class Project < ActiveRecord::Base has_ancestry orphan_strategy: :adopt # we replace a 'path' method in the Git module include Autostart include Owner include Git include Wiki include UrlHelper include EventLoggable VISIBILITIES = ['open', 'hidden'] MAX_OWN_PROJECTS = 32000 NAME_REGEXP = /[\w\-\+\.]+/ OWNER_AND_NAME_REGEXP = /#{User::NAME_REGEXP.source}\/#{NAME_REGEXP.source}/ belongs_to :owner, polymorphic: true, counter_cache: :own_projects_count belongs_to :maintainer, class_name: 'User' has_many :issues, dependent: :destroy has_many :pull_requests, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: 'to_project_id' has_many :labels, dependent: :destroy has_many :project_imports, dependent: :destroy has_many :project_to_repositories, dependent: :destroy has_many :repositories, through: :project_to_repositories has_many :project_tags, dependent: :destroy has_many :project_statistics, dependent: :destroy has_many :build_lists, dependent: :destroy has_many :hooks, dependent: :destroy has_many :relations, as: :target, dependent: :destroy has_many :collaborators, through: :relations, source: :actor, source_type: 'User' has_many :groups, through: :relations, source: :actor, source_type: 'Group' has_many :packages, class_name: 'BuildList::Package', dependent: :destroy has_and_belongs_to_many :advisories # should be without dependent: :destroy validates :name, uniqueness: { scope: [:owner_id, :owner_type], case_sensitive: false }, presence: true, format: { with: /\A#{NAME_REGEXP.source}\z/, message: I18n.t("activerecord.errors.project.uname") } validates :maintainer_id, presence: true, unless: :new_record? validates :url, presence: true, format: { with: /\Ahttps?:\/\/[\S]+\z/ }, if: :mass_import validates :add_to_repository_id, presence: true, if: :mass_import validates :visibility, presence: true, inclusion: { in: VISIBILITIES } validate { errors.add(:base, :can_have_less_or_equal, count: MAX_OWN_PROJECTS) if owner.projects.size >= MAX_OWN_PROJECTS } validate :check_default_branch # throws validation error message from ProjectToRepository model into Project model validate do |project| project.project_to_repositories.each do |p_to_r| next if p_to_r.valid? p_to_r.errors.full_messages.each{ |msg| errors[:base] << msg } end errors.delete :project_to_repositories end attr_accessible :name, :description, :visibility, :srpm, :is_package, :default_branch, :has_issues, :has_wiki, :maintainer_id, :publish_i686_into_x86_64, :url, :srpms_list, :mass_import, :add_to_repository_id, :architecture_dependent, :autostart_status attr_readonly :owner_id, :owner_type scope :recent, -> { order(:name) } scope :search_order, -> { order('CHAR_LENGTH( ASC') } scope :search, ->(q) { q = q.to_s.strip by_name("%#{q}%").search_order if q.present? } scope :by_name, ->(name) { where(' ILIKE ?', name) if name.present? } scope :by_owner_and_name, ->(*params) { term ='/').downcase where("lower(concat(owner_uname, '/', name)) ILIKE ?", "%#{term}%") if term.present? } scope :by_visibilities, ->(v) { where(visibility: v) } scope :opened, -> { where(visibility: 'open') } scope :package, -> { where(is_package: true) } scope :addable_to_repository, ->(repository_id) { where(' NOT IN ( SELECT ptr.project_id FROM project_to_repositories AS ptr WHERE ptr.repository_id = ?)', repository_id) } scope :by_owners, ->(group_owner_ids, user_owner_ids) { where("(projects.owner_id in (?) AND projects.owner_type = 'Group') OR (projects.owner_id in (?) AND projects.owner_type = 'User')", group_owner_ids, user_owner_ids) } before_validation :truncate_name, on: :create before_save -> { self.owner_uname = owner.uname if owner_uname.blank? || owner_id_changed? || owner_type_changed? } before_create :set_maintainer after_save :attach_to_personal_repository after_update :set_new_git_head after_update -> { update_path_to_project(name_was) }, if: :name_changed? attr_accessor :url, :srpms_list, :mass_import, :add_to_repository_id class << self def find_by_owner_and_name(first, last = nil) arr = first.try(:split, '/') || [] arr = (arr << last).compact return nil if arr.length != 2 where(owner_uname: arr.first, name: arr.last).first || by_owner_and_name(*arr).first end def find_by_owner_and_name!(first, last = nil) find_by_owner_and_name(first, last) or raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound end end def init_mass_import Project.perform_later :clone_build, :run_mass_import, url, srpms_list, visibility, owner, add_to_repository_id end def name_with_owner "#{owner_uname || owner.uname}/#{name}" end def to_param name_with_owner end def all_members(*includes) members(includes) | (owner_type == 'User' ? [owner] : owner.members.includes(includes)) end def members(*includes) collaborators.includes(includes) |{ |g| g.members.includes(includes) }.flatten end def add_member(member, role = 'admin') Relation.add_member(member, self, role) end def remove_member(member) Relation.remove_member(member, self) end def platforms @platforms ||= end def admins admins = self.collaborators.where("relations.role = 'admin'") grs = self.groups.where("relations.role = 'admin'") if self.owner.is_a? Group grs = grs.where("relations.actor_id != ?", admins = admins | owner.members.where("relations.role = 'admin'") end admins = admins | # member of the admin group is admin end def public? visibility == 'open' end def owner?(user) owner == user end def git_project_address auth_user opts = default_url_options opts.merge!({user: auth_user.authentication_token, password: ''}) unless self.public? Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.project_url(self.name_with_owner, opts) + '.git' #path #share by NFS end def build_for(mass_build, repository_id, arch = Arch.find_by(name: 'i586'), priority = 0, increase_rt = false) build_for_platform = mass_build.build_for_platform save_to_platform = mass_build.save_to_platform user = mass_build.user # Select main and project platform repository(contrib, non-free and etc) # If main does not exist, will connect only project platform repository # If project platform repository is main, only main will be connect main_rep_id = build_for_platform.repositories.main.first.try(:id) include_repos = ([main_rep_id] << (save_to_platform.main? ? repository_id : nil)).compact.uniq project_version = project_version_for save_to_platform, build_for_platform increase_release_tag(project_version, user, "MassBuild##{}: Increase release tag") if increase_rt build_list = do |bl| bl.save_to_platform = save_to_platform bl.build_for_platform = build_for_platform bl.update_type = 'newpackage' bl.arch = arch bl.project_version = project_version bl.user = user bl.auto_publish_status = mass_build.auto_publish? ? BuildList::AUTO_PUBLISH_STATUS_DEFAULT : BuildList::AUTO_PUBLISH_STATUS_NONE bl.include_repos = include_repos bl.extra_repositories = mass_build.extra_repositories bl.extra_build_lists = mass_build.extra_build_lists bl.priority = priority bl.mass_build_id = bl.save_to_repository_id = repository_id end end def project_version_for(save_to_platform, build_for_platform) if repo.commits("#{}").try(:first).try(:id) elsif repo.commits("#{}").try(:first).try(:id) else default_branch end end def fork(new_owner, new_name = name) new_name = new_name.presence || name dup.tap do |c| = new_name c.parent_id = id c.owner = new_owner c.updated_at = nil; c.created_at = nil # :id = nil # Hack to call protected method :) c.send :set_maintainer end end def destroy_project_from_repository(repository) AbfWorker::BuildListsPublishTaskManager.destroy_project_from_repository self, repository end def default_head treeish = nil # maybe need change 'head'? # Attention! # repo.commit(nil) => # repo.commit(nil.to_s) => nil return treeish if treeish.present? && repo.commit(treeish).present? if || default_branch) treeish || default_branch else repo.branches_and_tags[0].try(:name) || default_branch end end def get_project_tag_sha1(tag, format) format_id = ProjectTag::FORMATS["#{tag_file_format(format)}"] project_tag = project_tags.where(tag_name:, format_id: format_id).first return project_tag.sha1 if project_tag && project_tag.commit_id == && FileStoreClean.file_exist_on_file_store?(project_tag.sha1) archive = archive_by_treeish_and_format, format sha1 = Digest::SHA1.file(archive[:path]).hexdigest unless FileStoreClean.file_exist_on_file_store? sha1 token = User.find_by(uname: 'rosa_system').authentication_token begin resp = JSON `curl --user #{token}: -POST -F 'file_store[file]=@#{archive[:path]};filename=#{name}-#{}.#{tag_file_format(format)}' #{APP_CONFIG['file_store_url']}/api/v1/upload` rescue # Dont care about it resp = {} end return nil if resp['sha1_hash'].nil? end if project_tag project_tag.destroy_files_from_file_store(project_tag.sha1) project_tag.update_attributes(sha1: sha1) else project_tags.create( tag_name:, format_id: format_id, commit_id:, sha1: sha1 ) end return sha1 end def archive_by_treeish_and_format(treeish, format) @archive ||= create_archive treeish, format end # Finds release tag and increase its: # 'Release: %mkrel 4mdk' => 'Release: 5mdk' # 'Release: 4' => 'Release: 5' # Finds release macros and increase it: # '%define release %mkrel 4mdk' => '%define release 5mdk' # '%define release 4' => '%define release 5' def self.replace_release_tag(content) build_new_release = do |release, combine_release| if combine_release.present? r = combine_release.split('.').last.to_i release << combine_release.gsub(/.[\d]+$/, '') << ".#{r + 1}" else release = release.to_i + 1 end release end content.gsub(/^Release:(\s+)(%mkrel\s+)?(\d+)([.\d]+)?(mdk)?$/) do |line| tab, mkrel, mdk = $1, $2, $5 "Release:#{tab}#{$3, $4)}#{mdk}" end.gsub(/^%define\s+release:?(\s+)(%mkrel\s+)?(\d+)([.\d]+)?(mdk)?$/) do |line| tab, mkrel, mdk = $1, $2, $5 "%define release#{tab}#{$3, $4)}#{mdk}" end end class << self Autostart::HUMAN_AUTOSTART_STATUSES.each do |autostart_status, human_autostart_status| define_method "autostart_build_lists_#{human_autostart_status}" do autostart_build_lists autostart_status end end end def self.autostart_build_lists(autostart_status) Project.where(autostart_status: autostart_status).find_each do |p| p.project_to_repositories.autostart_enabled.includes(repository: :platform).each do |p_to_r| repository = p_to_r.repository user = User.find(p_to_r.user_id) if repository.platform.personal? platforms = Platform.availables_main_platforms(user) else platforms = [repository.platform] end platforms.each do |platform| platform.platform_arch_settings.by_default.pluck(:arch_id).each do |arch_id| build_list = do |bl| bl.save_to_platform = repository.platform bl.build_for_platform = platform bl.update_type = 'newpackage' bl.arch_id = arch_id bl.project_version = p.project_version_for(repository.platform, platform) bl.user = user bl.auto_publish_status = p_to_r.auto_publish? ? BuildList::AUTO_PUBLISH_STATUS_DEFAULT : BuildList::AUTO_PUBLISH_STATUS_NONE bl.save_to_repository = repository bl.include_repos = [platform.repositories.main.first.try(:id)].compact if repository.platform.personal? bl.extra_repositories = [] else bl.include_repos |= [] end end end end end end end protected def increase_release_tag(project_version, user, message) blob = repo.tree(project_version).contents.find{ |n| n.is_a?(Grit::Blob) && =~ /.spec$/ } return unless blob raw = content = self.class.replace_release_tag raw.content return if content == raw.content update_file(, content.gsub("\r", ''), message: message, actor: user, head: project_version ) end def create_archive(treeish, format) file_name = "#{name}-#{treeish}" fullname = "#{file_name}.#{tag_file_format(format)}" file = fullname, File.join(Rails.root, 'tmp') system("cd #{path}; git archive --format=#{format == 'zip' ? 'zip' : 'tar'} --prefix=#{file_name}/ #{treeish} #{format == 'zip' ? '' : ' | gzip -9'} > #{file.path}") file.close { path: file.path, fullname: fullname } end def tag_file_format(format) format == 'zip' ? 'zip' : 'tar.gz' end def truncate_name = name.strip if name end def attach_to_personal_repository owner_repos = self.owner.personal_platform.repositories if is_package repositories << self.owner.personal_repository unless repositories.exists?(id: owner_repos.pluck(:id)) else repositories.delete owner_repos end end def set_maintainer if maintainer_id.blank? self.maintainer_id = (owner_type == 'User') ? self.owner_id : self.owner.owner_id end end def set_new_git_head `cd #{path} && git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/#{self.default_branch}` if self.default_branch_changed? && end def update_path_to_project(old_name) new_name, new_path = name, path = old_name old_path = path = new_name old_path, new_path, force: true if Dir.exists?(old_path) pull_requests_old_path = File.join(APP_CONFIG['git_path'], 'pull_requests', owner.uname, old_name) if Dir.exists?(pull_requests_old_path) pull_requests_old_path, File.join(APP_CONFIG['git_path'], 'pull_requests', owner.uname, new_name), force: true end PullRequest.where(from_project_id: id).update_all(from_project_name: new_name) PullRequest.where(from_project_id: id).each{ |p| p.update_relations(old_name) } pull_requests.where('from_project_id != to_project_id').each(&:update_relations) end later :update_path_to_project, queue: :clone_build def check_default_branch if self.repo.branches.count > 0 && errors.add :default_branch, I18n.t('activerecord.errors.project.default_branch') end end end