diff --git a/app/views/projects/base/_submenu.html.haml b/app/views/projects/base/_submenu.html.haml
index 30c1bff37..67b6fb37d 100644
--- a/app/views/projects/base/_submenu.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/projects/base/_submenu.html.haml
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%li= link_to t("project_menu.builds"), project_build_lists_path(@project), :class => (contr == :build_lists ? 'active' : nil)
- if @project.has_issues
%li= link_to t("project_menu.tracker"), project_issues_path(@project), :class => (contr == :issues ? 'active' : nil)
- %li=link_to t("project_menu.pull_requests"), project_pull_requests_path(@project), :class => (contr == :pull_requests ? 'active' : nil)
+ %li=link_to t("project_menu.pull_requests"), project_pull_requests_path(@project), :class => (contr == :pull_requests ? 'active' : nil)
- if @project.has_wiki
%li= link_to t("project_menu.wiki"), project_wiki_index_path(@project), :class => (contr == :wiki ? 'active' : nil)
%li=# link_to t("project_menu.readme"), "#" #pending
diff --git a/spec/controllers/projects/pull_requests_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/projects/pull_requests_controller_spec.rb
index 511244a23..ede5833b7 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/projects/pull_requests_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/projects/pull_requests_controller_spec.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-
require 'spec_helper'
-describe Projects::PullRequestsController do
- before(:each) do
+shared_context "pull request controller" do
+ before do
@project = FactoryGirl.create(:project)
@@ -15,57 +14,236 @@ describe Projects::PullRequestsController do
@pull.head_project, @pull.head_ref = @project, 'non_conflicts'
+ @project_with_turned_off_issues = FactoryGirl.create(:project, :has_issues => false)
+ @pull2 = @project_with_turned_off_issues.pull_requests.new :issue_attributes => {:title => 'test', :body => 'testing'}
+ @pull2.issue.user, @pull.issue.project = @project_with_turned_off_issues.owner, @pull.base_project
+ @pull2.base_ref = 'master'
+ @pull2.head_project, @pull.head_ref = @project_with_turned_off_issues, 'non_conflicts'
+ @pull2.save
+ @create_params = {
+ :pull_request => {:issue_attributes => {:title => 'create', :body => 'creating'},
+ :base_ref => 'non_conflicts',
+ :head_ref => 'master'},
+ :base_project_id => @project.id,
+ :owner_name => @project.owner.uname,
+ :project_name => @project.name }
+ @update_params = @create_params.merge(
+ :pull_request => {:issue_attributes => {:title => 'update', :body => 'updating', :id => @pull.issue.id}},
+ :id => @pull.serial_id)
+ @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@another_user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
- @create_params = {:pull_request => {:issue_attributes => {:title => 'create', :body => 'creating'}, :base_ref => 'non_conflicts', :head_ref => 'master'},
- :base_project_id => @project.id, :owner_name => @project.owner.uname, :project_name => @project.name}
- @update_params = @create_params.merge(:pull_request => {:issue_attributes => {:title => 'update', :body => 'updating', :id => @pull.issue.id}}, :id => @pull.serial_id)
+ set_session_for(@user)
+shared_examples_for 'pull request user with project guest rights' do
+ it 'should be able to perform index action' do
+ get :index, :owner_name => @project.owner.uname, :project_name => @project.name
+ response.should render_template(:index)
+ end
+ it 'should be able to perform show action' do
+ get :show, :owner_name => @project.owner.uname, :project_name => @project.name, :id => @pull.serial_id
+ response.should render_template(:show)
+ end
+shared_examples_for 'pull request user with project reader rights' do
+ it 'should be able to perform index action on hidden project' do
+ @project.update_attributes(:visibility => 'hidden')
+ get :index, :owner_name => @project.owner.uname, :project_name => @project.name
+ response.should render_template(:index)
+ end
+shared_examples_for 'pull request user with project writer rights' do
+ it 'should be able to perform create action' do
+ post :create, @create_params
+ response.should redirect_to(project_pull_request_path(@project, @project.pull_requests.last))
+ end
+ it 'should create pull request object into db' do
+ lambda{ post :create, @create_params }.should change{ PullRequest.joins(:issue).
+ where(:issues => {:title => 'create', :body => 'creating'}).count }.by(1)
+ end
+ it "should not create same pull" do
+ post :create, @create_params.merge({:pull_request => {:issue_attributes => {:title => 'same', :body => 'creating'}, :head_ref => 'non_conflicts', :base_ref => 'master'}, :base_project_id => @project.id})
+ PullRequest.joins(:issue).where(:issues => {:title => 'same', :body => 'creating'}).count.should == 0
+ end
+ it "should not create already up-to-date pull" do
+ post :create, @create_params.merge({:pull_request => {:issue_attributes => {:title => 'already', :body => 'creating'}, :base_ref => 'master', :head_ref => 'master'}, :base_project_id => @project.id})
+ PullRequest.joins(:issue).where(:issues => {:title => 'already', :body => 'creating'}).count.should == 0
+ end
+shared_examples_for 'user with pull request update rights' do
+ it 'should be able to perform update action' do
+ put :update, @update_params
+ response.code.should eq('200')
+ end
+ it 'should update pull request title and body' do
+ put :update, @update_params
+ @project.pull_requests.joins(:issue).where(:id => @pull.id, :issues => {:title => 'update', :body => 'updating'}).count.should have(1).item
+ end
+shared_examples_for 'user without pull request update rights' do
+ it 'should not be able to perform update action' do
+ put :update, @update_params
+ response.should redirect_to(controller.current_user ? forbidden_path : new_user_session_path)
+ end
+ it 'should not update pull request title and body' do
+ put :update, @update_params
+ @project.pull_requests.joins(:issue).where(:id => @pull.id, :issues => {:title => 'update', :body => 'updating'}).count.should have(:no).items
+ end
+shared_examples_for 'project with issues turned off' do
+ it 'should be able to perform index action' do
+ get :index, :project_id => @project_with_turned_off_issues.id
+ response.should render_template(:index)
+ end
+ it 'should be able to perform show action' do
+ get :show, :project_id => @project_with_turned_off_issues.id, :id => @pull2.serial_id
+ response.should render_template(:show)
+ end
+describe Projects::PullRequestsController do
+ include_context "pull request controller"
+ context 'for global admin user' do
+ before do
+ @user.role = "admin"
+ @user.save
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like 'pull request user with project guest rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'pull request user with project reader rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'pull request user with project writer rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'user with pull request update rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'project with issues turned off'
+ end
+ context 'for project admin user' do
+ before do
+ @project.relations.create!(:actor_type => 'User', :actor_id => @user.id, :role => 'admin')
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like 'pull request user with project guest rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'pull request user with project reader rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'pull request user with project writer rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'user with pull request update rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'project with issues turned off'
+ end
+ context 'for project owner user' do
+ before do
+ @user = @project.owner
+ set_session_for(@user)
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like 'pull request user with project guest rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'pull request user with project reader rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'pull request user with project writer rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'user with pull request update rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'project with issues turned off'
+ end
+ context 'for project reader user' do
+ before do
+ @project.relations.create!(:actor_type => 'User', :actor_id => @user.id, :role => 'reader')
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like 'pull request user with project guest rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'pull request user with project reader rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'pull request user with project writer rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'user without pull request update rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'project with issues turned off'
+ # it 'should not be able to perform create action on project' do
+ # post :create, @create_params
+ # response.should redirect_to(forbidden_path)
+ # end
+ # it 'should not create issue object into db' do
+ # lambda{ post :create, @create_params }.should change{ Issue.count }.by(0)
+ # end
+ end
+ context 'for project writer user' do
+ before do
+ @project.relations.create!(:actor_type => 'User', :actor_id => @user.id, :role => 'writer')
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like 'pull request user with project guest rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'pull request user with project reader rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'pull request user with project writer rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'user without pull request update rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'project with issues turned off'
+ end
+ context 'for pull request assign user' do
+ before do
+ set_session_for(@pull request_user)
+ end
+ it_should_behave_like 'user without pull request update rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'project with issues turned off'
+ end
context 'for guest' do
+ before do
+ set_session_for(User.new)
+ end
+ if APP_CONFIG['anonymous_access']
+ it_should_behave_like 'pull request user with project guest rights'
+ it_should_behave_like 'project with issues turned off'
+ else
+ it 'should not be able to perform index action' do
+ get :index, :owner_name => @project.owner.uname, :project_name => @project.name
+ response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_path)
+ end
+ it 'should not be able to perform show action' do
+ get :show, :owner_name => @project.owner.uname, :project_name => @project.name, :id => @pull.serial_id
+ response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_path)
+ end
+ it 'should not be able to perform index action on hidden project' do
+ @project.update_attributes(:visibility => 'hidden')
+ get :index, :owner_name => @project.owner.uname, :project_name => @project.name
+ response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_path)
+ end
+ end
it 'should not be able to perform create action' do
post :create, @create_params
response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_path)
- it 'should not be able to perform update action' do
- post :update, @update_params
- response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_path)
+ it 'should not create pull request object into db' do
+ lambda{ post :create, @create_params }.should_not change{ PullRequest.count }
- it 'should not update title and body' do
- post :update, @update_params
- PullRequest.joins(:issue).where(:id => @pull.id, :issues => {:title => 'update', :body => 'updating'}).count.should == 0
- end
- end
- context 'for owner user' do
- before(:each) do
- set_session_for(@project.owner)
- end
- it 'should be able to perform create action' do
- post :create, @create_params
- PullRequest.joins(:issue).where(:issues => {:title => 'create', :body => 'creating'}).count.should == 1
- end
- it 'should be able to perform update action' do
- put :update, @update_params
- response.code.should eq('200')
- end
- it 'should update title and body' do
- put :update, @update_params
- PullRequest.joins(:issue).where(:id => @pull.id, :issues => {:title => 'update', :body => 'updating'}).count.should == 1
- end
- it "should not create same pull" do
- post :create, @create_params.merge({:pull_request => {:issue_attributes => {:title => 'same', :body => 'creating'}, :head_ref => 'non_conflicts', :base_ref => 'master'}, :base_project_id => @project.id})
- PullRequest.joins(:issue).where(:issues => {:title => 'same', :body => 'creating'}).count.should == 0
- end
- it "should not create already up-to-date pull" do
- post :create, @create_params.merge({:pull_request => {:issue_attributes => {:title => 'already', :body => 'creating'}, :base_ref => 'master', :head_ref => 'master'}, :base_project_id => @project.id})
- PullRequest.joins(:issue).where(:issues => {:title => 'already', :body => 'creating'}).count.should == 0
- end
+ it_should_behave_like 'user without pull request update rights'