#md_help.modal.hidden .modal-header %button.close{"aria-hidden" => "true", "data-dismiss" => "modal", :type => "button"} × %h3#myModalLabel=t('layout.comments.md_cheatsheet_header') .modal-body .mod .col %h3=t 'layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.format_text' %p=t 'layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.headers' %pre -[1, 3, 6].each do |i| ="#{'#'*i} This is an tag" %p=t 'layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.text_styles' %pre :preserve *This text will be italic* _This will also be italic_ **This text will be bold** __This will also be bold__ %p=link_to t('layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.emoji_header'), 'http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/', :target => '_blank' %pre =":smile:" =image_tag(image_path('emoji/smile.png'), :class => 'emoji', :title => 'smile', :alt => 'smile', :size => "20x20") =" :+1:" =image_tag(image_path('emoji/+1.png'), :class => 'emoji', :title => '+1', :alt => '+1', :size => "20x20") .col %h3=t 'layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.lists' %p{:style => 'float:left;margin-left:20px;'}=t 'layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.unordered' %p{:style => 'float:right;margin-right:40px;'}=t 'layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.ordered' .both %pre :preserve * Item 1 1. Item 1 * Item 2 2. Item 2 * Item 2a 3. Item 3 * Item 2b * Item 3a * Item 3b %p=t 'layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.reference_format' %pre =preserve t('layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.reference_format_example').html_safe .col %h3=t 'layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.miscellaneous' %p=t 'layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.images' %pre :preserve ![avatar](/assets/ava.png) Format: ![Alt Text](url) %p=t 'layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.links' %pre :preserve https://abf.rosalinux.ru [ABF](https://abf.rosalinux.ru/) %p=t 'layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.blockquotes' %pre :preserve As Kanye West said: > We're living the future so > the present is our past. .both %hr.bootstrap %h3=t 'layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.code_examples' .col %p =t 'layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.syntax_highlighting' %pre :preserve ```javascript function fancyAlert(arg) { if(arg) { $.facebox({div:'#foo'}) } } ``` .col %p=t 'layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.indent_code' %pre :preserve Here is a Python code example without syntax highlighting: def foo: if not bar: return true .col %p=t 'layout.comments.md_cheatsheet.inline_code' %pre :preserve I think you should use an `[addr]` element here instead. .both