class Collaborator include ActiveModel::Conversion include ActiveModel::Validations include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON include ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity extend ActiveModel::Naming attr_accessor :role, :actor, :project, :relation attr_reader :id, :actor_id, :actor_type, :actor_name, :project_id attr_accessible :role delegate :new_record?, to: :relation class << self def find_by_project(project) res = [] project.relations.each do |r| res << from_relation(r) unless project.owner_id == r.actor_id and project.owner_type == r.actor_type end return res end def find(id) return self.from_relation(Relation.find(id)) || nil end def create(args) c = return ? c : false end def create!(args) c =! return c end end def initialize(args = {}) args.to_options! acc_options ={ |(k, v)| [:actor, :project, :relation] } acc_options.each_pair do |name, value| send("#{name}=", value) end if args[:project_id].present? @project = Project.find(args[:project_id]) end if args[:actor_id].present? and args[:actor_type].present? @actor = args[:actor_type].classify.constantize.find(args[:actor_id]) end relation.role = args[:role] if args[:role].present? #if @relation.present? and args[:role].present? end def update_attributes(attributes, options = {}) sanitize_for_mass_assignment(attributes, options[:as]).each_pair do |k, v| send("#{k}=", v) end save end def relation=(model) @relation = model @actor = @project = end def id relation.try(:id) end def actor_id @actor.try(:id) end def actor_type @actor.class.to_s.underscore end def actor_name if @actor.present? @actor.instance_of?(User) ? "#{@actor.uname}#{ @actor.try(:name) and ! ? " (#{})" : ''}" : @actor.uname else nil end end def project_id @project.try(:id) end def role relation.try(:role) end def role=(arg) relation.role = arg end def save relation.try(:save) end def save! relation.try(:save!) end def destroy relation.try(:destroy) @actor.check_assigned_issues @project end def attributes %w{ id actor_id actor_type actor_name project_id role}.inject({}) do |h, e| h.merge(e => send(e)) end end def persisted? false end protected class << self def from_relation(relation) return nil unless relation.present? return relation) end end def relation return @relation if @relation.present? and == @actor and == @project if @actor.present? and @project.present? @relation = Relation.by_actor(@actor).by_target(@project).limit(1).first @relation ||= =>, :actor_type => @actor.class.to_s, target_id:, target_type: 'Project') else @relation = = @actor = @project end @relation end end Collaborator.include_root_in_json = false