#465: Comment out a cancan code.

This commit is contained in:
Vokhmin Alexey V 2015-04-07 22:50:44 +03:00
parent 0625a941bd
commit 2bc7c9b2c3
7 changed files with 1329 additions and 1328 deletions

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@ -1,269 +1,268 @@
# If rules goes one by one CanCan joins them by 'OR' sql operator
# If rule has multiple conditions CanCan joins them by 'AND' sql operator
# - put cannot rules _after_ can rules and not before!
# - beware inner joins. Use sub queries against them!
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize(user)
user ||= User.new # guest user (not logged in)
@user = user
# Shared rights between guests and registered users
can [:show, :archive, :read], Project, visibility: 'open'
can :get_id, Project, visibility: 'open' # api
can(:refs_list, Project) {|project| can? :show, project}
can :read, Issue, project: { visibility: 'open' }
can [:read, :commits, :files], PullRequest, to_project: {visibility: 'open'}
can [:read, :log, :everything], BuildList, project: {visibility: 'open'}
can [:read, :log], ProductBuildList#, product: {platform: {visibility: 'open'}} # double nested hash don't work
can [:read, :search], Advisory
can :read, Statistic
# Platforms block
can [:show, :members, :advisories], Platform, visibility: 'open'
can :platforms_for_build, Platform, visibility: 'open', platform_type: 'main'
can([:read, :get_list], MassBuild) {|mass_build| can?(:show, mass_build.save_to_platform) }
can [:read, :projects_list, :projects], Repository, platform: {visibility: 'open'}
can :read, Product, platform: {visibility: 'open'}
can :show, Group
can :show, User
can :possible_forks, Project
if user.guest? # Guest rights
cannot :index, Project
# can [:new, :create], RegisterRequest
else # Registered user rights
if user.admin?
can :manage, :all
# Protection
cannot :approve, RegisterRequest, approved: true
cannot :reject, RegisterRequest, rejected: true
cannot [:destroy, :create], Subscribe
# Act admin as simple user
cannot :read, Product, platform: {platform_type: 'personal'}
cannot [:owned, :related], [BuildList, Platform]
cannot :membered, Project # list products which user members
if user.user?
can :edit, User, id: user.id
can [:read, :create], Group
can [:update, :manage_members, :members, :add_member, :remove_member, :remove_members, :update_member], Group do |group|
group.actors.exists?(actor_type: 'User', actor_id: user.id, role: 'admin') # or group.owner_id = user.id
can :write, Group do |group|
group.actors.exists?(actor_type: 'User', actor_id: user.id, role: ['writer', 'admin'])
can :destroy, Group, owner_id: user.id
can :remove_user, Group
can :create, Project
can([:mass_import, :run_mass_import], Project) if user.platforms.main.find{ |p| local_admin?(p) }.present?
can :read, Project, visibility: 'open'
can [:read, :archive, :membered, :get_id], Project, owner_type: 'User', owner_id: user.id
can [:read, :archive, :membered, :get_id], Project, owner_type: 'Group', owner_id: user_group_ids
# can([:read, :archive, :membered, :get_id], Project, read_relations_for('projects')) {|project| local_reader? project}
can([:read, :archive, :membered, :get_id], Project, read_relations_with_projects) {|project| local_reader? project}
can(:write, Project) {|project| local_writer? project} # for grack
can [:update, :sections, :manage_collaborators, :autocomplete_maintainers, :add_member, :remove_member, :remove_members, :update_member, :members, :schedule], Project do |project|
local_admin? project
can(:fork, Project) {|project| can? :read, project}
can(:alias, Project) {|project| local_admin?(project) }
can(:destroy, Project) {|project| owner? project}
can(:destroy, Project) {|project| project.owner_type == 'Group' and project.owner.actors.exists?(actor_type: 'User', actor_id: user.id, role: 'admin')}
can :remove_user, Project
can :preview, Project
can([:read, :create, :edit, :destroy, :update], Hook) {|hook| can?(:edit, hook.project)}
can [:read, :log, :owned, :everything], BuildList, user_id: user.id
can [:read, :log, :related, :everything], BuildList, project: {owner_type: 'User', owner_id: user.id}
can [:read, :log, :related, :everything], BuildList, project: {owner_type: 'Group', owner_id: user_group_ids}
# can([:read, :log, :everything, :list], BuildList, read_relations_for('build_lists', 'projects')) {|build_list| can? :read, build_list.project}
# can([:read, :log, :everything, :list], BuildList, read_relations_for_build_lists_and_projects) {|build_list| can? :read, build_list.project}
can([:read, :log, :everything, :list], BuildList, read_relations_with_projects('build_lists')) {|build_list| can? :read, build_list.project}
can(:publish_into_testing, BuildList) { |build_list| ( can?(:create, build_list) || can?(:publish, build_list) ) && build_list.save_to_platform.main? }
can([:create, :rerun_tests], BuildList) {|build_list|
build_list.project &&
build_list.project.is_package &&
can?(:write, build_list.project) &&
(build_list.build_for_platform.blank? || can?(:show, build_list.build_for_platform))
can(:publish, BuildList) do |build_list|
if build_list.build_published?
local_admin?(build_list.save_to_platform) || build_list.save_to_repository.members.exists?(id: user.id)
build_list.save_to_repository.publish_without_qa ?
can?(:write, build_list.project) : local_admin?(build_list.save_to_platform)
can(:create_container, BuildList) do |build_list|
can(:reject_publish, BuildList) do |build_list|
build_list.save_to_repository.publish_without_qa ?
can?(:write, build_list.project) : local_admin?(build_list.save_to_platform)
can([:cancel, :create_container], BuildList) {|build_list| can?(:write, build_list.project)}
can [:read, :owned, :related, :members], Platform, owner_type: 'User', owner_id: user.id
can [:read, :related, :members], Platform, owner_type: 'Group', owner_id: user_group_ids
can([:read, :related, :members], Platform, read_relations_for('platforms')) {|platform| local_reader? platform}
can [:read, :related], Platform, id: user.repositories.pluck(:platform_id)
can([:update, :destroy, :change_visibility], Platform) {|platform| owner?(platform) }
can([:local_admin_manage, :members, :add_member, :remove_member, :remove_members, :remove_file] , Platform) {|platform| owner?(platform) || local_admin?(platform) }
can([:create, :publish], MassBuild) {|mass_build| owner?(mass_build.save_to_platform) || local_admin?(mass_build.save_to_platform)}
can(:cancel, MassBuild) {|mass_build| (owner?(mass_build.save_to_platform) || local_admin?(mass_build.save_to_platform)) && !mass_build.stop_build}
can [:read, :projects_list, :projects], Repository, platform: {owner_type: 'User', owner_id: user.id}
can [:read, :projects_list, :projects], Repository, platform: {owner_type: 'Group', owner_id: user_group_ids}
can([:read, :projects_list, :projects], Repository, read_relations_for('repositories')) {|repository| can? :show, repository.platform}
can([:read, :projects_list, :projects], Repository, read_relations_for('repositories', 'platforms')) {|repository| local_reader? repository.platform}
can([:create, :edit, :update, :destroy, :projects_list, :projects, :add_project, :remove_project, :regenerate_metadata, :sync_lock_file, :add_repo_lock_file, :remove_repo_lock_file], Repository) {|repository| local_admin? repository.platform}
can([:remove_member, :remove_members, :add_member, :signatures, :packages], Repository) {|repository| owner?(repository.platform) || local_admin?(repository.platform)}
can([:add_project, :remove_project], Repository) {|repository| repository.members.exists?(id: user.id)}
can(:clear, Platform) {|platform| owner?(platform) && platform.personal?}
can(:regenerate_metadata, Platform) {|platform| owner?(platform) || local_admin?(platform)}
can([:settings, :destroy, :edit, :update], Repository) {|repository| owner? repository.platform}
can([:create, :destroy], KeyPair) {|key_pair| key_pair.repository.blank? || owner?(key_pair.repository.platform) || local_admin?(key_pair.repository.platform)}
can([:read, :create, :withdraw], Token) {|token| local_admin?(token.subject)}
can :read, Product, platform: {owner_type: 'User', owner_id: user.id, platform_type: 'main'}
can :read, Product, platform: {owner_type: 'Group', owner_id: user_group_ids, platform_type: 'main'}
can(:read, Product, read_relations_for('products', 'platforms')) {|product| product.platform.main?}
can([:create, :update, :destroy, :clone], Product) {|product| local_admin? product.platform and product.platform.main?}
can([:create, :cancel], ProductBuildList) {|pbl| can?(:write, pbl.project)}
can([:create, :cancel, :update], ProductBuildList) {|pbl| can?(:update, pbl.product)}
can(:destroy, ProductBuildList) {|pbl| can?(:destroy, pbl.product)}
can :read, Issue, project: {owner_type: 'User', owner_id: user.id}
can :read, Issue, project: {owner_type: 'Group', owner_id: user_group_ids}
can(:read, Issue, read_relations_for('issues', 'projects')) {|issue| can? :read, issue.project rescue nil}
can(:create, Issue) {|issue| can? :read, issue.project}
can(:update, Issue) {|issue| issue.user_id == user.id or local_admin?(issue.project)}
cannot :manage, Issue, project: {has_issues: false} # switch off issues
can [:read, :commits, :files], PullRequest, to_project: {owner_type: 'User', owner_id: user.id}
can [:read, :commits, :files], PullRequest, to_project: {owner_type: 'Group', owner_id: user_group_ids}
can([:read, :commits, :files], PullRequest, read_relations_for('pull_requests', 'to_projects')) {|pull| can? :read, pull.to_project}
can :create, PullRequest
can(:update, PullRequest) {|pull| pull.user_id == user.id or local_writer?(pull.to_project)}
can(:merge, PullRequest) {|pull| local_writer?(pull.to_project)}
can([:create, :new_line], Comment) {|comment| can? :read, comment.project}
can([:update, :destroy], Comment) {|comment| comment.user == user or comment.project.owner == user or local_admin?(comment.project)}
cannot :manage, Comment do |c|
c.commentable_type == 'Issue' && !c.project.has_issues && !c.commentable.pull_request # when switch off issues
# Shared cannot rights for all users (registered, admin)
cannot [:regenerate_metadata, :destroy], Platform, platform_type: 'personal'
cannot [:create, :destroy], Repository, platform: {platform_type: 'personal'}, name: 'main'
cannot [:packages], Repository, platform: {platform_type: 'personal'}
cannot [:remove_member, :remove_members, :add_member, :sync_lock_file, :add_repo_lock_file, :remove_repo_lock_file], Repository, platform: {platform_type: 'personal'}
cannot :clear, Platform, platform_type: 'main'
cannot :destroy, Issue
cannot [:members, :add_member, :remove_member, :remove_members], Platform, platform_type: 'personal'
cannot [:create, :update, :destroy, :clone], Product, platform: {platform_type: 'personal'}
cannot [:clone], Platform, platform_type: 'personal'
cannot [:publish, :publish_into_testing], BuildList, new_core: false
cannot :create_container, BuildList, new_core: false
cannot(:publish, BuildList) {|build_list| !build_list.can_publish? }
cannot(:publish_into_testing, BuildList) {|build_list| !build_list.can_publish_into_testing? }
cannot :publish_into_testing, BuildList, save_to_platform: {platform_type: 'personal'}
cannot(:cancel, MassBuild) {|mass_build| mass_build.stop_build}
if @user.system?
can %i(key_pair add_repo_lock_file remove_repo_lock_file), Repository
cannot :key_pair, Repository
can :create, Subscribe do |subscribe|
!subscribe.subscribeable.subscribes.exists?(user_id: user.id)
can :destroy, Subscribe do |subscribe|
subscribe.subscribeable.subscribes.exists?(user_id: user.id) && user.id == subscribe.user_id
def read_relations_for(table, parent = nil)
key = parent ? "#{parent.singularize}_id" : 'id'
parent ||= table
["#{table}.#{key} = ANY (
SELECT target_id
FROM relations
WHERE relations.target_type = ? AND
(relations.actor_type = 'User' AND relations.actor_id = ? OR
relations.actor_type = 'Group' AND relations.actor_id IN (?))
)", parent.classify, @user, user_group_ids
def read_relations_with_projects(table = 'projects')
key = table == 'projects' ? 'id' : 'project_id'
["#{table}.#{key} = ANY (
SELECT target_id
FROM relations
INNER JOIN projects ON projects.id = relations.target_id
WHERE relations.target_type = 'Project' AND
projects.owner_type = 'User' AND projects.owner_id != :user OR
projects.owner_type = 'Group' AND projects.owner_id NOT IN (:groups)
) AND (
relations.actor_type = 'User' AND relations.actor_id = :user OR
relations.actor_type = 'Group' AND relations.actor_id IN (:groups)
)", { user: @user, groups: user_group_ids }
def local_reader?(target)
%w{reader writer admin}.include? @user.best_role(target)
def local_writer?(target)
%w{writer admin}.include? @user.best_role(target)
def local_admin?(target)
@user.best_role(target) == 'admin'
def owner?(target)
target.owner == @user or user_own_groups.include?(target.owner)
def user_own_groups
@user_own_groups ||= @user.own_groups
def user_group_ids
@user_group_ids ||= @user.group_ids
# # If rules goes one by one CanCan joins them by 'OR' sql operator
# # If rule has multiple conditions CanCan joins them by 'AND' sql operator
# # - put cannot rules _after_ can rules and not before!
# # - beware inner joins. Use sub queries against them!
# class Ability
# include CanCan::Ability
# def initialize(user)
# user ||= User.new # guest user (not logged in)
# @user = user
# # Shared rights between guests and registered users
# can [:show, :archive, :read], Project, visibility: 'open'
# can :get_id, Project, visibility: 'open' # api
# can(:refs_list, Project) {|project| can? :show, project}
# can :read, Issue, project: { visibility: 'open' }
# can [:read, :commits, :files], PullRequest, to_project: {visibility: 'open'}
# can [:read, :log, :everything], BuildList, project: {visibility: 'open'}
# can [:read, :log], ProductBuildList#, product: {platform: {visibility: 'open'}} # double nested hash don't work
# can [:read, :search], Advisory
# can :read, Statistic
# # Platforms block
# can [:show, :members, :advisories], Platform, visibility: 'open'
# can :platforms_for_build, Platform, visibility: 'open', platform_type: 'main'
# can([:read, :get_list], MassBuild) {|mass_build| can?(:show, mass_build.save_to_platform) }
# can [:read, :projects_list, :projects], Repository, platform: {visibility: 'open'}
# can :read, Product, platform: {visibility: 'open'}
# can :show, Group
# can :show, User
# can :possible_forks, Project
# if user.guest? # Guest rights
# cannot :index, Project
# # can [:new, :create], RegisterRequest
# else # Registered user rights
# if user.admin?
# can :manage, :all
# # Protection
# cannot :approve, RegisterRequest, approved: true
# cannot :reject, RegisterRequest, rejected: true
# cannot [:destroy, :create], Subscribe
# # Act admin as simple user
# cannot :read, Product, platform: {platform_type: 'personal'}
# cannot [:owned, :related], [BuildList, Platform]
# cannot :membered, Project # list products which user members
# end
# if user.user?
# can :edit, User, id: user.id
# can [:read, :create], Group
# can [:update, :manage_members, :members, :add_member, :remove_member, :remove_members, :update_member], Group do |group|
# group.actors.exists?(actor_type: 'User', actor_id: user.id, role: 'admin') # or group.owner_id = user.id
# end
# can :write, Group do |group|
# group.actors.exists?(actor_type: 'User', actor_id: user.id, role: ['writer', 'admin'])
# end
# can :destroy, Group, owner_id: user.id
# can :remove_user, Group
# can :create, Project
# can([:mass_import, :run_mass_import], Project) if user.platforms.main.find{ |p| local_admin?(p) }.present?
# can :read, Project, visibility: 'open'
# can [:read, :archive, :membered, :get_id], Project, owner_type: 'User', owner_id: user.id
# can [:read, :archive, :membered, :get_id], Project, owner_type: 'Group', owner_id: user_group_ids
# # can([:read, :archive, :membered, :get_id], Project, read_relations_for('projects')) {|project| local_reader? project}
# can([:read, :archive, :membered, :get_id], Project, read_relations_with_projects) {|project| local_reader? project}
# can(:write, Project) {|project| local_writer? project} # for grack
# can [:update, :sections, :manage_collaborators, :autocomplete_maintainers, :add_member, :remove_member, :remove_members, :update_member, :members, :schedule], Project do |project|
# local_admin? project
# end
# can(:fork, Project) {|project| can? :read, project}
# can(:alias, Project) {|project| local_admin?(project) }
# can(:destroy, Project) {|project| owner? project}
# can(:destroy, Project) {|project| project.owner_type == 'Group' and project.owner.actors.exists?(actor_type: 'User', actor_id: user.id, role: 'admin')}
# can :remove_user, Project
# can :preview, Project
# can([:read, :create, :edit, :destroy, :update], Hook) {|hook| can?(:edit, hook.project)}
# can [:read, :log, :owned, :everything], BuildList, user_id: user.id
# can [:read, :log, :related, :everything], BuildList, project: {owner_type: 'User', owner_id: user.id}
# can [:read, :log, :related, :everything], BuildList, project: {owner_type: 'Group', owner_id: user_group_ids}
# # can([:read, :log, :everything, :list], BuildList, read_relations_for('build_lists', 'projects')) {|build_list| can? :read, build_list.project}
# # can([:read, :log, :everything, :list], BuildList, read_relations_for_build_lists_and_projects) {|build_list| can? :read, build_list.project}
# can([:read, :log, :everything, :list], BuildList, read_relations_with_projects('build_lists')) {|build_list| can? :read, build_list.project}
# can(:publish_into_testing, BuildList) { |build_list| ( can?(:create, build_list) || can?(:publish, build_list) ) && build_list.save_to_platform.main? }
# can([:create, :rerun_tests], BuildList) {|build_list|
# build_list.project.is_package &&
# can?(:write, build_list.project) &&
# (build_list.build_for_platform.blank? || can?(:show, build_list.build_for_platform))
# }
# can(:publish, BuildList) do |build_list|
# if build_list.build_published?
# local_admin?(build_list.save_to_platform) || build_list.save_to_repository.members.exists?(id: user.id)
# else
# build_list.save_to_repository.publish_without_qa ?
# can?(:write, build_list.project) : local_admin?(build_list.save_to_platform)
# end
# end
# can(:create_container, BuildList) do |build_list|
# local_admin?(build_list.save_to_platform)
# end
# can(:reject_publish, BuildList) do |build_list|
# build_list.save_to_repository.publish_without_qa ?
# can?(:write, build_list.project) : local_admin?(build_list.save_to_platform)
# end
# can([:cancel, :create_container], BuildList) {|build_list| can?(:write, build_list.project)}
# can [:read, :owned, :related, :members], Platform, owner_type: 'User', owner_id: user.id
# can [:read, :related, :members], Platform, owner_type: 'Group', owner_id: user_group_ids
# can([:read, :related, :members], Platform, read_relations_for('platforms')) {|platform| local_reader? platform}
# can [:read, :related], Platform, id: user.repositories.pluck(:platform_id)
# can([:update, :destroy, :change_visibility], Platform) {|platform| owner?(platform) }
# can([:local_admin_manage, :members, :add_member, :remove_member, :remove_members, :remove_file] , Platform) {|platform| owner?(platform) || local_admin?(platform) }
# can([:create, :publish], MassBuild) {|mass_build| owner?(mass_build.save_to_platform) || local_admin?(mass_build.save_to_platform)}
# can(:cancel, MassBuild) {|mass_build| (owner?(mass_build.save_to_platform) || local_admin?(mass_build.save_to_platform)) && !mass_build.stop_build}
# can [:read, :projects_list, :projects], Repository, platform: {owner_type: 'User', owner_id: user.id}
# can [:read, :projects_list, :projects], Repository, platform: {owner_type: 'Group', owner_id: user_group_ids}
# can([:read, :projects_list, :projects], Repository, read_relations_for('repositories')) {|repository| can? :show, repository.platform}
# can([:read, :projects_list, :projects], Repository, read_relations_for('repositories', 'platforms')) {|repository| local_reader? repository.platform}
# can([:create, :edit, :update, :destroy, :projects_list, :projects, :add_project, :remove_project, :regenerate_metadata, :sync_lock_file, :add_repo_lock_file, :remove_repo_lock_file], Repository) {|repository| local_admin? repository.platform}
# can([:remove_member, :remove_members, :add_member, :signatures, :packages], Repository) {|repository| owner?(repository.platform) || local_admin?(repository.platform)}
# can([:add_project, :remove_project], Repository) {|repository| repository.members.exists?(id: user.id)}
# can(:clear, Platform) {|platform| owner?(platform) && platform.personal?}
# can(:regenerate_metadata, Platform) {|platform| owner?(platform) || local_admin?(platform)}
# can([:settings, :destroy, :edit, :update], Repository) {|repository| owner? repository.platform}
# can([:create, :destroy], KeyPair) {|key_pair| key_pair.repository.blank? || owner?(key_pair.repository.platform) || local_admin?(key_pair.repository.platform)}
# can([:read, :create, :withdraw], Token) {|token| local_admin?(token.subject)}
# can :read, Product, platform: {owner_type: 'User', owner_id: user.id, platform_type: 'main'}
# can :read, Product, platform: {owner_type: 'Group', owner_id: user_group_ids, platform_type: 'main'}
# can(:read, Product, read_relations_for('products', 'platforms')) {|product| product.platform.main?}
# can([:create, :update, :destroy, :clone], Product) {|product| local_admin? product.platform and product.platform.main?}
# can([:create, :cancel], ProductBuildList) {|pbl| can?(:write, pbl.project)}
# can([:create, :cancel, :update], ProductBuildList) {|pbl| can?(:update, pbl.product)}
# can(:destroy, ProductBuildList) {|pbl| can?(:destroy, pbl.product)}
# can :read, Issue, project: {owner_type: 'User', owner_id: user.id}
# can :read, Issue, project: {owner_type: 'Group', owner_id: user_group_ids}
# can(:read, Issue, read_relations_for('issues', 'projects')) {|issue| can? :read, issue.project rescue nil}
# can(:create, Issue) {|issue| can? :read, issue.project}
# can(:update, Issue) {|issue| issue.user_id == user.id or local_admin?(issue.project)}
# cannot :manage, Issue, project: {has_issues: false} # switch off issues
# can [:read, :commits, :files], PullRequest, to_project: {owner_type: 'User', owner_id: user.id}
# can [:read, :commits, :files], PullRequest, to_project: {owner_type: 'Group', owner_id: user_group_ids}
# can([:read, :commits, :files], PullRequest, read_relations_for('pull_requests', 'to_projects')) {|pull| can? :read, pull.to_project}
# can :create, PullRequest
# can(:update, PullRequest) {|pull| pull.user_id == user.id or local_writer?(pull.to_project)}
# can(:merge, PullRequest) {|pull| local_writer?(pull.to_project)}
# can([:create, :new_line], Comment) {|comment| can? :read, comment.project}
# can([:update, :destroy], Comment) {|comment| comment.user == user or comment.project.owner == user or local_admin?(comment.project)}
# cannot :manage, Comment do |c|
# c.commentable_type == 'Issue' && !c.project.has_issues && !c.commentable.pull_request # when switch off issues
# end
# end
# # Shared cannot rights for all users (registered, admin)
# cannot [:regenerate_metadata, :destroy], Platform, platform_type: 'personal'
# cannot [:create, :destroy], Repository, platform: {platform_type: 'personal'}, name: 'main'
# cannot [:packages], Repository, platform: {platform_type: 'personal'}
# cannot [:remove_member, :remove_members, :add_member, :sync_lock_file, :add_repo_lock_file, :remove_repo_lock_file], Repository, platform: {platform_type: 'personal'}
# cannot :clear, Platform, platform_type: 'main'
# cannot :destroy, Issue
# cannot [:members, :add_member, :remove_member, :remove_members], Platform, platform_type: 'personal'
# cannot [:create, :update, :destroy, :clone], Product, platform: {platform_type: 'personal'}
# cannot [:clone], Platform, platform_type: 'personal'
# cannot [:publish, :publish_into_testing], BuildList, new_core: false
# cannot :create_container, BuildList, new_core: false
# cannot(:publish, BuildList) {|build_list| !build_list.can_publish? }
# cannot(:publish_into_testing, BuildList) {|build_list| !build_list.can_publish_into_testing? }
# cannot :publish_into_testing, BuildList, save_to_platform: {platform_type: 'personal'}
# cannot(:cancel, MassBuild) {|mass_build| mass_build.stop_build}
# if @user.system?
# can %i(key_pair add_repo_lock_file remove_repo_lock_file), Repository
# else
# cannot :key_pair, Repository
# end
# can :create, Subscribe do |subscribe|
# !subscribe.subscribeable.subscribes.exists?(user_id: user.id)
# end
# can :destroy, Subscribe do |subscribe|
# subscribe.subscribeable.subscribes.exists?(user_id: user.id) && user.id == subscribe.user_id
# end
# end
# end
# def read_relations_for(table, parent = nil)
# key = parent ? "#{parent.singularize}_id" : 'id'
# parent ||= table
# ["#{table}.#{key} = ANY (
# SELECT target_id
# FROM relations
# WHERE relations.target_type = ? AND
# (relations.actor_type = 'User' AND relations.actor_id = ? OR
# relations.actor_type = 'Group' AND relations.actor_id IN (?))
# )
# )", parent.classify, @user, user_group_ids
# ]
# end
# def read_relations_with_projects(table = 'projects')
# key = table == 'projects' ? 'id' : 'project_id'
# ["#{table}.#{key} = ANY (
# SELECT target_id
# FROM relations
# INNER JOIN projects ON projects.id = relations.target_id
# WHERE relations.target_type = 'Project' AND
# (
# projects.owner_type = 'User' AND projects.owner_id != :user OR
# projects.owner_type = 'Group' AND projects.owner_id NOT IN (:groups)
# ) AND (
# relations.actor_type = 'User' AND relations.actor_id = :user OR
# relations.actor_type = 'Group' AND relations.actor_id IN (:groups)
# )
# )
# )", { user: @user, groups: user_group_ids }
# ]
# end
# def local_reader?(target)
# %w{reader writer admin}.include? @user.best_role(target)
# end
# def local_writer?(target)
# %w{writer admin}.include? @user.best_role(target)
# end
# def local_admin?(target)
# @user.best_role(target) == 'admin'
# end
# def owner?(target)
# target.owner == @user or user_own_groups.include?(target.owner)
# end
# def user_own_groups
# @user_own_groups ||= @user.own_groups
# end
# def user_group_ids
# @user_group_ids ||= @user.group_ids
# end
# end

View File

@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ end
# Block admin access to non-admin-users.
ActiveAdmin::BaseController.class_eval do
skip_after_action :verify_authorized
# include ActionController::Caching::Sweeping
def check_admin_role

View File

@ -1,360 +1,360 @@
require 'spec_helper'
require "cancan/matchers"
def admin_create
@admin = FactoryGirl.create(:admin)
@ability = Ability.new(@admin)
def user_create
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@ability = Ability.new(@user)
def guest_create
@ability = Ability.new(User.new)
describe CanCan do
let(:open_platform) { FactoryGirl.create(:platform, visibility: 'open') }
before(:each) do
context 'Site admin' do
let(:personal_platform) { FactoryGirl.create(:platform, platform_type: 'personal') }
let(:personal_repository_main) { FactoryGirl.create(:personal_repository, name: 'main') }
let(:personal_repository) { FactoryGirl.create(:personal_repository) }
before(:each) do
it 'should manage all' do
#(@ability.can? :manage, :all).should be_truthy
@ability.should be_able_to(:manage, :all)
it 'should not be able to destroy personal platforms' do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(:destroy, personal_platform)
it 'should not be able to destroy personal repositories with name "main"' do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(:destroy, personal_repository_main)
it 'should be able to destroy personal repositories with name not "main"' do
@ability.should be_able_to(:destroy, personal_repository)
context 'Site guest' do
let(:register_request) { FactoryGirl.create(:register_request) }
before(:each) do
it 'should not be able to read open platform' do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(:read, open_platform)
[:publish, :cancel, :reject_publish, :create_container].each do |action|
it "should not be able to #{ action } build list" do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(action, BuildList)
[:mass_import, :run_mass_import].each do |action|
it "should not be able to #{ action } project" do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(action, Project)
it 'should not be able to update register request' do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(:update, register_request)
it 'should not be able to list register requests' do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(:read, register_request)
it 'should not be able to destroy register requests' do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(:destroy, register_request)
pending 'should be able to register new user' do # while self registration is closed
@ability.should be_able_to(:create, User)
context 'Site user' do
before(:each) do
[Platform, Repository].each do |model_name|
it "should be able to read #{model_name}" do
@ability.should be_able_to(:read, model_name)
[:mass_import, :run_mass_import].each do |action|
it "should not be able to #{ action } project" do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(action, Project)
it "shoud be able to show user profile" do
@ability.should be_able_to(:show, User)
it "shoud be able to read another user object" do
@ability.should be_able_to(:read, @admin)
it "shoud be able to read open projects" do
@project = FactoryGirl.create(:project, visibility: 'open')
@ability.should be_able_to(:read, @project)
it 'should be able to see open platform' do
@ability.should be_able_to(:show, open_platform)
it "shoud be able to create project" do
@ability.should be_able_to(:create, Project)
it "should not be able to manage register requests" do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(:manage, RegisterRequest)
context 'as project collaborator' do
before(:each) do
@project = FactoryGirl.create(:project_with_commit)
@issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project_id: @project.id)
context 'with read rights' do
before(:each) do
create_relation(@project, @user, 'reader')
it 'should be able to read project' do
@ability.should be_able_to(:read, @project)
it 'should be able to read issue' do
@ability.should be_able_to(:read, @issue)
context 'with writer rights' do
before(:each) do
create_relation(@project, @user, 'writer')
[:read, :create, :new].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{ action } project" do
@ability.should be_able_to(action, @project)
[:new, :create].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{action} build_list" do
@build_list = FactoryGirl.create(:build_list_with_attaching_project, project: @project)
@ability.should be_able_to(action, @build_list)
context 'with admin rights' do
before(:each) do
create_relation(@project, @user, 'admin')
[:read, :update].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{ action } project" do
@ability.should be_able_to(action, @project)
[:new, :create].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{action} build_list" do
@build_list = FactoryGirl.create(:build_list_with_attaching_project, project: @project)
@ability.should be_able_to(action, @build_list)
it "should be able to manage collaborators of project" do
@ability.should be_able_to(:manage_collaborators, @project)
[:read, :create, :new, :update, :edit].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{ action } issue" do
@ability.should be_able_to(action, @issue)
context 'with owner rights' do
before(:each) do
@project = FactoryGirl.create(:project_with_commit, owner: @user)
@issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project_id: @project.id)
[:read, :update, :destroy].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{ action } project" do
@ability.should be_able_to(action, @project)
[:new, :create].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{action} build_list" do
@build_list = FactoryGirl.create(:build_list_with_attaching_project, project: @project)
@ability.should be_able_to(action, @build_list)
[:read, :update, :edit].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{ action } issue" do
@ability.should be_able_to(action, @issue)
context 'through group-member' do
before(:each) do
@group_member = FactoryGirl.create(:group)
create_relation(@project, @group_member, 'reader')
@group_member_ability = Ability.new(@group_member.owner)
it 'should be able to read open project' do
@group_member_ability.should be_able_to(:read, @project)
it 'should be able to read closed project' do
@project.update_attribute :visibility, 'hidden'
@group_member_ability.should be_able_to(:read, @project)
it 'should include hidden project in list' do
@project.update_attribute :visibility, 'hidden'
Project.accessible_by(@group_member_ability, :show).where(projects: {id: @project.id}).count.should == 1
context 'platform relations' do
before(:each) do
@platform = FactoryGirl.create(:platform)
context 'with owner rights' do
before(:each) do
@platform.owner = @user
@ability = Ability.new(@user)
[:mass_import, :run_mass_import].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{ action } project" do
@ability.should be_able_to(action, Project)
[:read, :update, :destroy, :change_visibility].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{action} platform" do
@ability.should be_able_to(action, @platform)
context 'with read rights' do
before(:each) do
create_relation(@platform, @user, 'reader')
@ability = Ability.new(@user)
[:mass_import, :run_mass_import].each do |action|
it "should not be able to #{ action } project" do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(action, Project)
it "should be able to read platform" do
@ability.should be_able_to(:read, @platform)
context 'repository relations' do
before(:each) do
@repository = FactoryGirl.create(:repository)
context 'with owner rights' do
before(:each) do
@repository.platform.owner = @user
[:read, :create, :update, :destroy, :add_project, :remove_project, :settings].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{action} repository" do
@ability.should be_able_to(action, @repository)
context 'with read rights' do
before(:each) do
create_relation(@repository.platform, @user, 'reader')
it "should be able to read repository" do
@ability.should be_able_to(:read, @repository)
end # 'repository relations'
context 'product build list relations' do
let(:product_build_list) { FactoryGirl.create(:product_build_list) }
before { FactoryGirl.create(:arch, name: 'x86_64') }
context 'with platform admin rights' do
before do
product_build_list.product.platform.owner = @user
[:read, :create, :update, :destroy, :log, :cancel].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{action} product build list" do
@ability.should be_able_to(action, product_build_list)
context 'with project writer rights' do
before do
create_relation(product_build_list.project, @user, 'writer')
[:read, :create, :log, :cancel].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{action} product build list" do
@ability.should be_able_to(action, product_build_list)
[:update, :destroy].each do |action|
it "should not be able to #{action} product build list" do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(action, product_build_list)
end # 'product build list relations'
end # 'Site user'
# require 'spec_helper'
# require "cancan/matchers"
# def admin_create
# @admin = FactoryGirl.create(:admin)
# @ability = Ability.new(@admin)
# end
# def user_create
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# @ability = Ability.new(@user)
# end
# def guest_create
# @ability = Ability.new(User.new)
# end
# describe CanCan do
# let(:open_platform) { FactoryGirl.create(:platform, visibility: 'open') }
# before(:each) do
# stub_symlink_methods
# end
# context 'Site admin' do
# let(:personal_platform) { FactoryGirl.create(:platform, platform_type: 'personal') }
# let(:personal_repository_main) { FactoryGirl.create(:personal_repository, name: 'main') }
# let(:personal_repository) { FactoryGirl.create(:personal_repository) }
# before(:each) do
# admin_create
# end
# it 'should manage all' do
# #(@ability.can? :manage, :all).should be_truthy
# @ability.should be_able_to(:manage, :all)
# end
# it 'should not be able to destroy personal platforms' do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(:destroy, personal_platform)
# end
# it 'should not be able to destroy personal repositories with name "main"' do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(:destroy, personal_repository_main)
# end
# it 'should be able to destroy personal repositories with name not "main"' do
# @ability.should be_able_to(:destroy, personal_repository)
# end
# end
# context 'Site guest' do
# let(:register_request) { FactoryGirl.create(:register_request) }
# before(:each) do
# guest_create
# end
# it 'should not be able to read open platform' do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(:read, open_platform)
# end
# [:publish, :cancel, :reject_publish, :create_container].each do |action|
# it "should not be able to #{ action } build list" do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(action, BuildList)
# end
# end
# [:mass_import, :run_mass_import].each do |action|
# it "should not be able to #{ action } project" do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(action, Project)
# end
# end
# it 'should not be able to update register request' do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(:update, register_request)
# end
# it 'should not be able to list register requests' do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(:read, register_request)
# end
# it 'should not be able to destroy register requests' do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(:destroy, register_request)
# end
# pending 'should be able to register new user' do # while self registration is closed
# @ability.should be_able_to(:create, User)
# end
# end
# context 'Site user' do
# before(:each) do
# user_create
# end
# [Platform, Repository].each do |model_name|
# it "should be able to read #{model_name}" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(:read, model_name)
# end
# end
# [:mass_import, :run_mass_import].each do |action|
# it "should not be able to #{ action } project" do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(action, Project)
# end
# end
# it "shoud be able to show user profile" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(:show, User)
# end
# it "shoud be able to read another user object" do
# admin_create
# @ability.should be_able_to(:read, @admin)
# end
# it "shoud be able to read open projects" do
# @project = FactoryGirl.create(:project, visibility: 'open')
# @ability.should be_able_to(:read, @project)
# end
# it 'should be able to see open platform' do
# @ability.should be_able_to(:show, open_platform)
# end
# it "shoud be able to create project" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(:create, Project)
# end
# it "should not be able to manage register requests" do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(:manage, RegisterRequest)
# end
# context 'as project collaborator' do
# before(:each) do
# @project = FactoryGirl.create(:project_with_commit)
# @issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project_id: @project.id)
# end
# context 'with read rights' do
# before(:each) do
# create_relation(@project, @user, 'reader')
# end
# it 'should be able to read project' do
# @ability.should be_able_to(:read, @project)
# end
# it 'should be able to read issue' do
# @ability.should be_able_to(:read, @issue)
# end
# end
# context 'with writer rights' do
# before(:each) do
# create_relation(@project, @user, 'writer')
# end
# [:read, :create, :new].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{ action } project" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @project)
# end
# end
# [:new, :create].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{action} build_list" do
# @build_list = FactoryGirl.create(:build_list_with_attaching_project, project: @project)
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @build_list)
# end
# end
# end
# context 'with admin rights' do
# before(:each) do
# create_relation(@project, @user, 'admin')
# end
# [:read, :update].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{ action } project" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @project)
# end
# end
# [:new, :create].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{action} build_list" do
# @build_list = FactoryGirl.create(:build_list_with_attaching_project, project: @project)
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @build_list)
# end
# end
# it "should be able to manage collaborators of project" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(:manage_collaborators, @project)
# end
# [:read, :create, :new, :update, :edit].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{ action } issue" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @issue)
# end
# end
# end
# context 'with owner rights' do
# before(:each) do
# @project = FactoryGirl.create(:project_with_commit, owner: @user)
# @issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project_id: @project.id)
# end
# [:read, :update, :destroy].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{ action } project" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @project)
# end
# end
# [:new, :create].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{action} build_list" do
# @build_list = FactoryGirl.create(:build_list_with_attaching_project, project: @project)
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @build_list)
# end
# end
# [:read, :update, :edit].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{ action } issue" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @issue)
# end
# end
# end
# context 'through group-member' do
# before(:each) do
# @group_member = FactoryGirl.create(:group)
# create_relation(@project, @group_member, 'reader')
# @group_member_ability = Ability.new(@group_member.owner)
# end
# it 'should be able to read open project' do
# @group_member_ability.should be_able_to(:read, @project)
# end
# it 'should be able to read closed project' do
# @project.update_attribute :visibility, 'hidden'
# @group_member_ability.should be_able_to(:read, @project)
# end
# it 'should include hidden project in list' do
# @project.update_attribute :visibility, 'hidden'
# Project.accessible_by(@group_member_ability, :show).where(projects: {id: @project.id}).count.should == 1
# end
# end
# end
# context 'platform relations' do
# before(:each) do
# @platform = FactoryGirl.create(:platform)
# end
# context 'with owner rights' do
# before(:each) do
# @platform.owner = @user
# @platform.save
# @ability = Ability.new(@user)
# end
# [:mass_import, :run_mass_import].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{ action } project" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, Project)
# end
# end
# [:read, :update, :destroy, :change_visibility].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{action} platform" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @platform)
# end
# end
# end
# context 'with read rights' do
# before(:each) do
# create_relation(@platform, @user, 'reader')
# @ability = Ability.new(@user)
# end
# [:mass_import, :run_mass_import].each do |action|
# it "should not be able to #{ action } project" do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(action, Project)
# end
# end
# it "should be able to read platform" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(:read, @platform)
# end
# end
# end
# context 'repository relations' do
# before(:each) do
# @repository = FactoryGirl.create(:repository)
# end
# context 'with owner rights' do
# before(:each) do
# @repository.platform.owner = @user
# @repository.platform.save
# end
# [:read, :create, :update, :destroy, :add_project, :remove_project, :settings].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{action} repository" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @repository)
# end
# end
# end
# context 'with read rights' do
# before(:each) do
# create_relation(@repository.platform, @user, 'reader')
# end
# it "should be able to read repository" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(:read, @repository)
# end
# end
# end # 'repository relations'
# context 'product build list relations' do
# let(:product_build_list) { FactoryGirl.create(:product_build_list) }
# before { FactoryGirl.create(:arch, name: 'x86_64') }
# context 'with platform admin rights' do
# before do
# product_build_list.product.platform.owner = @user
# product_build_list.product.platform.save
# end
# [:read, :create, :update, :destroy, :log, :cancel].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{action} product build list" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, product_build_list)
# end
# end
# end
# context 'with project writer rights' do
# before do
# create_relation(product_build_list.project, @user, 'writer')
# end
# [:read, :create, :log, :cancel].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{action} product build list" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, product_build_list)
# end
# end
# [:update, :destroy].each do |action|
# it "should not be able to #{action} product build list" do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(action, product_build_list)
# end
# end
# end
# end # 'product build list relations'
# end # 'Site user'
# end

View File

@ -1,325 +1,325 @@
require 'spec_helper'
require "cancan/matchers"
def create_comment user
FactoryGirl.create(:comment, user: user, commentable: @commit, project: @project)
def create_comment_in_commit commit, project, body
FactoryGirl.create(:comment, user: @user, commentable: commit, project: project, body: body)
def set_comments_data_for_commit
@ability = Ability.new(@user)
@project = FactoryGirl.create(:project_with_commit, owner: @user)
@commit = @project.repo.commits.first
@comment = create_comment(@user)
@stranger_comment = create_comment(@stranger)
@subscribe_params = {project_id: @project.id, subscribeable_id: @commit.id.hex, subscribeable_type: @commit.class.name}
allow_any_instance_of(Project).to receive(:versions).and_return(%w(v1.0 v2.0))
def should_send_email(args={})
user_mailer = double(:user_mailer)
expect(UserMailer).to receive(:new_comment_notification).with(kind_of(Comment), args[:receiver].id).and_return(user_mailer)
expect(user_mailer).to receive(:deliver)
create_comment args[:commentor]
def should_not_send_email(args={})
expect(UserMailer).to_not receive(:new_comment_notification)
create_comment args[:commentor]
describe Comment do
before { stub_symlink_methods }
context 'for global admin user' do
before(:each) do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:admin)
@stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
it_should_behave_like 'user with create comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with update own comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with update stranger comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy stranger comment ability (for model)'
context 'for project admin user' do
before do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@admin = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@ability = Ability.new(@admin)
create_relation(@project, @admin, 'admin')
it_should_behave_like 'user with create comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with update own comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with update stranger comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy stranger comment ability (for model)'
it 'should send an e-mail by default settings' do
should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @user)
context 'for disabled notify setting new_comment_commit_repo_owner' do
it 'should send an e-mail' do
@user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_repo_owner, false
should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @user)
context 'for disabled notify setting new_comment_commit_owner' do
it 'should send an e-mail' do
@user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_owner, false
should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @user)
context 'for disabled notify setting new_comment_commit_commentor' do
it 'should send an e-mail' do
@user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_commentor, false
should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @user)
context 'for disabled all notify setting expect global' do
it 'should not send an e-mail' do
@user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_repo_owner, false
@user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_owner, false
@user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_commentor, false
should_not_send_email(commentor: @stranger)
context 'for unsubscribe commit' do
it 'should not send an e-mail' do
Subscribe.unsubscribe_from_commit @subscribe_params.merge(user_id: @user.id)
should_not_send_email(commentor: @stranger)
context 'for disabled global notify setting' do
it 'should not send an e-mail' do
@user.notifier.update_column :can_notify, false
should_not_send_email(commentor: @stranger)
context 'for project owner user' do
before(:each) do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@project.owner = @user
it_should_behave_like 'user with create comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with update own comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with update stranger comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy stranger comment ability (for model)'
context 'for default enabled settings' do
it 'should send an e-mail by default settings' do
should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @project.owner)
context 'for disabled notify setting new_comment_commit_repo_owner' do
it 'should not send an e-mail' do
@user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_repo_owner, false
should_not_send_email(commentor: @stranger)
context 'for disabled notify setting new_comment_commit_owner' do
it 'should send an e-mail' do
@user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_owner, false
should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @user)
context 'for disabled notify setting new_comment_commit_commentor' do
it 'should send an e-mail' do
@user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_commentor, false
should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @user)
context 'for disabled all notify setting expect global' do
it 'should not send an e-mail' do
@user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_repo_owner, false
@user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_owner, false
@user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_commentor, false
should_not_send_email(commentor: @stranger)
context 'for unsubscribe project' do
it 'should not send an e-mail' do
Subscribe.unsubscribe_from_commit @subscribe_params.merge(user_id: @user.id)
should_not_send_email(commentor: @stranger)
context 'for disabled global notify setting' do
it 'should not send an e-mail' do
@user.notifier.update_column :can_notify, false
should_not_send_email(commentor: @stranger)
context 'for own commit' do
it 'should send a one e-mail' do
@project.owner.update_column :email, 'code@tpope.net'
should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @project.owner)
context 'for simple user' do
before(:each) do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@simple = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@comment = create_comment(@simple)
@ability = Ability.new(@simple)
Subscribe.unsubscribe_from_commit @subscribe_params.merge(user_id: [@stranger.id, @project.owner.id])
it_should_behave_like 'user with create comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with update own comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user without update stranger comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user without destroy stranger comment ability (for model)'
context 'for default enabled settings' do
it 'should send an e-mail' do
should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @simple)
it 'should send an e-mail for comments after his comment' do
comment = create_comment(@simple)
should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @simple)
it 'should send an e-mail when subscribed to project' do
Subscribe.subscribe_to_commit @subscribe_params.merge(user_id: @simple.id)
should_send_email(commentor: @project.owner, receiver: @simple)
it 'should not send an e-mail for own comment' do
should_not_send_email(commentor: @simple)
context 'for committer' do
it 'should send an e-mail' do
@simple.update_column :email, 'test@test.test'
should_send_email commentor: @stranger, receiver: @simple
it 'should send a one e-mail when subscribed to commit' do
Subscribe.subscribe_to_commit @subscribe_params.merge(user_id: @simple.id)
@simple.update_column :email, 'test@test.test'
should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @simple)
it 'should not send an e-mail for own comment' do
@simple.update_column :email, 'test@test.test'
should_not_send_email(commentor: @simple)
it 'should not send an e-mail if global notify off' do
@project.owner.notifier.update_column :can_notify, false
@simple.update_column :email, 'test@test.test'
@simple.notifier.update_column :can_notify, false
should_not_send_email(commentor: @user)
it 'should not send an e-mail if notify for my commits off' do
@simple.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_owner, false
@simple.update_column :email, 'test@test.test'
should_not_send_email(commentor: @user)
context 'automatic issue linking' do
before(:each) do
@same_name_project = FactoryGirl.create(:project, name: @project.name)
@issue_in_same_name_project = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @same_name_project, user: @same_name_project.owner)
@another_project = FactoryGirl.create(:project, owner: @user)
@other_user_project = FactoryGirl.create(:project)
@issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @project, user: @user)
@second_issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @project, user: @user)
@issue_in_another_project = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @another_project, user: @user)
@issue_in_other_user_project = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @other_user_project, user: @other_user_project.owner)
it 'should create automatic comment' do
create_comment_in_commit(@commit, @project, "test link to ##{@issue.serial_id}; [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]")
Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
commentable_id: @second_issue.id,
created_from_commit_hash: @commit.id.hex).count.should == 1
it 'should create automatic comment in the another project issue' do
body = "[#{@another_project.name_with_owner}##{@issue_in_another_project.serial_id}]"
create_comment_in_commit(@commit, @project, body)
Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
commentable_id: @issue_in_another_project.id,
created_from_commit_hash: @commit.id.hex).count.should == 1
it 'should create automatic comment in the same name project issue' do
body = "[#{@same_name_project.owner.uname}##{@issue_in_same_name_project.serial_id}]"
create_comment_in_commit(@commit, @project, body)
Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
commentable_id: @issue_in_same_name_project.id,
created_from_commit_hash: @commit.id.hex).count.should == 1
it 'should not create duplicate automatic comment' do
create_comment_in_commit(@commit, @project, "test link to [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]")
create_comment_in_commit(@commit, @project, "test duplicate link to [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]")
Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
commentable_id: @second_issue.id,
created_from_commit_hash: @commit.id.hex).count.should == 1
it 'should not create duplicate automatic comment from one' do
create_comment_in_commit(@commit, @project, "test link to [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]; ##{@second_issue.serial_id}")
Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
commentable_id: @second_issue.id,
created_from_commit_hash: @commit.id.hex).count.should == 1
it 'should create two automatic comment' do
body = "test ##{@second_issue.serial_id}" +
" && [#{@another_project.name_with_owner}##{@issue_in_another_project.serial_id}]"
create_comment_in_commit(@commit, @project, body)
Comment.where(automatic: true,
created_from_commit_hash: @commit.id.hex).count.should == 2
# require 'spec_helper'
# require "cancan/matchers"
# def create_comment user
# FactoryGirl.create(:comment, user: user, commentable: @commit, project: @project)
# end
# def create_comment_in_commit commit, project, body
# FactoryGirl.create(:comment, user: @user, commentable: commit, project: project, body: body)
# end
# def set_comments_data_for_commit
# @ability = Ability.new(@user)
# @project = FactoryGirl.create(:project_with_commit, owner: @user)
# @commit = @project.repo.commits.first
# @comment = create_comment(@user)
# @stranger_comment = create_comment(@stranger)
# @subscribe_params = {project_id: @project.id, subscribeable_id: @commit.id.hex, subscribeable_type: @commit.class.name}
# Subscribe.destroy_all
# allow_any_instance_of(Project).to receive(:versions).and_return(%w(v1.0 v2.0))
# end
# def should_send_email(args={})
# user_mailer = double(:user_mailer)
# expect(UserMailer).to receive(:new_comment_notification).with(kind_of(Comment), args[:receiver].id).and_return(user_mailer)
# expect(user_mailer).to receive(:deliver)
# create_comment args[:commentor]
# end
# def should_not_send_email(args={})
# expect(UserMailer).to_not receive(:new_comment_notification)
# create_comment args[:commentor]
# end
# describe Comment do
# before { stub_symlink_methods }
# context 'for global admin user' do
# before(:each) do
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:admin)
# @stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# set_comments_data_for_commit
# end
# it_should_behave_like 'user with create comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with update own comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with update stranger comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy stranger comment ability (for model)'
# end
# context 'for project admin user' do
# before do
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# @stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# set_comments_data_for_commit
# @admin = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# @ability = Ability.new(@admin)
# create_relation(@project, @admin, 'admin')
# end
# it_should_behave_like 'user with create comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with update own comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with update stranger comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy stranger comment ability (for model)'
# it 'should send an e-mail by default settings' do
# should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @user)
# end
# context 'for disabled notify setting new_comment_commit_repo_owner' do
# it 'should send an e-mail' do
# @user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_repo_owner, false
# should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @user)
# end
# end
# context 'for disabled notify setting new_comment_commit_owner' do
# it 'should send an e-mail' do
# @user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_owner, false
# should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @user)
# end
# end
# context 'for disabled notify setting new_comment_commit_commentor' do
# it 'should send an e-mail' do
# @user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_commentor, false
# should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @user)
# end
# end
# context 'for disabled all notify setting expect global' do
# it 'should not send an e-mail' do
# @user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_repo_owner, false
# @user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_owner, false
# @user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_commentor, false
# should_not_send_email(commentor: @stranger)
# end
# end
# context 'for unsubscribe commit' do
# it 'should not send an e-mail' do
# Subscribe.unsubscribe_from_commit @subscribe_params.merge(user_id: @user.id)
# should_not_send_email(commentor: @stranger)
# end
# end
# context 'for disabled global notify setting' do
# it 'should not send an e-mail' do
# @user.notifier.update_column :can_notify, false
# should_not_send_email(commentor: @stranger)
# end
# end
# end
# context 'for project owner user' do
# before(:each) do
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# @stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# set_comments_data_for_commit
# @project.owner = @user
# @project.save
# end
# it_should_behave_like 'user with create comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with update own comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with update stranger comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy stranger comment ability (for model)'
# context 'for default enabled settings' do
# it 'should send an e-mail by default settings' do
# should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @project.owner)
# end
# end
# context 'for disabled notify setting new_comment_commit_repo_owner' do
# it 'should not send an e-mail' do
# @user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_repo_owner, false
# Comment.destroy_all
# should_not_send_email(commentor: @stranger)
# end
# end
# context 'for disabled notify setting new_comment_commit_owner' do
# it 'should send an e-mail' do
# @user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_owner, false
# should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @user)
# end
# end
# context 'for disabled notify setting new_comment_commit_commentor' do
# it 'should send an e-mail' do
# @user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_commentor, false
# should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @user)
# end
# end
# context 'for disabled all notify setting expect global' do
# it 'should not send an e-mail' do
# @user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_repo_owner, false
# @user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_owner, false
# @user.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_commentor, false
# should_not_send_email(commentor: @stranger)
# end
# end
# context 'for unsubscribe project' do
# it 'should not send an e-mail' do
# Subscribe.unsubscribe_from_commit @subscribe_params.merge(user_id: @user.id)
# should_not_send_email(commentor: @stranger)
# end
# end
# context 'for disabled global notify setting' do
# it 'should not send an e-mail' do
# @user.notifier.update_column :can_notify, false
# should_not_send_email(commentor: @stranger)
# end
# end
# context 'for own commit' do
# it 'should send a one e-mail' do
# @project.owner.update_column :email, 'code@tpope.net'
# should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @project.owner)
# end
# end
# end
# context 'for simple user' do
# before(:each) do
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# @simple = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# @stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# set_comments_data_for_commit
# @comment = create_comment(@simple)
# @ability = Ability.new(@simple)
# Subscribe.unsubscribe_from_commit @subscribe_params.merge(user_id: [@stranger.id, @project.owner.id])
# end
# it_should_behave_like 'user with create comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with update own comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user without update stranger comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user without destroy stranger comment ability (for model)'
# context 'for default enabled settings' do
# it 'should send an e-mail' do
# should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @simple)
# end
# it 'should send an e-mail for comments after his comment' do
# comment = create_comment(@simple)
# should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @simple)
# end
# it 'should send an e-mail when subscribed to project' do
# Subscribe.subscribe_to_commit @subscribe_params.merge(user_id: @simple.id)
# should_send_email(commentor: @project.owner, receiver: @simple)
# end
# it 'should not send an e-mail for own comment' do
# should_not_send_email(commentor: @simple)
# end
# end
# context 'for committer' do
# it 'should send an e-mail' do
# @simple.update_column :email, 'test@test.test'
# should_send_email commentor: @stranger, receiver: @simple
# end
# it 'should send a one e-mail when subscribed to commit' do
# Subscribe.subscribe_to_commit @subscribe_params.merge(user_id: @simple.id)
# @simple.update_column :email, 'test@test.test'
# should_send_email(commentor: @stranger, receiver: @simple)
# end
# it 'should not send an e-mail for own comment' do
# @simple.update_column :email, 'test@test.test'
# should_not_send_email(commentor: @simple)
# end
# it 'should not send an e-mail if global notify off' do
# @project.owner.notifier.update_column :can_notify, false
# @simple.update_column :email, 'test@test.test'
# @simple.notifier.update_column :can_notify, false
# should_not_send_email(commentor: @user)
# end
# it 'should not send an e-mail if notify for my commits off' do
# Comment.destroy_all
# @simple.notifier.update_column :new_comment_commit_owner, false
# @simple.update_column :email, 'test@test.test'
# should_not_send_email(commentor: @user)
# end
# end
# context 'automatic issue linking' do
# before(:each) do
# @same_name_project = FactoryGirl.create(:project, name: @project.name)
# @issue_in_same_name_project = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @same_name_project, user: @same_name_project.owner)
# @another_project = FactoryGirl.create(:project, owner: @user)
# @other_user_project = FactoryGirl.create(:project)
# @issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @project, user: @user)
# @second_issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @project, user: @user)
# @issue_in_another_project = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @another_project, user: @user)
# @issue_in_other_user_project = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @other_user_project, user: @other_user_project.owner)
# end
# it 'should create automatic comment' do
# create_comment_in_commit(@commit, @project, "test link to ##{@issue.serial_id}; [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]")
# Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
# commentable_id: @second_issue.id,
# created_from_commit_hash: @commit.id.hex).count.should == 1
# end
# it 'should create automatic comment in the another project issue' do
# body = "[#{@another_project.name_with_owner}##{@issue_in_another_project.serial_id}]"
# create_comment_in_commit(@commit, @project, body)
# Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
# commentable_id: @issue_in_another_project.id,
# created_from_commit_hash: @commit.id.hex).count.should == 1
# end
# it 'should create automatic comment in the same name project issue' do
# body = "[#{@same_name_project.owner.uname}##{@issue_in_same_name_project.serial_id}]"
# create_comment_in_commit(@commit, @project, body)
# Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
# commentable_id: @issue_in_same_name_project.id,
# created_from_commit_hash: @commit.id.hex).count.should == 1
# end
# it 'should not create duplicate automatic comment' do
# create_comment_in_commit(@commit, @project, "test link to [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]")
# create_comment_in_commit(@commit, @project, "test duplicate link to [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]")
# Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
# commentable_id: @second_issue.id,
# created_from_commit_hash: @commit.id.hex).count.should == 1
# end
# it 'should not create duplicate automatic comment from one' do
# create_comment_in_commit(@commit, @project, "test link to [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]; ##{@second_issue.serial_id}")
# Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
# commentable_id: @second_issue.id,
# created_from_commit_hash: @commit.id.hex).count.should == 1
# end
# it 'should create two automatic comment' do
# body = "test ##{@second_issue.serial_id}" +
# " && [#{@another_project.name_with_owner}##{@issue_in_another_project.serial_id}]"
# create_comment_in_commit(@commit, @project, body)
# Comment.where(automatic: true,
# created_from_commit_hash: @commit.id.hex).count.should == 2
# end
# end
# end
# end

View File

@ -1,196 +1,196 @@
require 'spec_helper'
require "cancan/matchers"
def set_commentable_data
@ability = Ability.new(@user)
@project = FactoryGirl.create(:project)
@issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project_id: @project.id, user: @user)
@comment = FactoryGirl.create(:comment, commentable: @issue, user: @user, project: @project)
@stranger_comment = FactoryGirl.create(:comment, commentable: @issue, user: @stranger, project: @project)
allow_any_instance_of(Project).to receive(:versions).and_return(%w(v1.0 v2.0))
def create_comment_in_issue issue, body
FactoryGirl.create(:comment, user: issue.user, commentable: issue, project: issue.project, body: body)
describe Comment do
before { stub_symlink_methods }
context 'for global admin user' do
before(:each) do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:admin)
@stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
it_should_behave_like 'user with create comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with update own comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with update stranger comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy stranger comment ability (for model)'
context 'for project admin user' do
before(:each) do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
create_relation(@project, @user, 'admin')
it_should_behave_like 'user with create comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with update own comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with update stranger comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy stranger comment ability (for model)'
pending "sends an e-mail" do
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last.to.include?(@stranger.email).should == true
context 'for project owner user' do
before(:each) do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@project.owner = @user
create_relation(@project, @user, 'admin')
it_should_behave_like 'user with create comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with update own comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with update stranger comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy stranger comment ability (for model)'
context 'for simple user' do
before(:each) do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
it_should_behave_like 'user with create comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with update own comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user without update stranger comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy comment ability (for model)'
it_should_behave_like 'user without destroy stranger comment ability (for model)'
context 'with mass assignment' do
it 'should not be able to update commentable' do
@comment.update_attributes({commentable_type: 'Grit::Commit', commentable_id: 0})
@comment.reload.commentable_id.should eql @issue.id
@comment.reload.commentable_type.should eql @issue.class.name
it 'should not be able to update owner' do
@comment.should_not allow_mass_assignment_of :user_id
it 'should not be able to update project' do
@comment.should_not allow_mass_assignment_of :project_id
context 'automatic issue linking' do
before(:each) do
@same_name_project = FactoryGirl.create(:project, name: @project.name)
@issue_in_same_name_project = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @same_name_project, user: @same_name_project.owner)
@another_project = FactoryGirl.create(:project, owner: @user)
@other_user_project = FactoryGirl.create(:project)
@issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @project, user: @user)
@second_issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @project, user: @user)
@issue_in_another_project = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @another_project, user: @user)
@issue_in_other_user_project = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @other_user_project, user: @other_user_project.owner)
it 'should create automatic comment' do
create_comment_in_issue(@issue, "test link to ##{@issue.serial_id}; [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]")
Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
commentable_id: @second_issue.id,
created_from_issue_id: @issue.id).count.should == 1
it 'should not create automatic comment to the same issue' do
create_comment_in_issue(@issue, "test link to ##{@issue.serial_id}; [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]")
Comment.where(automatic: true,
created_from_issue_id: @issue.id).count.should == 1
it 'should create automatic comment in the another project issue' do
body = "[#{@another_project.name_with_owner}##{@issue_in_another_project.serial_id}]"
create_comment_in_issue(@issue, body)
Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
commentable_id: @issue_in_another_project.id,
created_from_issue_id: @issue.id).count.should == 1
it 'should create automatic comment in the same name project issue' do
body = "[#{@same_name_project.owner.uname}##{@issue_in_same_name_project.serial_id}]"
create_comment_in_issue(@issue, body)
Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
commentable_id: @issue_in_same_name_project.id,
created_from_issue_id: @issue.id).count.should == 1
it 'should not create duplicate automatic comment' do
create_comment_in_issue(@issue, "test link to [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]")
create_comment_in_issue(@issue, "test duplicate link to [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]")
Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
commentable_id: @second_issue.id,
created_from_issue_id: @issue.id).count.should == 1
it 'should not create duplicate automatic comment from one' do
create_comment_in_issue(@issue, "test link to [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]; ##{@second_issue.serial_id}")
Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
commentable_id: @second_issue.id,
created_from_issue_id: @issue.id).count.should == 1
it 'should create two automatic comment' do
body = "test ##{@second_issue.serial_id}" +
" && [#{@another_project.name_with_owner}##{@issue_in_another_project.serial_id}]"
create_comment_in_issue(@issue, body)
Comment.where(automatic: true,
created_from_issue_id: @issue.id).count.should == 2
it 'should create automatic comment by issue title' do
issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @project, user: @user,
title: "link to ##{@issue.serial_id}")
expect(Comment.where(automatic: true,
created_from_issue_id: issue.id).count).to eq 1
it 'should create automatic comment from issue body' do
issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @project, user: @user,
body: "link to ##{@issue.serial_id}")
Comment.where(automatic: true,
created_from_issue_id: issue.id).count.should == 1
it 'should create only one automatic comment from issue title and body' do
issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @project, user: @user,
title: "link to ##{@issue.serial_id} in title",
:body => "link to ##{@issue.serial_id} in body")
Comment.where(automatic: true,
created_from_issue_id: issue.id).count.should == 1
# require 'spec_helper'
# require "cancan/matchers"
# def set_commentable_data
# @ability = Ability.new(@user)
# @project = FactoryGirl.create(:project)
# @issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project_id: @project.id, user: @user)
# @comment = FactoryGirl.create(:comment, commentable: @issue, user: @user, project: @project)
# @stranger_comment = FactoryGirl.create(:comment, commentable: @issue, user: @stranger, project: @project)
# allow_any_instance_of(Project).to receive(:versions).and_return(%w(v1.0 v2.0))
# end
# def create_comment_in_issue issue, body
# FactoryGirl.create(:comment, user: issue.user, commentable: issue, project: issue.project, body: body)
# end
# describe Comment do
# before { stub_symlink_methods }
# context 'for global admin user' do
# before(:each) do
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:admin)
# @stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# set_commentable_data
# end
# it_should_behave_like 'user with create comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with update own comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with update stranger comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy stranger comment ability (for model)'
# end
# context 'for project admin user' do
# before(:each) do
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# @stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# set_commentable_data
# create_relation(@project, @user, 'admin')
# end
# it_should_behave_like 'user with create comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with update own comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with update stranger comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy stranger comment ability (for model)'
# pending "sends an e-mail" do
# ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last.to.include?(@stranger.email).should == true
# end
# end
# context 'for project owner user' do
# before(:each) do
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# @stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# set_commentable_data
# @project.owner = @user
# @project.save
# create_relation(@project, @user, 'admin')
# end
# it_should_behave_like 'user with create comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with update own comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with update stranger comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy stranger comment ability (for model)'
# end
# context 'for simple user' do
# before(:each) do
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# @stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# set_commentable_data
# end
# it_should_behave_like 'user with create comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with update own comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user without update stranger comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user with destroy comment ability (for model)'
# it_should_behave_like 'user without destroy stranger comment ability (for model)'
# context 'with mass assignment' do
# it 'should not be able to update commentable' do
# @comment.update_attributes({commentable_type: 'Grit::Commit', commentable_id: 0})
# @comment.reload.commentable_id.should eql @issue.id
# @comment.reload.commentable_type.should eql @issue.class.name
# end
# it 'should not be able to update owner' do
# @comment.should_not allow_mass_assignment_of :user_id
# end
# it 'should not be able to update project' do
# @comment.should_not allow_mass_assignment_of :project_id
# end
# end
# context 'automatic issue linking' do
# before(:each) do
# @same_name_project = FactoryGirl.create(:project, name: @project.name)
# @issue_in_same_name_project = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @same_name_project, user: @same_name_project.owner)
# @another_project = FactoryGirl.create(:project, owner: @user)
# @other_user_project = FactoryGirl.create(:project)
# @issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @project, user: @user)
# @second_issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @project, user: @user)
# @issue_in_another_project = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @another_project, user: @user)
# @issue_in_other_user_project = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @other_user_project, user: @other_user_project.owner)
# end
# it 'should create automatic comment' do
# create_comment_in_issue(@issue, "test link to ##{@issue.serial_id}; [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]")
# Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
# commentable_id: @second_issue.id,
# created_from_issue_id: @issue.id).count.should == 1
# end
# it 'should not create automatic comment to the same issue' do
# create_comment_in_issue(@issue, "test link to ##{@issue.serial_id}; [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]")
# Comment.where(automatic: true,
# created_from_issue_id: @issue.id).count.should == 1
# end
# it 'should create automatic comment in the another project issue' do
# body = "[#{@another_project.name_with_owner}##{@issue_in_another_project.serial_id}]"
# create_comment_in_issue(@issue, body)
# Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
# commentable_id: @issue_in_another_project.id,
# created_from_issue_id: @issue.id).count.should == 1
# end
# it 'should create automatic comment in the same name project issue' do
# body = "[#{@same_name_project.owner.uname}##{@issue_in_same_name_project.serial_id}]"
# create_comment_in_issue(@issue, body)
# Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
# commentable_id: @issue_in_same_name_project.id,
# created_from_issue_id: @issue.id).count.should == 1
# end
# it 'should not create duplicate automatic comment' do
# create_comment_in_issue(@issue, "test link to [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]")
# create_comment_in_issue(@issue, "test duplicate link to [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]")
# Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
# commentable_id: @second_issue.id,
# created_from_issue_id: @issue.id).count.should == 1
# end
# it 'should not create duplicate automatic comment from one' do
# create_comment_in_issue(@issue, "test link to [##{@second_issue.serial_id}]; ##{@second_issue.serial_id}")
# Comment.where(automatic: true, commentable_type: 'Issue',
# commentable_id: @second_issue.id,
# created_from_issue_id: @issue.id).count.should == 1
# end
# it 'should create two automatic comment' do
# body = "test ##{@second_issue.serial_id}" +
# " && [#{@another_project.name_with_owner}##{@issue_in_another_project.serial_id}]"
# create_comment_in_issue(@issue, body)
# Comment.where(automatic: true,
# created_from_issue_id: @issue.id).count.should == 2
# end
# it 'should create automatic comment by issue title' do
# issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @project, user: @user,
# title: "link to ##{@issue.serial_id}")
# expect(Comment.where(automatic: true,
# created_from_issue_id: issue.id).count).to eq 1
# end
# it 'should create automatic comment from issue body' do
# issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @project, user: @user,
# body: "link to ##{@issue.serial_id}")
# Comment.where(automatic: true,
# created_from_issue_id: issue.id).count.should == 1
# end
# it 'should create only one automatic comment from issue title and body' do
# issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project: @project, user: @user,
# title: "link to ##{@issue.serial_id} in title",
# :body => "link to ##{@issue.serial_id} in body")
# Comment.where(automatic: true,
# created_from_issue_id: issue.id).count.should == 1
# end
# end
# end
# end

View File

@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
require 'spec_helper'
require "cancan/matchers"
describe Group do
before(:each) do
@group = FactoryGirl.create(:group)
@ability = Ability.new(User.new)
context 'for guest' do
[:read, :update, :destroy, :manage_members].each do |action|
it "should not be able to #{action} group" do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(action, @group)
context 'for global admin' do
before(:each) do
@admin = FactoryGirl.create(:admin)
@ability = Ability.new(@admin)
[:read, :update, :destroy, :manage_members].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{action} group" do
@ability.should be_able_to(action, @group)
context 'for group admin' do
before(:each) do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@another_user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
create_actor_relation(@group, @user, 'admin')
@ability = Ability.new(@user)
[:read, :update, :manage_members].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{action} group" do
@ability.should be_able_to(action, @group)
it "should not be able to destroy group" do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(:destroy, @group)
context 'with mass assignment' do
it 'should not be able to update uname' do
@group.should_not allow_mass_assignment_of uname: 'new_uname'
it 'should not be able to update owner' do
@group.should_not allow_mass_assignment_of owner_type: 'User', owner_id: @another_user.id
context 'for group owner' do
before(:each) do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@group.owner = @user
create_actor_relation(@group, @user, 'admin')
@ability = Ability.new(@user)
[:read, :update, :destroy, :manage_members].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{action} group" do
@ability.should be_able_to(action, @group)
context 'for group reader and writer user' do
before(:each) do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
create_actor_relation(@group, @user, 'reader')
@ability = Ability.new(@user)
[:read].each do |action|
it "should be able to #{action} group" do
@ability.should be_able_to(action, @group)
[:update, :destroy, :manage_members].each do |action|
it "should not be able to #{action} group" do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(action, @group)
it {should_not allow_value("How do you do...\nmy_group").for(:uname)}
# require 'spec_helper'
# require "cancan/matchers"
# describe Group do
# before(:each) do
# stub_symlink_methods
# @group = FactoryGirl.create(:group)
# @ability = Ability.new(User.new)
# end
# context 'for guest' do
# [:read, :update, :destroy, :manage_members].each do |action|
# it "should not be able to #{action} group" do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(action, @group)
# end
# end
# end
# context 'for global admin' do
# before(:each) do
# @admin = FactoryGirl.create(:admin)
# @ability = Ability.new(@admin)
# end
# [:read, :update, :destroy, :manage_members].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{action} group" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @group)
# end
# end
# end
# context 'for group admin' do
# before(:each) do
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# @another_user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# create_actor_relation(@group, @user, 'admin')
# @ability = Ability.new(@user)
# end
# [:read, :update, :manage_members].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{action} group" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @group)
# end
# end
# it "should not be able to destroy group" do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(:destroy, @group)
# end
# context 'with mass assignment' do
# it 'should not be able to update uname' do
# @group.should_not allow_mass_assignment_of uname: 'new_uname'
# end
# it 'should not be able to update owner' do
# @group.should_not allow_mass_assignment_of owner_type: 'User', owner_id: @another_user.id
# end
# end
# end
# context 'for group owner' do
# before(:each) do
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# @group.owner = @user
# @group.save
# create_actor_relation(@group, @user, 'admin')
# @ability = Ability.new(@user)
# end
# [:read, :update, :destroy, :manage_members].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{action} group" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @group)
# end
# end
# end
# context 'for group reader and writer user' do
# before(:each) do
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# create_actor_relation(@group, @user, 'reader')
# @ability = Ability.new(@user)
# end
# [:read].each do |action|
# it "should be able to #{action} group" do
# @ability.should be_able_to(action, @group)
# end
# end
# [:update, :destroy, :manage_members].each do |action|
# it "should not be able to #{action} group" do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(action, @group)
# end
# end
# end
# it {should_not allow_value("How do you do...\nmy_group").for(:uname)}
# end

View File

@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
require 'spec_helper'
require "cancan/matchers"
def set_testable_data
@ability = Ability.new(@user)
@project = FactoryGirl.create(:project)
@issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project_id: @project.id)
allow_any_instance_of(Project).to receive(:versions).and_return(%w(v1.0 v2.0))
describe Subscribe do
before { stub_symlink_methods }
context 'for global admin user' do
before(:each) do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:admin)
@stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
it 'should create subscribe' do
@ability.should be_able_to(:create, FactoryGirl.build(:subscribe, subscribeable: @issue, user: @user))
context 'destroy' do
before(:each) do
@subscribe = FactoryGirl.create(:subscribe, subscribeable: @issue, user: @user)
@stranger_subscribe = FactoryGirl.create(:subscribe, subscribeable: @issue, user: @stranger)
context 'own subscribe' do
it 'should destroy subscribe' do
@ability.should be_able_to(:destroy, @subscribe)
context 'stranger subscribe' do
it 'should not destroy subscribe' do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(:destroy, @stranger_subscribe)
context 'for simple user' do
before(:each) do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
it 'should create subscribe' do
@ability.should be_able_to(:create, FactoryGirl.build(:subscribe, subscribeable: @issue, user: @user))
context 'destroy' do
before(:each) do
@subscribe = FactoryGirl.create(:subscribe, subscribeable: @issue, user: @user)
@stranger_subscribe = FactoryGirl.create(:subscribe, subscribeable: @issue, user: @stranger)
context 'own subscribe' do
it 'should destroy subscribe' do
@ability.should be_able_to(:destroy, @subscribe)
context 'stranger subscribe' do
it 'should not destroy subscribe' do
@ability.should_not be_able_to(:destroy, @stranger_subscribe)
# require 'spec_helper'
# require "cancan/matchers"
# def set_testable_data
# @ability = Ability.new(@user)
# @project = FactoryGirl.create(:project)
# @issue = FactoryGirl.create(:issue, project_id: @project.id)
# allow_any_instance_of(Project).to receive(:versions).and_return(%w(v1.0 v2.0))
# end
# describe Subscribe do
# before { stub_symlink_methods }
# context 'for global admin user' do
# before(:each) do
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:admin)
# @stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# set_testable_data
# end
# it 'should create subscribe' do
# @ability.should be_able_to(:create, FactoryGirl.build(:subscribe, subscribeable: @issue, user: @user))
# end
# context 'destroy' do
# before(:each) do
# @subscribe = FactoryGirl.create(:subscribe, subscribeable: @issue, user: @user)
# @stranger_subscribe = FactoryGirl.create(:subscribe, subscribeable: @issue, user: @stranger)
# end
# context 'own subscribe' do
# it 'should destroy subscribe' do
# @ability.should be_able_to(:destroy, @subscribe)
# end
# end
# context 'stranger subscribe' do
# it 'should not destroy subscribe' do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(:destroy, @stranger_subscribe)
# end
# end
# end
# end
# context 'for simple user' do
# before(:each) do
# @user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# @stranger = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# set_testable_data
# end
# it 'should create subscribe' do
# @ability.should be_able_to(:create, FactoryGirl.build(:subscribe, subscribeable: @issue, user: @user))
# end
# context 'destroy' do
# before(:each) do
# @subscribe = FactoryGirl.create(:subscribe, subscribeable: @issue, user: @user)
# @stranger_subscribe = FactoryGirl.create(:subscribe, subscribeable: @issue, user: @stranger)
# end
# context 'own subscribe' do
# it 'should destroy subscribe' do
# @ability.should be_able_to(:destroy, @subscribe)
# end
# end
# context 'stranger subscribe' do
# it 'should not destroy subscribe' do
# @ability.should_not be_able_to(:destroy, @stranger_subscribe)
# end
# end
# end
# end
# end