# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- module GitHelper def render_path # TODO: Looks ugly, rewrite with clear mind. if @path.present? if @treeish == "master" res = "#{link_to @project.name, tree_path(@project)} / " else res = "#{link_to @project.name, tree_path(@project, @treeish)} / " end parts = @path.split("/") current_path = parts.first res += parts.length == 1 ? parts.first : link_to(parts.first, tree_path(@project, @treeish, current_path)) + " / " parts[1..-2].each do |part| current_path = File.join([current_path, part].compact) res += link_to(part, tree_path(@project, @treeish, current_path)) res += " / " end res += parts.last if parts.length > 1 else res = "#{link_to @project.name, tree_path(@project)} /" end res.encode_to_default.html_safe end def blob_file_path if @commit_hash.present? blob_commit_path(@project, @commit_hash, @path) else blob_path(@project, @treeish, @path) end end def render_line_numbers(n) res = "" 1.upto(n) {|i| res += "#{i}
" } res.html_safe end def render_blob(blob) res = "" blob.data.encode_to_default.split("\n").collect do |line| "
#{line.present? ? h(line) : "
" end.join end def choose_render_way(blob) return :image if blob.mime_type.match(/image/) return :binary if blob.binary? :text # return :text if blob.mime_type.match(/text|xml|json/) # :binary end def force_encoding_to_site(string) string.dup.encode_to_default end def iterate_path(path, &block) path.split(File::SEPARATOR).inject('') do |a, e| if e != '.' and e != '..' a = File.join(a, e) a = a[1..-1] if a[0] == File::SEPARATOR block.call(a, e) if a.length > 1 end a end end # TODO This is very dirty hack. Maybe need to be changed. def branch_selector_options(project) tmp = params.dup unless tmp['treeish'].present? tmp.merge!('project_id' => project.id, 'treeish' => project.default_branch).delete('id') end tmp.delete('treeish') if tmp['commit_hash'].present? res = {} current = url_for(tmp).split('?', 2).first tmp['commit_hash'] = truncate(tmp['commit_hash'], :length => 20) if tmp['commit_hash'] res = project.branches.inject(res) do |h, branch| h[truncate(branch.name, :length => 20)] = url_for(tmp.merge('treeish' => branch.name)).split('?', 2).first h end res.merge!(tmp['commit_hash'] || tmp['treeish'] => current) options_for_select(res.sort, current).html_safe end end