2012-02-29 01:30:22 +00:00
# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-
class ApplicationPresenter < RosaPresenter::Base
2012-02-18 22:47:57 +00:00
2012-02-29 01:30:22 +00:00
#class ApplicationPresenter
# include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor
# include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
# include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
# attr_accessor :controller
# def initialize(item, opts)
# end
# # TODO it needs to be refactored!
# class << self
# def present(item, opts, &block)
# block.call(self.new(item, opts))
# end
# def present_collection(collection, &block)
# res = collection.map {|e| self.new(*e)}
# if block.present?
# res = res.inject('') do |akk, presenter|
# akk << block.call(presenter)
# akk
# end
# end
# return res
# end
# end
# protected
# def t(*args)
# I18n.translate(*args)
# end
# def l(*args)
# I18n.localize(*args)
# end
#module Presenters
# module Activation
# def self.included(klass) # :nodoc:
# klass.prepend_before_filter :activate_presenter
# end
# private
# def activate_presenter
# ApplicationPresenter.controller = self
# end
# end
#ActionController::Base.send(:include, Presenters::Activation)