c7f8b2587dAdded hostname field to buildlists, changed commit_hash logic, removed yandex and google counters, initial work on iso building
2016-02-08 17:47:15 +0300
881cae6afaFixed bug, when redis spop returns a string and it is being compared to an integer
2016-02-02 21:40:02 +0300
a1a70b562bFixed: ActiveRecord::SerializationTypeMismatch
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-06-17 00:00:57 +0300
dca09050d0Update routes.rb
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-06-15 23:46:17 +0300
b57fb4fc33Disable auto create of indexes
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-06-10 22:58:46 +0300
ec4503e2d4Cleanup of specs
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-06-09 22:34:39 +0300
eefcfdd1daUpdate travis.sh
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-06-09 03:26:35 +0300
874a17c79bUpdate projects_controller_spec
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-06-09 02:25:56 +0300
498f724986Fixed: unable to find policy AdvisoriesPolicy
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-06-05 23:55:55 +0300
e7c07897e8Update specs
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-06-05 22:08:15 +0300
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-06-05 21:56:39 +0300
5912c81d19Update slim gem
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-06-05 21:16:01 +0300
498aeb9777Update schema_plus gem
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-06-05 21:08:39 +0300
d8a3797112fix: Asset names passed to helpers should not include the "/assets/" prefix. Instead of "/assets/ava-big.png", use "ava-big.png"
Alexander Machehin
2015-06-04 21:42:43 +0500
c7d6792acdfix NoMethodError - undefined method '+' for nil:NilClass
Alexander Machehin
2015-06-04 21:26:35 +0500
c77dc80f12revert angularjs
Alexander Machehin
2015-06-04 21:25:47 +0500
6a56708afeDEPRECATION WARNING: The configuration option 'config.serve_static_assets' has been renamed to 'config.serve_static_files'
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-06-04 00:57:50 +0300
d56f14a9a8Update Rails to 4.2.1
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-06-04 00:54:25 +0300
6b5705c348update rack/rails/jquery-rails
Alexander Machehin
2015-06-17 08:29:55 +0500
a844d46fcdAllow to use extra repositories for MassBuild
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-06-15 14:32:58 +0300
7b7980ac15Fixed: ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-06-05 20:55:43 +0300
a217355b4afix ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError
Alexander Machehin
2015-06-05 14:30:50 +0500
af6bdd5e60fix error with issues when issue was deleted
Alexander Machehin
2015-06-03 19:33:42 +0500
fb71679958fix forbidden with pull requests
Alexander Machehin
2015-06-03 19:30:49 +0500
ea32f5acd2Merge branch 'master' of abf.rosalinux.ru:abf/rosa-build
Alexander Machehin
2015-06-03 15:24:02 +0500
d6cfc978a1Merge pull request #480 from abf/rosa-build:472-fix-recreate-build-list Fixed: loose some params at re-creation of build_list
2015-06-02 23:03:22 +0400
bed13eb01c#472: Fixed: loose some params at re-creation of build_list.
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-06-02 21:28:35 +0300
320863e26dMerge branch 'master' of abf.rosalinux.ru:abf/rosa-build
Alexander Machehin
2015-06-02 22:32:47 +0500
635bc92d8eadd rack-mini-profiler
Alexander Machehin
2015-06-02 22:32:25 +0500
8558bc6e4bMerge pull request #479 from abf/rosa-build:bootstrap-xl update the monitoring page for screens bigger than 1600px
2015-06-02 21:20:58 +0400
c65f7e80a9Merge pull request #476 from abf/rosa-build:472-strong-parameters #472: Use strong_parameters
2015-06-02 20:35:59 +0400
42e6aeaede#472: Update Users::SettingsController
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-05-28 01:32:41 +0300
5595936c48#472: Fixed: undefined method #auto_publish for BuildList
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-05-28 01:19:59 +0300
621b74fef2#472: Update activeadmin gem, some fixes
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-05-27 00:48:22 +0300
5882cafa7e#472: cleanup
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-05-26 02:35:00 +0300
c14a33d0be#472: Update specs
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-05-26 02:03:38 +0300
ae572b96d8#472: Fix specs
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-05-22 23:31:43 +0300
95d5f4a384#472: cleanup specs
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-05-22 23:27:04 +0300
81ddbef53a#472: Update Projects::PullRequestsController
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-05-22 23:19:07 +0300
592eed5640#472: Update Projects::ProjectsController
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-05-22 21:35:34 +0300
d944db7d17#472: Update Projects::HooksController
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-05-22 21:31:09 +0300
278627d626#472: Update Projects::CommentsController
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-05-22 21:20:53 +0300
c115c21e53#472: Update Projects::CollaboratorsController
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-05-22 21:09:22 +0300
b9e2f34239#472: Update Platforms::TokensController
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-05-21 00:52:50 +0300
331d01040d#472: Update Platforms::RepositoriesController
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-05-21 00:50:19 +0300
057ceee253#472: Update Platforms::ProductsController
Vokhmin Alexey V
2015-05-21 00:43:26 +0300