete, :confirm => t("layout.roles.confirm_delete")} .actions-bar.wat-cf .actions -else .inner %label.label Роли отсутствуют, = link_to "создать новую роль", new_role_path - content_for :sidebar, render(:partial => 'sidebar')