en: layout: key_pairs: repository_id: Repository user_id: User public: Public key secret: Secret key confirm_delete: Are you sure you want to delete this signature? header: Signatures flash: key_pairs: saved: Repository successfully signed save_error: Signature save error destroyed: Signature succefully destroyed destroy_error: Signature destroy error activerecord: errors: key_pair: repo_key_exists: Repository has been signed already! Please remove old signature and try again rpc_error_0: an unexpected error rpc_error_1: could not import public key rpc_error_2: could not import secret key rpc_error_3: keys are imported, but it is not a key pair (ids differ) models: key_pair: Key Pair attributes: key_pair: id: Id created_at: Created updated_at: Updated user_id: User repository_id: Repository public: Public key secret: Secret key key_id: Signature