en: layout: users: list: List new: Create edit: Edit new_header: New user new_system_header: New system user edit_header: Edit list_header: Users groups: Groups show: User back_to_the_list: ⇐ List of users confirm_delete: Are you sure you want to remove this user? confirm_reset_token: Are you sure you want to reset token for this user? own_projects: My projects part_projects: Projects participation filter_header: Filter system: System accounts reset_token: Reset token flash: user: saved: User saved successfully save_error: Unable to save user data destroyed: User account deleted reset_auth_token: User token reseted successfully activerecord: models: user: User attributes: user: name: User login: Nickname or Email email: Email uname: Nickname ssh_key: SSH key current_password: Current password role: Role created_at: Created updated_at: Updated role: System role language: Language password: Password password_confirm: Confirmation