[refs #195] Add design to form and edit page
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class GitPresenters::CommitAsMessagePresenter < ApplicationPresenter
def committer_link
@committer_link ||= if committer.is_a? User
link_to committer.uname, user_path(committer)
link_to committer.uname, '#'#user_path(committer)
mail_to committer.email.encode_to_default, committer.name.encode_to_default
@ -1,28 +1,104 @@
= f.label :category_id, t("activerecord.attributes.project.category_id"), :class => :label
= f.grouped_collection_select :category_id, Category.roots, :children, :name, :id, :name, :include_blank => true
= act = controller.action_name.to_sym
- if [:new, :create].include? act
= f.label :name, t("activerecord.attributes.project.name"), :class => :label
= f.text_field :name, :class => 'text_field', :disabled => f.object.try(:persisted?)
= f.label :visibility, t("activerecord.attributes.project.visibility"), :class => :label
= f.select :visibility, Project::VISIBILITIES
= f.label :description, t("activerecord.attributes.project.description"), :class => :label
= f.text_area :description, :class => 'text_field', :cols => 80
= f.label :has_issues, t("activerecord.attributes.project.has_issues"), :class => :label
= f.check_box :has_issues
= f.label :has_wiki, t("activerecord.attributes.project.has_wiki"), :class => :label
= f.check_box :has_wiki
- if [:new, :create].include? act
= f.label :category_id, t("activerecord.attributes.project.category_id"), :class => :label
= f.grouped_collection_select :category_id, Category.roots, :children, :name, :id, :name, :include_blank => true
= f.label :visibility, t("activerecord.attributes.project.visibility"), :class => :label
=# f.select :visibility, Project::VISIBILITIES
- Project::VISIBILITIES.each do |visibility|
= f.radio_button :visibility, visibility, :class => 'niceRadio'
- if visibility == 'open'
= image_tag("unlock.png")
- else
= image_tag("lock.png")
= t("activerecord.attributes.project.visibilities.#{visibility}")
Ветка по умолчанию:
= f.select :default_branch, options_from_collection_for_select(@project.branches, :name, :name, @project.default_branch), :class => 'sel80', :id => 'branch_selector'
-# #cuselFrame-ext.cusel.sel80{:style => "width:200px", :tabindex => "2"}
-# .cuselFrameRight
-# .cuselText Master
-# .cusel-scroll-wrap{:style => "display: none; visibility: visible; "}
-# #cusel-scroll-ext.cusel-scroll-pane
-# %span.cuselActive{:selected => "selected", :val => "1000"} Master
-# %span{:val => "1"} Extend
-# %span{:val => "2"} Fork4Driver
-# %input#ext{:name => "ext", :type => "hidden", :value => "1000"}/
%span#niceCheckbox1.niceCheck-main{:onclick => "changeCheck(this)"}
%input{:name => "ch1", :type => "checkbox"}/
Проект является пакетом
- if [:new, :create].include? act
= f.label :srpm, t("activerecord.attributes.project.srpm"), :class => :label
= f.file_field :srpm, :class => 'file_field'
-#%a.button{:href => "#"} Сохранить
= submit_tag t("layout.save"), :class => 'button'
= t("layout.projects.delete_warning")
= link_to t("layout.delete"), project_path(@project), :method => :delete, :confirm => t("layout.projects.confirm_delete"), :class => 'button' if can? :destroy, @project
%button.button{:type => "submit"}
= image_tag("web-app-theme/icons/tick.png", :alt => t("layout.save"))
= t("layout.save")
%span.text_button_padding= t("layout.or")
= link_to t("layout.cancel"), @projects_path, :class => "text_button_padding link_button"
-# = f.label :category_id, t("activerecord.attributes.project.category_id"), :class => :label
-# = f.grouped_collection_select :category_id, Category.roots, :children, :name, :id, :name, :include_blank => true
-# = f.label :name, t("activerecord.attributes.project.name"), :class => :label
-# = f.text_field :name, :class => 'text_field', :disabled => f.object.try(:persisted?)
-# = f.label :visibility, t("activerecord.attributes.project.visibility"), :class => :label
-# = f.select :visibility, Project::VISIBILITIES
-# = f.label :description, t("activerecord.attributes.project.description"), :class => :label
-# = f.text_area :description, :class => 'text_field', :cols => 80
-# = f.label :has_issues, t("activerecord.attributes.project.has_issues"), :class => :label
-# = f.check_box :has_issues
-# = f.label :has_wiki, t("activerecord.attributes.project.has_wiki"), :class => :label
-# = f.check_box :has_wiki
-# = f.label :srpm, t("activerecord.attributes.project.srpm"), :class => :label
-# = f.file_field :srpm, :class => 'file_field'
-# %button.button{:type => "submit"}
-# = image_tag("web-app-theme/icons/tick.png", :alt => t("layout.save"))
-# = t("layout.save")
-# %span.text_button_padding= t("layout.or")
-# = link_to t("layout.cancel"), @projects_path, :class => "text_button_padding link_button"
@ -1,50 +1,66 @@
%h3= t("layout.projects.members")
= "#{t("layout.projects.collaborators")}:"
- @project.collaborators.each do |user|
- if can? :read, user
= link_to user.name, user_path(user)
- else
= user.name
- if (@project.owner == user)
= '(' + t("layout.owner") + ')'
-# if can? :update, @project
= "#{t("layout.projects.groups")}:"
- @project.groups.each do |group|
= link_to group.name, group_path(group)
- if (@project.owner == group)
= '(' + t("layout.owner") + ')'
= link_to t("layout.projects.edit_collaborators"), edit_project_collaborators_path(@project) if can? :manage_collaborators, @project
- act = action_name.to_sym
- contr = controller_name.to_sym
/ %p
/ %b
/ = "#{t("layout.projects.groups")}:"
/ %ul
/ - @project.groups.each do |group|
/ %li
/ = link_to group.name, group_path(group)
/ - if (@project.owner == group)
/ = '(' + t("layout.owner") + ')'
/ %br
/ = link_to t("layout.projects.add_groups"), '#' #add_collaborators_project_path(@project)
- if can? :edit, @project
%li{:class => (act == :edit && contr == :projects) ? 'active' : ''}
= link_to t("layout.projects.edit"), edit_project_path(@project)
%a{:href => '#'} Разделы
- if can? :manage_collaborators, @project
%li{:class => (act == :edit && contr == :collaborators) ? 'active' : ''}
= link_to t("layout.projects.edit_collaborators"), edit_project_collaborators_path(@project)
/ .block.notice
/ %h3= t("layout.platforms.current_platform_header")
/ .content
/ %p= link_to @platform.name, platform_path(@platform)
/ .block.notice
/ %h3= t("layout.repositories.current_repository_header")
/ .content
/ %p= link_to @repository.name + repository_name_postfix(@platform), platform_repository_path(@platform, @repository)
-# %h3= t("layout.projects.members")
-# .content
-# %p
-# %b
-# = "#{t("layout.projects.collaborators")}:"
-# %ul
-# - @project.collaborators.each do |user|
-# %li
-# - if can? :read, user
-# = link_to user.name, user_path(user)
-# - else
-# = user.name
-# - if (@project.owner == user)
-# = '(' + t("layout.owner") + ')'
-# /%br
-# -# if can? :update, @project
-# %p
-# %b
-# = "#{t("layout.projects.groups")}:"
-# %ul
-# - @project.groups.each do |group|
-# %li
-# = link_to group.name, group_path(group)
-# - if (@project.owner == group)
-# = '(' + t("layout.owner") + ')'
-# %br
-# = link_to t("layout.projects.edit_collaborators"), edit_project_collaborators_path(@project) if can? :manage_collaborators, @project
-# / %p
-# / %b
-# / = "#{t("layout.projects.groups")}:"
-# / %ul
-# / - @project.groups.each do |group|
-# / %li
-# / = link_to group.name, group_path(group)
-# / - if (@project.owner == group)
-# / = '(' + t("layout.owner") + ')'
-# / %br
-# / = link_to t("layout.projects.add_groups"), '#' #add_collaborators_project_path(@project)
-#/ .block.notice
-#/ %h3= t("layout.platforms.current_platform_header")
-#/ .content
-#/ %p= link_to @platform.name, platform_path(@platform)
-#/ .block.notice
-#/ %h3= t("layout.repositories.current_repository_header")
-#/ .content
-#/ %p= link_to @repository.name + repository_name_postfix(@platform), platform_repository_path(@platform, @repository)
@ -1,13 +1,5 @@
%li.first= link_to t("layout.projects.list"), @projects_path # url_for(get_owner) + "#projects"
%li= link_to t("layout.projects.new"), @new_project_path # new_platform_repository_project_path(@platform, @repository)
%li.active= link_to t("layout.projects.edit"), @edit_project_path
= render :partial => 'projects/submenu'
%h2.title= t("layout.projects.edit_header")
= form_for @project, :html => { :class => :form, :multipart => true } do |f|
= render :partial => "form", :locals => {:f => f}
@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ en:
edit_collaborators: Edit collaborators
issues: Issues
wiki: Wiki
delete_warning: Attention! Deleted project can not be restored!
back_to_proj: Back to project
@ -823,6 +824,9 @@ en:
description: Descripton
owner: Owner
visibility: Visibility
open: Open
hidden: Hidden
repository_id: Repository
repository: Repository
created_at: Created
@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ ru:
edit_collaborators: Изменить список участников
issues: Задачи
wiki: Wiki
delete_warning: Внимание! Удаленный проект восстановлению не подлежит.
back_to_proj: Вернуться к проекту
@ -685,6 +686,9 @@ ru:
description: Описание
owner: Владелец
visibility: Видимость
open: Публичная
hidden: Приватная
repository_id: Репозиторий
repository: Репозиторий
created_at: Создан
@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ Rosa::Application.routes.draw do
collection do
get :auto_build
get :settings
@ -13,6 +13,14 @@
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20120220131333) do
create_table "activity_feeds", :force => true do |t|
t.integer "user_id", :null => false
t.string "kind"
t.text "data"
t.datetime "created_at"
t.datetime "updated_at"
create_table "arches", :force => true do |t|
t.string "name", :null => false
t.datetime "created_at"
@ -262,22 +270,20 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20120220131333) do
t.string "default_branch", :default => "master"
add_index "projects", ["category_id"], :name => "index_projects_on_category_id"
add_index "projects", ["owner_id"], :name => "index_projects_on_name_and_owner_id_and_owner_type", :unique => true, :case_sensitive => false
create_table "register_requests", :force => true do |t|
t.string "name"
t.string "email"
t.string "token"
t.boolean "approved", :default => false
t.boolean "rejected", :default => false
t.datetime "created_at"
t.datetime "updated_at"
t.datetime "created_at", :null => false
t.datetime "updated_at", :null => false
t.string "interest"
t.text "more"
add_index "register_requests", ["email"], :name => "index_register_requests_on_email", :unique => true, :case_sensitive => false
add_index "register_requests", ["token"], :name => "index_register_requests_on_token", :unique => true, :case_sensitive => false
create_table "relations", :force => true do |t|
t.integer "object_id"
@ -338,8 +344,8 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20120220131333) do
t.string "name"
t.string "email", :default => "", :null => false
t.string "encrypted_password", :limit => 128, :default => "", :null => false
t.string "password_salt", :default => "", :null => false
t.string "reset_password_token"
t.datetime "reset_password_sent_at"
t.datetime "remember_created_at"
t.datetime "created_at"
t.datetime "updated_at"
@ -347,9 +353,14 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20120220131333) do
t.string "uname"
t.string "role"
t.string "language", :default => "en"
t.string "confirmation_token"
t.datetime "confirmed_at"
t.datetime "confirmation_sent_at"
t.integer "own_projects_count", :default => 0, :null => false
t.datetime "reset_password_sent_at"
add_index "users", ["confirmation_token"], :name => "index_users_on_confirmation_token", :unique => true
add_index "users", ["email"], :name => "index_users_on_email", :unique => true
add_index "users", ["reset_password_token"], :name => "index_users_on_reset_password_token", :unique => true
add_index "users", ["uname"], :name => "index_users_on_uname", :unique => true
Reference in New Issue