#258: removed project_modify_view.js
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
Rosa.Views.ProjectModifyView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'checkboxClick');
this.$checkbox_wrapper = $('#niceCheckbox1');
this._$checkbox = this.$checkbox_wrapper.children('#project_is_package').first();
this.$maintainer_form = $('#maintainer_form');
this.$publish_form = $('#publish_form');
this._$publish_checkbox = this.$publish_form.find('#project_publish_i686_into_x86_64').first();
this.$checkbox_wrapper.on('click', this.checkboxClick);
checkboxClick: function() {
if (this._$checkbox.is(':checked')) {
} else {
if (this._$publish_checkbox.is(':checked')) {
render: function() {
@ -1,79 +1,82 @@
- act = controller.action_name.to_sym
- if [:new, :create].include? act
.leftlist= f.label :name
.rightlist= f.text_field :name, :class => 'text_field', :disabled => f.object.try(:persisted?)
%div{'ng-controller' => 'ProjectFromController'}
- if [:new, :create].include? act
.leftlist= f.label :name
.rightlist= f.text_field :name, :class => 'text_field', :disabled => f.object.try(:persisted?)
.leftlist= f.label :description
.rightlist= f.text_area :description, :class => 'text_field', :cols => 80
.leftlist= f.label :description
.rightlist= f.text_area :description, :class => 'text_field', :cols => 80
- if [:new, :create].include? act
.leftlist= f.label :owner
= label_tag t("activerecord.attributes.project.who_owns.me")
- if Group.can_own_project(current_user).count > 0
= radio_button_tag :who_owns, 'me', @who_owns == :me #{}.merge( (@who_owns == :me) ? {:checked => 'checked'} : {} )
= label_tag t("activerecord.attributes.project.who_owns.group")
= radio_button_tag :who_owns, 'group', @who_owns == :group #{}.merge( (@who_owns == :group) ? {:checked => 'checked'} : {} )
-# TODO: Make our own select_box helper with new design, blackjack and bitches!
= select_tag :owner_id, options_from_collection_for_select( Group.can_own_project(current_user), :id, :name )
- else
= hidden_field_tag :who_owns, :me
.leftlist= f.label :visibility
=# f.select :visibility, Project::VISIBILITIES
- Project::VISIBILITIES.each do |visibility|
= f.radio_button :visibility, visibility, :class => 'niceRadio'
- if visibility == 'open'
= image_tag("unlock.png")
- else
= image_tag("lock.png")
= t("activerecord.attributes.project.visibilities.#{visibility}")
%span#niceCheckbox1.niceCheck-main= f.check_box :is_package
.forcheck= f.label :is_package
- unless [:new, :create].include? act
#publish_form{:class => @project.publish_i686_into_x86_64 ? '' : 'hidden'}
%span.niceCheck-main= f.check_box :publish_i686_into_x86_64
.forcheck= f.label :publish_i686_into_x86_64
- if [:edit, :update].include? act
.leftlist= f.label :default_branch
= f.select :default_branch,
options_from_collection_for_select( @project.repo.branches,
:name, :name, @project.default_branch),
:class => 'sel80', :id => 'branch_selector'
#maintainer_form{:class => @project.is_package ? '' : 'hidden'}
= f.hidden_field :maintainer_id, :value => @project.maintainer_id
= f.label :maintainer
- if [:new, :create].include? act
.leftlist= f.label :owner
-# TODO: Maybe use something like Chosen with filter and prepopulated
-# list of potential maintainers?
= autocomplete_field_tag :maintainer_name, @project.maintainer.fullname,
autocomplete_maintainers_path(@project.owner, @project),
:id_element => '#project_maintainer_id',
:placeholder => @project.maintainer.fullname
- if [:new, :create].include? act
.leftlist= f.label :srpm
.rightlist= f.file_field :srpm, :class => 'file_field'
= label_tag t("activerecord.attributes.project.who_owns.me")
- if Group.can_own_project(current_user).count > 0
= radio_button_tag :who_owns, 'me', @who_owns == :me #{}.merge( (@who_owns == :me) ? {:checked => 'checked'} : {} )
= label_tag t("activerecord.attributes.project.who_owns.group")
= radio_button_tag :who_owns, 'group', @who_owns == :group #{}.merge( (@who_owns == :group) ? {:checked => 'checked'} : {} )
-# TODO: Make our own select_box helper with new design, blackjack and bitches!
= select_tag :owner_id, options_from_collection_for_select( Group.can_own_project(current_user), :id, :name )
- else
= hidden_field_tag :who_owns, :me
.leftlist= f.label :visibility
=# f.select :visibility, Project::VISIBILITIES
- Project::VISIBILITIES.each do |visibility|
= f.radio_button :visibility, visibility, :class => 'niceRadio'
- if visibility == 'open'
= image_tag("unlock.png")
- else
= image_tag("lock.png")
= t("activerecord.attributes.project.visibilities.#{visibility}")
.rightlist= submit_tag t('layout.save'), :class => 'button', :data => {'disable-with' => t('layout.saving')}
.check= f.check_box :is_package, 'ng-model' => 'project.is_package', 'ng-change' => 'project.publish_i686_into_x86_64 = false'
.forcheck= f.label :is_package
- unless [:new, :create].include? act
#publish_form{'ng-show' => 'project.is_package'}
.check= f.check_box :publish_i686_into_x86_64, 'ng-model' => 'project.publish_i686_into_x86_64'
.forcheck= f.label :publish_i686_into_x86_64
- if [:edit, :update].include? act
.leftlist= f.label :default_branch
= f.select :default_branch,
options_from_collection_for_select( @project.repo.branches,
:name, :name, @project.default_branch),
:class => 'sel80', :id => 'branch_selector'
#maintainer_form{'ng-show' => 'project.is_package'}
= f.hidden_field :maintainer_id, :value => @project.maintainer_id
= f.label :maintainer
-# TODO: Maybe use something like Chosen with filter and prepopulated
-# list of potential maintainers?
= autocomplete_field_tag :maintainer_name, @project.maintainer.fullname,
autocomplete_maintainers_path(@project.owner, @project),
:id_element => '#project_maintainer_id',
:placeholder => @project.maintainer.fullname
- if [:new, :create].include? act
.leftlist= f.label :srpm
.rightlist= f.file_field :srpm, :class => 'file_field'
.rightlist= submit_tag t('layout.save'), :class => 'button', :data => {'disable-with' => t('layout.saving')}
$(function() {
( new Rosa.Views.ProjectModifyView ).render();
RosaABF.controller('ProjectFromController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.project = {
is_package: #{@project.is_package},
publish_i686_into_x86_64: #{@project.publish_i686_into_x86_64}
Reference in New Issue